LearningSpace Modules — Access and Uses
| Schedule | MediaCenter | CourseRoom | Profiles | Assessment Manager |
Course Participant | Checks and tracks | Accesses items in the | Participates in course | Edits his or her own | The course participant is not |
| assignments | MediaCenter | Collaborates on team | authorized to use or see the | |
Student, employee, | Receives instructions | Reads assignments | projects (if part of | Views other participant | Assessment Manager. |
trainee | from instructor | Accesses information | course) | profiles |
| Completes assessments | outside of | Asks questions - public | Views team profiles |
| and surveys | LearningSpace | and private |
| Receives course | Adds items to Personal | Submits assignments to |
| updates | Folder * | course instructor |
| Navigates between | Makes private | Receives feedback on |
| databases | annotations on local | ideas or projects |
| Navigates through | copies of MediaCenter | Makes group decisions |
| course assignments | documents | using polling feature |
| and activities |
| Chooses to begin |
| participation in |
| CourseRoom activities |
Course Instructor | Structures course and | Presents course | Monitors and facilitates Creates his or her own | Creates and grades | |
| learning objectives | materials, reference | discussions | instructor | quizzes and exams |
Trainer, instructor, | Delivers course | materials and materials | Provides guidance | Creates the framework | Creates and summarizes |
professor | assignments | on | Delivers feedback | for participant pages | surveys |
| Updates participants | Structures content | Monitors individual | (to be edited and filled | Posts assessments and |
| on changes in the | in a searchable | and group progress | in by participant) | surveys to the Schedule |
| Schedule | Motivates, encourages, | Views other profiles | Grades short answer | |
| Delivers assessments | Adds materials to | and supports | Creates team profiles | questions on exams and |
| and surveys | MediaCenter | participants |
| quizzes |
| Posts references and | Reviews private notes |
| Views grades |
| resources external to | from students |
| |
| LearningSpace | Collects and grades |
| participants |
| (including ‘hot’ links | work assignments |
| Assigns a general grade |
| to Web) |
| (that is, for course |
| participation) |
Provides feedback to individuals and teams
*Due to HTML restrictions, this feature is not supported on the Web.