IBM Partner Pavilion 2.5 manual LearningSpace Modules Access and Uses

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LearningSpace Modules — Access and Uses






Assessment Manager

Course Participant

￿ Checks and tracks

￿ Accesses items in the

￿ Participates in course

￿ Edits his or her own

The course participant is not




￿ Collaborates on team


authorized to use or see the

Student, employee,

￿ Receives instructions

￿ Reads assignments

projects (if part of

￿ Views other participant

Assessment Manager.


from instructor

￿ Accesses information





￿ Completes assessments

outside of

￿ Asks questions - public

￿ Views team profiles



and surveys


and private




￿ Receives course

￿ Adds items to Personal

￿ Submits assignments to





Folder *

course instructor




￿ Navigates between

￿ Makes private

￿ Receives feedback on





annotations on local

ideas or projects




￿ Navigates through

copies of MediaCenter

￿ Makes group decisions




course assignments


using polling feature




and activities






￿ Chooses to begin






participation in






CourseRoom activities





Course Instructor

￿ Structures course and

￿ Presents course

￿ Monitors and facilitates ￿ Creates his or her own

￿ Creates and grades


learning objectives

materials, reference


instructor ‘home-page’

quizzes and exams

Trainer, instructor,

￿ Delivers course

materials and materials

￿ Provides guidance

￿ Creates the framework

￿ Creates and summarizes




￿ Delivers feedback

for participant pages



￿ Updates participants

￿ Structures content

￿ Monitors individual

(to be edited and filled

￿ Posts assessments and


on changes in the

in a searchable

and group progress

in by participant)

surveys to the Schedule




￿ Motivates, encourages,

￿ Views other profiles

￿ Grades short answer


￿ Delivers assessments

￿ Adds materials to

and supports

￿ Creates team profiles

questions on exams and


and surveys







￿ Posts references and

￿ Reviews private notes


￿ Views grades



resources external to

from students


￿ E-mails grades back to




￿ Collects and grades





(including ‘hot’ links

work assignments


￿ Assigns a general grade



to Web)



(that is, for course







￿ Provides feedback to individuals and teams

*Due to HTML restrictions, this feature is not supported on the Web.

Image 48
Contents Installation Administration Guide Copyright Contents Administering a Course with LearningSpace Central Course databasesGetting Started With Lotus LearningSpace ParticipantsAbout this Guide Chapter Getting Started About LearningSpaceRoles of LearningSpace participants What you need to perform installation and course creation About creating a LearningSpace courseSupported hardware and software requirements Domino server platformsWhat’s on the LearningSpace CD? Profiles.nsf ProfilesLearningSpace documentation LearningSpace Instructor Guide Chapter Installing the LearningSpace Files onto a Server Installing files on the serverIf you are upgrading from Release 2.0 to Release Open Install.nsf from the CD Shut down and restart the Notes server processInstalling the LearningSpace Files onto a Server LearningSpace Directory Structure Assigning access to LearningSpace files Update server documentEstablishing access for the LearningSpace Admin group Using more than one Central on a serverChapter Creating a Course with LearningSpace Central About creating a new course using Central Creating a new course New Course Options CoursePack filename Course Information Course Locations Schedule options CourseRoom optionsMediaCenter option Assessment Manager optionsCourse Access Creating a Course with LearningSpace Central Additional options Course creation is complete SummaryLearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide Chapter Upgrading a Course Upgrading a Release 2.0 courseShut down and restart the Domino server Installing LearningSpace files on the server Replacing the design of CentralReplacing the design of the Multimedia Library Automatically upgrading the course databasesCreating new local replicas of the upgraded course databases Instructing students to recover their private documentsUpgrading a Release 2.0 Design Library Chapter Administering a Course with LearningSpace Central About using Central to administer a courseDeferred creation of course databases LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide Enabling Web browser access to courses Adding database icons to your workspaceServer Name & Address book Setting access levels to courses Guidelines for setting instructor access levelsAssigning instructor and administrator roles About open and closed course environments Creating an open or closed course environment Managing course enrollment Adding participants to the Name & Address bookAdding students to a course Removing students from a course LearningSpace Modules Access and Uses