Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check whether a fax transmission was successful or not?
Check the communication result on the display.
Is it possible to specify several destinations at once?
Yes. Storing numbers in a Group beforehand lets you quickly and easily specify multiple destinations in a single operation.
⇒ P.136 “Checking the Transmission
Result (TX Status)”
⇒ P.76 “Dialing with Groups”
How do I confirm exactly where my fax is being sent?
With Immediate Transmission you can monitor the status of the transmission at the machine.
⇒P.55 “Immediate Transmission”
I have to send a fax at a specific time, but I will not be in the office then. What can I do?
Specify the transmission time to suit you or the other party.
⇒P.104 “Send Later”
Is there any way I can cut down on my telephone bill a little?
Specify messages to be sent automatically at an
How can I quickly recognize received messages?
Have each page of received documents automatically marked.
⇒P.98 “Checkered Mark”
Can I redial a number?
Yes. The machine remembers the last 10 destinations so you do not have to enter recently dialed numbers again.
⇒P.77 “Redialing Numbers”
⇒P.104 “Send Later”