Registering Information in Your Machine
2 Use the numeric keys to enter the character.
Press the key repeatedly until the character you want appears.
Key | Letter Mode | Number Mode |
[1] | 1 | |
[2] | ABCabc | 2 |
[3] | DEFdef | 3 |
[4] | GHIghi | 4 |
[5] | JKLjkl | 5 |
[6] | MNOmno | 6 |
[7] | PQRSpqrs | 7 |
[8] | TUVtuv | 8 |
[9] | WXYZwxyz | 9 |
[0] |
| 0 |
[#] | #+ | |
| %&+()[]{}<> |
●To enter two characters that are under the same key:
❑Press the numeric key ➞ [] ➞ press the same numeric key again. For example, to enter <DD> you would press [3] ➞ [
] ➞ [3].
●To enter a space:
❑Press [] twice.
●To delete a character:
❑Press [].
●To delete an entire entry:
❑Press [Clear].