Chapter 5: iGuard Web Manager
To add a new Timer Server the administrator must first make space by deleting some Time Servers. Once this is done, the add dialog box will appear as below. Click “Back” to return to the System Settings Page.
Fig.47 List of Time Server
“Time Zone (Relative to GMT)”
Select the appropriate time zone for your area. Click “Apply” to save.
“System Time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss)”
This is to manually set iGuard System Time. The format is
ii.System Restart
Fig.48 Auto Restart setting
“Auto Restart System Every”
The administrator can choose to restart iGuard at certain intervals (choose between minutes and hours only). This will ensure that iGuard will work smoothly. Click “Apply” to save changes.
“Manual Restart”
Click “Restart Now” to restart the system immediately.
iii.LED Settings
Fig.49 LED setting
“LED function”
The administrator can enable or disable the LED (except the Power LED) on iGuard here. Click “Apply” to save settings.
iv.SNMP Settings