Peg-Perego aria on track manual ENEnglish, Thank you for choosing a Peg-Pérego product

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Thank you for choosing a Peg-Pérego product.

Peg-Pérego S.p.A. is ISO 9001 certified.

• This certification offers customers and consumers a guarantee of transparency and confidence in the company’s mode of operation.


IMPORTANT: read these instructions carefully and keep them for future use. The child’s safety could be at risk if these instructions are not followed.

This item was designed for the transport of 1 child in the seat.

Do not use this item for a number of occupants greater than that intended by the manufacturer.

This item is approved for children from 6 months up to a weight of 15 kg in the seat.

The assembly and preparation of the item must be carried out by an adult.

Do not use this item if there are parts missing or signs of breakage.

Always use the five point harness; always use the harness crotch strap in combination with the waist strap.

It may be dangerous to leave your child unattended.

Always apply the brake when stationary.

Before use check that all the attachment mechanisms are correctly engaged.

Do not insert fingers into the mechanisms.

Be careful not to hurt the child when adjusting the mechanisms (handlebar, backrest).

Any weights hanging on the handlebar or handles could make the item unstable; follow the manufacturer’s instructions as regards the maximum loads transportable.

The front bar is not designed to support the child’s weight. It is not designed to keep the child in the seat and does not substitute for the waist belt.

Do not load the baskets over 5 kg. Do not put weight in the cup holder in excess of those indicated on the cup holders themselves and never hot drinks. Do not put loads of more than 0.2 kg in the hood pockets (if present).

Do not use the item near to stairs or steps, heat sources, naked flames or dangerous objects within reach of the child.

The use of accessories not approved by the manufacturer could be dangerous.

This item is not suitable for jogging or roller skating.

Apply the brake when loading or unloading children.

instructions for use


1• To open the stroller, simultaneously unhook the two catches as shown in the figure.

2• Firmly lift the handlebar upwards, then push downwards until it clicks into place.


3• To mount the rear wheel unit press button A all the way down while pressing on the wheels until they click into place.

4• To mount the front wheels, press on them until they click into place.

5• Attach the front bar as shown in the figure.


6• To attach the hood, insert the tabs into the special notches.

7• Fasten the hood to the back of the backrest, and press

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