Notes client software
Notes Release 4.51 or higher
Web browsers
Netscape Navigator 3.x, 4.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x
Note Instructor and administrator tasks require that you access a course using a Notes client rather than a Web browser.
What’s on the LearningSpace CD?
The LearningSpace CD contains the five LearningSpace template databases, a template for course packs, and a number of other Notes databases.
The names of the template databases are:
schedule.nsf – Schedule
mcenter.nsf – MediaCenter
croom.nsf – CourseRoom
profiles.nsf – Profiles
assess.nsf – Assessment Manager
pack.nsf – CoursePack (used for packing a course into a single database for distribution)
The Notes databases included on the CD are:
central.nsf – This is the LearningSpace Central database. For information on creating a LearningSpace course using Central, see Chapter 3. For information on administering a course using Central, see Chapter 5 in this book, the LearningSpace Instructor Guide, or
weblib.nsf – The Multimedia Library database is a repository for all graphics and multimedia in the course utilized by Web browsers. For more information, see the LearningSpace Instructor Guide or
lscustsc.nsf – Schedule customization library
lscustmc.nsf – MediaCenter customization library
lscustcr.nsf – CourseRoom customization library
lscustpr.nsf – Profiles customization library
lscustas.nsf – Assessment Manager customization library
lscustc.nsf – Central customization library
There is a customization library database for each LearningSpace database template. Experienced Notes designers can use the customization libraries to
4 LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide