c.Turn on power supply.
d.DVM should read approximately 5Vdc.
e.Set voltage and current controls of power supply to maximum.
f.Decrease resistance of electronic load until "UNREGULATED" LED on
a.DVM should now read between 0 and 0.4Vdc.
To check LOW BIAS or AC Dropout proceed as follows:
a.Using test
b.Substitute an oscilloscope in place of DVM. Set vertical deflection for 1 volt/div on the DC input.
c.Turn power on and observe oscilloscope trace. Voltage should increase to 5V at
d.Turn power off. Voltage should go to about 5Vdc before decaying back to 0V.
Note | In this test, the Low BIAS or AC Dropout signal decays to 0V only because of loss of power to the + 5V |
| REG Bias Supply used in the test |
To check OVERTEMPERATURE proceed as follows:
a.Turn off power supply and disconnect line cord.
b.Wait at least two minutes for input capacitors to discharge .
c.Remove top cover and inside cover.
d.Using test
e.Turn on power supply.
f.DVM should read approximately 5VAC.
g.Turn off power and wait two minutes.
h.Remove the A4 FET Assembly from the unit.
i.Turn on power supply. DVM should read between 0 to 0.4Vdc.
Note | The FET heatsinks are connected to the primary circuit and hazardous voltage (up to between 300 to |
| 400V) exists between the heatsinks and the heatsink and the chassis. These potentials remain for up to 2 |
| minutes if the power supply is turned off. Do not touch the heatsinks or any components on the heatsink |
| assemblies while the power supply is turned on or for at least two minutes after primary power is |
| removed. Do not place any of the heatsink assemblies on extender boards. |
Troubleshooting Remote Shutdown. The following procedures check the Remote Shutdown features of 002 Option. Troubleshooting can be accomplished by using a logic probe and referring to the schematic and the circuit description on page 93. Before attempting to troubleshoot the Remote Shutdown section of the option, check for + 5Vdc internal bias. This voltage must be present for proper operation of these circuits
To check the REMOTE TRIP and REMOTE RESET proceed as follows:
a.Connect +5V
b.Turn unit on and short REMOTE TRIP
To check REMOTE INHIBIT proceed as follows:
b.Turn unit on and short REMOTE INHIBIT
c.Remove short between REMOTE INHIBIT