8.If your phone did not turn on automatically, press and hold Power/
End to turn on your phone, and try connecting to the Internet.
9.Contact Verizon Wireless to verify the following:
•Your subscription plan includes
•Data services have been activated on your account
•Data coverage is available in your location
•There are no data service outages in your location
I can’t access a web page
First, make sure you have Internet access: Open the web browser and try to view another web page you’ve loaded before. To ensure you’re
viewing the page directly from the Internet, open the menus , select Go, and then select Refresh.
If you can view the other web page after you refresh it, but you still can’t access the page you were originally trying to view, the page may contain elements that are not supported by the web browser. These include Flash, Shockwave, VBScript, WMLScript, and other
Some websites use a redirector to their true home page. If the web browser on your smartphone can’t follow the redirector, try using a desktop browser to see the landing page of the redirector, and then enter that address in the web browser on your smartphone.
Your Treo smartphone can open your email application when you select an email address on a web page. If nothing happens when you select the link, make sure your email application is already set up.
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 273 |