Identifying the parts
&¦ &¥
&¢ Carrying handle
&° IRIS dial and AUTO/MANUAL switch
(p. 53)
&¤ Shoulder pad
&¦ Tripod receptacle (p. 17)
&¥ Lithium battery cover (p. 78)
&» Cover for menu and video controls *¼ Menu buttons (p. 40)
*Á TC switch (p. 28)
Set to select the drop frame or
button (p. 76) *£ Video controls (p. 36)
¹STOP button (stop) 0REW button (rewind) áPLAY button (playback) )FF button (fast forward) PPAUSE button (pause)
*¼ *Á
*£ *ª &»
*¢ *°
rREC switch (recording)
&SLOW button (slow speed playback) '/7 FRAME button (direction select/
*¢MONITOR LEVEL dial (p. 28)
Turn to adjust the volume level of the headphones and
*°2 (headphones) jack (p. 28)
*¤l LANC jack
lstands for Local Application Control Bus System. The l control jack is used for controlling the tape transport of video equipment and peripherals connected to it. This jack has the same function as the jack indicated as CONTROL L or REMOTE.