Bosch Appliances PT-400 manual No Point Text If Area Text, Output includes Subscriber ID, Option

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Security Escort Technical Reference Manual 3.0 System Menus

and Screens

EN 29

No Point Text If Area Text

This checkbox affects the location text shown on the Alarm Screen. If this checkbox is checked and the alarm is determined to be within a predefined area, only the area text is displayed (any receiver location text is suppressed). Typically, this checkbox should be checked.

Output includes Subscriber ID

If this checkbox is checked, any time the system prints or displays text for an alarm or test the subscriber’s ID number is displayed. Otherwise, the subscriber’s ID is not shown.

Output includes Transmitter ID

If this checkbox is checked, any time the system prints or displays text for an alarm or test the transmitter ID number is displayed. Otherwise, the transmitter ID is not shown. Typically, this checkbox would not be checked.

Limit Alarms to 1 Transponder

This box should not be checked. It is used only in a system where all transponders operate on areas separate from each other. It prevents all interactions between receivers on different transponders. Typically this is undesirable and there is now a selection on an individual transponder basis to accomplish this feature.

Option 2

This checkbox is for a future option and at this time it has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.

Require Alarm Report

If this checkbox is checked, the operator is prompted to complete an Alarm Report when the alarm is reset from the screen. If the responding officer is required to complete the report or if no system report is desired, this box should not be checked. If the operator should complete the report, check this box.

Security Alarms Silent

If this checkbox is checked, alarms transmitted by Security or Watchman Transmitters are to be silent. This alerts the operator at the central console, but does not sound the sirens of the alert units or the horns in the receivers.

Installer Alarms Silent

If this checkbox is checked, alarms transmitted by transmitters issued to installation company representatives and visitors are to be silent. The operator at the central console is alerted, but the sirens of the alert units or the horns in the receivers are not sounded. Typically, this checkbox is checked.

Alarm Voice Output

If this checkbox is checked, predefined sound (.WAV) files can be played at the alarm console for specific alarm types. Typically, this checkbox is not checked.

Show Personal Data

If this checkbox is checked, personal height, build, hair, and eye color data displays on the alarm screen.

No Receiver Icons

If this checkbox is checked, individual receiver icons are not shown on the alarm map display. Typically, this checkbox is checked.

Show Tests On The Map

If this checkbox is checked, tests from Subscriber’s Transmitter appear on the normal map screen as OK or FAIL icons. This signifies a successful test by a valid subscriber or an attempted test transmission from a transmitter not in the Subscriber Database. This option does not affect the display the subscriber receives from a receiver or alert unit’s strobe. Typically, this checkbox is checked.

All Pager Confm Not Reqd

If checked, the confirmation pager message is not sent to any of the pager if the alarm is acknowledged by an acknowledgement transmitter.

Option 4

This checkbox is for a future option and at this time has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.

Option 5

This checkbox is for a future option and at this time has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.

Bosch Security Systems 6/12 38947D

Image 29
Contents Security Escort Software License Agreement Limited WarrantyYou MAY You may notRemedy Table of Contents Figures Subscriber Database Advanced TablesSystem Components Security Escort System ArchitecturePoint Transmitter Maintenance TransmitterReceiver Alert UnitSoftware Overview TransponderCentral Console System Operation Alarm Sequence TransmitterTransponder Scanning Receiver’s ResponseSelected in the Security Preferences Central Console Response During AlarmOperator’s Response Central Console ScreenCentral Console Response Multiple AlarmsTest Sequence Transmitter Initial System Configuration Setting Up The SystemSystem Menus and Screens File MenuSubscriber Database Reports DatabasePhone Number Pager PasswordPager ID Pager GroupDisable Shorted Loop Enable Reed SwitchAlarm on Shorted Loop Alarm When Armed, Trouble When Disarmed on Shorted LoopTransponder Area Alarm GroupRequires Check-in DoneCreated, Modified, Modify Oper Database RecordTransponder ID Comm Port IndexEdit Data Insert NewKill Transponder Delete PointTrouble Tamper Text Trouble Type TextTrouble Response Text Show PointsPoint Type +, -, Bus + and BusData Entry After Selection of Receiver Point Type Alert 1, Alert 2, Alert 3, and Test Selection If the Enable algorithm tweaks field isAssigning Alert Units to Receivers AlgorithmLocation Video SwitcherMap FloorVirtual Fence Area CancelCut PasteUtilities Menu Restore Screen BackupFloppy a Clear Entire FileDisplay Unauthorized Alarms Turn On Alarm StrobesSound Unauthorized Alarms Turn On Outside SoundersRequire Alarm Report Limit Alarms to 1 TransponderSecurity Alarms Silent Installer Alarms SilentMan Down Delay Timer X Seconds Auto Silence Alarm In X SecondsMan down jitter timer ‘X’ Seconds Auto Reset Comm Ports ‘X’ HoursPop-up Trouble Box Contact Information System Defaults ScreenGuard Tour Minutes Not Testing Report Low Battery ReportNew Alarm Reports Weekly Maintenance Test ReportSchedules Screen View Alarm GroupsThis schedule defines the check-in times Edit Schedule TimesEllipsis … View Alarm Groups ScreenRemove AddAlarm Group # Alarm Groups ScreenAlarm Group State Screen On armedSetup Menu Printer History Filter ScreenHistory Archive File a History Archive File BTransmitter Low Battery Points, Reporting AlarmDatabase Backup and Restore Database ErrorsAnalyze Alarms Login ChangesMaster Computer Switch Point TroublesTransponder Troubles Popup Low BatteryPager AC LossOutput Device Error Bus FaultsTamper Remote Key ActivationMap Commands Pop-up Trouble and Pager DelayCommunications Port Monitor Comm Port Overload Network Comm FailureNot Responding Map Device Type MapReceived Transmission Map Strobe Red LED MapOut Of Service Map Low Battery MapPoint Out Of Service Point In ServiceClick On Output Command again Transponder On Output CommandTotal Alarms Received Using Reset Transponder TroublesSuccessful Incoming Messages Incoming Format ErrorsIncoming Retried Messages Total Outgoing MessagesTamper Map Enable Remote KeyAC Loss Map Refresh DataAlarm Differential Alarm Min LevelTest Differential ByteReceiver Configuration Screen RAM EE Buss FaultRAM Point Info RAM Point StatAbort Button to Remove a Device from the Setup Mode Red LED Strobe Reset PointOff AmbientStop Test and Reset Counters Enable RecIncoming Communication Errors Transmitting PointTotal Wrong Access Code Attempts Total Remote Access ConnectionsLast Remote Access Time Reset StatusMaximum Test Strobe Messages Maximum Low Battery MessagesMax Man Down Messages Supervision MonitorsEnable Algorithm Tweaks Show Maintenance LevelsDisplay Maintenance Alarm Sound Maintenance AlarmBring to Front on Alarm No Password TimeoutAlarm Zone Bring to Front on TroubleTransponder Comm Port Setup Screen Alarm Spot SizeLinear Depth Low DepthRemote Comm Port Setup Screen Mon PowerCarrier Det No CTSDefault Slave Computer Remote Setup ScreenPassword LF OnlyDisabled Password VerifyVideo Switcher Control Video Switcher RestoreEdit Security Escort System used for remote accessDelete DialVerify Password Access PasswordEntered into Access Password Character System ID Pager Setup ScreenPrinter Menu Hold Printer Data Select Alarm Printer ScreenSelect FormfeedCommon Open File Screen Network MenuBosch Security Systems 6/12 38947D Subscriber Image Extension Subscriber Image File PathSubscriber Image Scaling % Network Socket Status ScreenWinsock Data Screen Demo Lanyard Alarm, SubscriberAbout Menu Demo Test Subscriber 3 with low battery Demo Man Down Alarm, SubscriberDemo Maintenance Alarm Demo Maintenance TestFiles Required For Security Escort Map File Generation Scaling Image FilesSubscriber Images Security Escort Pager SetupMultiple Map Files Local Paging Setup Dial-up Paging Modem SetupSubscriber Database Advanced Screen Service and Security Alarm Pager SetupManual Pages Alarm Area SetupImporting a Subscriber Database Data Fields Excel Restrictions Required Order Column Importing a Subscriber DatabaseBosch Security Systems 6/12 38947D Autobackup to the slave database CR/LF Idle Time Multiplex Point Refresh Data 47, 53, 54 System Preferences Security Escort Technical Reference Manual Index Bosch Security Systems 38947D