Edit Favorites Button command 62
Edit Favorites Pages command 59, 61
Edit Playlist dialog box 161, 162
edit screens 27 editing. See changing Effects pick list 143 email
accessing 84, 127, 245 adding multiple
addresses to 61 attaching photos to 138,
140, 148
attaching videos to 142, 148
attaching voice memos to 186
checking 82 creating 113
defining favorite buttons for 61
deleting 277 dialing from 44 downloading 86 leaving on server 88 requirements for 1, 3 retrieving 82 scrolling through 25 selecting default
application for 231
sending 104, 113 setting up accounts for
85, 93
storing attachments 277 synchronizing 85, 213,
214 troubleshooting 269 viewing unread
messages for 82, 174 email applications 84, 231,
emergency calls 76, 81, 235 emoticons 99
empty battery icon 10 empty time slots 174 Enable background play
check box 161
Enable Voice Privacy check box 77
encryption 76, 121 Eng(x) display format 188 engineering notation 188 entering
alternate characters 31, 32
decimal values 188, 225 device names 18, 65, 256 events 168, 170, 171 information 15, 241 lock codes 235 numbers 31, 187 passkeys 65, 66, 132, 135
passwords 48, 237, 239 phone numbers
74, 235 tasks 177, 178 text 30, 182 URLs 124
web addresses 116 entries. See information entry screens 25, 239 erasing information 256 error messages 280 errors 259, 267, 280 Escalate ring tone volume
check box 69 EVDO broadband
technology 284 event conflicts 174
Event Details dialog box 169, 171, 172, 173
events changing 173
scheduling repeating 171 setting alarms for 169,
176 synchronizing 167, 213,
214 troubleshooting
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 311 |