Using the Control Panel
The Audiophile 192’s driver software provides a simple yet powerful interface with your computer and Digital Audio Workstation software. The control panel allows you to mix any of the Audiophile192’s inputs to the Monitor Outputs for
The Audiophile 192 control panel is installed in your system when you complete the driver installation procedure. To open the control panel:
In Windows – A tiny “M,” which is the
On the Mac – The Audiophile 192 control panel can be found in the System Preferences.
NOTE: The Audiophile 192 control panel can also be opened from an
The screenshots shown in the following sections are taken from the Windows control panel. While somewhat different in appearance, the Mac control panel is functionally equivalent. Any differences in actual function are detailed in the following sections.
Monitor Mixer Page
The Monitor Mixer page has fader controls for the input sources feeding the Audiophile 192’s software Monitor Mixer. The output of the Monitor Mixer appears at the analog Monitor Outputs.
The inputs derive their audio streams from the Audiophile 192’s analog and digital inputs, as well as audio streams from your DAW application. Each input source has its own individual Mute and Solo boxes, and the channels can be linked by checking the “Stereo Link” box. The faders are
Note that the Main Outputs’ overall output level is affected by the S/W RET 1/2 (WavOut 1/2) level faders.
• WavOut 1/2*
These faders control the level of the main audio stream output assigned from your DAW in the monitor mixer, and the overall output of the Analog Hardware Outs 1 and 2.
*Note: on the Mac, this is labeled SW Out 1/2.
• WavOut S/PDIF*
These faders control the level of the audio stream output from your DAW, as assigned to the S/PDIF Digital Outputs in the monitor mixer. (The output assignment is selected within your DAW software.) These faders have no effect on the S/PDIF output level.
*Note: on the Mac this is labeled SW Out S/PDIF.
• H/W in S/PDIF
These faders control the mixer level of the audio stream output connected directly to the S/PDIF digital Inputs, providing for
• H/W in 1/2
These faders control the level of the audio stream output connected directly to the Analog Inputs, providing for