special characters 31, 32, 98 specifications 299
Start With pick list 118 static 267, 269 statistical functions 188 statistical information 196 status icons (phone)
Sto button (calculator) 188 stopping
multimedia playback 105 music playback 161 video recording 141 voice memo playback
186 storage space 17 storing
information 16, 215, 277 music files 157
notes 182 photos 139 smartphone 5, 6 videos 141
streaming files 122
style sheets 116, 124, 125 stylus 4, 24, 25, 29
submitting web forms 115 support (Palm) 281 support (Verizon) 282 symbols 31, 32, 98
sync button 21, 23, 157 sync cable 8, 15, 21 sync. See synchronization;
synchronizing synchronization
Bluetooth devices and 133
device names and 18 preparing for 15 recommendations for 22 removing applications
and 195, 196 selecting applications for
application for 230 troubleshooting 256–264 upgrading and 18
synchronization applications
19, 248 synchronizing
Calendar events 167, 213, 214
contacts 163, 213, 214 dates and time 243 email 85, 213, 214 information 15, 19, 22,
with Bluetooth devices 208, 210
with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync 214
with Microsoft Outlook 205
with Wireless Sync 213, 256
system colors 227
system dates and time 189, 243
system errors 259, 267, 280 system requirements (PCs)
system resets 246, 250, 267, 280
system sounds 46,
Take new picture option 102 Take new video option 102 taking pictures 139, 276 Tap and Drag check box 125 tapping 24, 25, 26, 29, 255 Task Details dialog box 178 tasks
See also events; Tasks application
adding 177, 178
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 328 |