Toshiba B-852-TS12-QP owner manual Print Conditions

Page 34



4.4 Dump Mode

4.4Dump Mode (Cont.) The data in the receive buffer is printed as follows:

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Feed direction

Print Conditions

Printing width: 4.2 inches

Sensor selection: None

Print speed: 4”/sec.

Printing mode: Depends on the selection in use.

16 bytes/line

Receive buffer size

RS-232C: 10K bytes (427 lines)

Centronics: 10K bytes (427 lines)

Network Interface: 8K bytes (342 lines)

E4- 4

Image 34
Contents 852-TS12-QP List of Standard of Conformity 852-TS12-QP 6DIHW\6XPPDU\ Precautions Request Regarding MaintenanceTable of Contents EA2-1 E6-1EA1-1 EA3-1Product Overview Introduction FeaturesUnpacking Accessories Front View DimensionsAppearance Rear ViewOperation Panel InteriorPrinter Setup PrecautionsProcedure before Operation Assembling the Accessories Assembling the Supply Holder FrameConnecting the Cables to Your Printer Connecting the Power Cord Turning on the Printer Turning the PrinterTurning OFF the Printer Installing the Media onto the Supply Holder Unit Loading the MediaSpacer Supply Holder Printer Loading Media into the Printer Head Pressure Adjust Lever Setting the Feed Gap Sensor Setting the Black Mark SensorLoading the Ribbon Disconnect the mainsInserting the Optional Pcmcia Cards COMTest Print If necessary, the print test may now be repeated from step E2-17 Overview Printer OperationOperating Modes Operating Modes On Line Mode Operation PanelOperation Reset Dump Mode Restart keyPrint Conditions Cleaning MaintenancePrint Head/Platen/ Sensors Covers and Panels Optional Cutter ModuleTroubleshooting Error MessagesPossible Problems Possible Problems Causes SolutionsRemoving Jammed Media Threshold Setting Feed keyAppendix 1 Specifications A1.1 PrinterA1.3.1 Media Type A1.2 OptionsA1.3 Media LabelA1.3.2 Detection Area of the Transmissive Sensor A1.3.3 Detection Area of the Reflective Sensor A1.3.4 Effective Print AreaA1.4 Ribbon Symbols in the message Appendix 2 Messages and LedsFollowing message appears Appendix 3 Interface „Interface CablesAppendix 4 Print Samples Appendix 4 Print Samples UPC-A Glossaries Bar codePre-printed media Index Index