This feature allows a machine con- nected to a pulse dialing line to send tonal signals (for example if you want to use a special service on a tone dial- ing line). When you press the User Function key assigned with the Tone feature, the machine dials the number using tonal signals.
You need to assign the Tone fea- ture to a User Function key before- hand.
❒You cannot place a tone before the first digit of a fax number.
❒Some services may not be available when using the Tone feature.
❒A tone is shown as a “ • ” on the display.
❖Sending tone signals by ISDN (ISDN option Required)
You can still send tone signals to a G3 user even if the machine is only connected to an ISDN line.
❒This feature can only be used for Memory or Immediate Transmis- sion. You cannot dial through ISDN using Manual Dial. When only connected to ISDN, you can use On Hook Dial.
SUB Code Transmission
Normally you can only use Confiden- tial Transmission or Transfer Request to send to fax machines of the same make that have the Confidential Re- ception or the Transfer Request fea-
ture. However, if the other machine supports a similar feature called SUB/SID, you can send fax messages to the other party using this method instead.
You can also use SUB code Transmis- |
sion to send messages to Personal | 2 |
Boxes and Transfer Boxes registered | |
in other fax machines. |
You need to assign the Dial Option feature to a User Function key be- forehand.
You can only use this feature in a G3 communications (not with G4).
You cannot use Chain Dial with this feature.
❒The ID can be up to 20 digits long and consist of digits, spaces, * and #.
❒Make sure the ID matches the specification of the fax you are sending to.
❒You can store IDs in Quick Dials, Speed Dials, Groups and Pro- grams.
❒Messages you send using this fea- ture are marked “SUB” on the re- ports below:
•File Reserve Report (Memory Transmission)
•File Reserve Report (Polling Re- ception)
•Communication Result Report
•Communication Failure Report
•Transmission Result Report
ASet your document and make any changes to the scan settings if nec- essary.