Security Escort Technical Reference Manual 3.0 System Menus
and Screens
EN 29
No Point Text If Area Text
This checkbox affects the location text shown on the Alarm Screen. If this checkbox is checked and the alarm is determined to be within a predefined area, only the area text is displayed (any receiver location text is suppressed). Typically, this checkbox should be checked.
Output includes Subscriber ID
If this checkbox is checked, any time the system prints or displays text for an alarm or test the subscriber’s ID number is displayed. Otherwise, the subscriber’s ID is not shown.
Output includes Transmitter ID
If this checkbox is checked, any time the system prints or displays text for an alarm or test the transmitter ID number is displayed. Otherwise, the transmitter ID is not shown. Typically, this checkbox would not be checked.
Limit Alarms to 1 Transponder
This box should not be checked. It is used only in a system where all transponders operate on areas separate from each other. It prevents all interactions between receivers on different transponders. Typically this is undesirable and there is now a selection on an individual transponder basis to accomplish this feature.
Option 2
This checkbox is for a future option and at this time it has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.
Require Alarm Report
If this checkbox is checked, the operator is prompted to complete an Alarm Report when the alarm is reset from the screen. If the responding officer is required to complete the report or if no system report is desired, this box should not be checked. If the operator should complete the report, check this box.
Security Alarms Silent
If this checkbox is checked, alarms transmitted by Security or Watchman Transmitters are to be silent. This alerts the operator at the central console, but does not sound the sirens of the alert units or the horns in the receivers.
Installer Alarms Silent
If this checkbox is checked, alarms transmitted by transmitters issued to installation company representatives and visitors are to be silent. The operator at the central console is alerted, but the sirens of the alert units or the horns in the receivers are not sounded. Typically, this checkbox is checked.
Alarm Voice Output
If this checkbox is checked, predefined sound (.WAV) files can be played at the alarm console for specific alarm types. Typically, this checkbox is not checked.
Show Personal Data
If this checkbox is checked, personal height, build, hair, and eye color data displays on the alarm screen.
No Receiver Icons
If this checkbox is checked, individual receiver icons are not shown on the alarm map display. Typically, this checkbox is checked.
Show Tests On The Map
If this checkbox is checked, tests from Subscriber’s Transmitter appear on the normal map screen as OK or FAIL icons. This signifies a successful test by a valid subscriber or an attempted test transmission from a transmitter not in the Subscriber Database. This option does not affect the display the subscriber receives from a receiver or alert unit’s strobe. Typically, this checkbox is checked.
All Pager Confm Not Reqd
If checked, the confirmation pager message is not sent to any of the pager if the alarm is acknowledged by an acknowledgement transmitter.
Option 4
This checkbox is for a future option and at this time has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.
Option 5
This checkbox is for a future option and at this time has no function. Leave this checkbox unchecked.
Bosch Security Systems 6/12 38947D