privacy settings for 76 selecting alert tones for
70, 71
selecting ringtones for 69, 70
service carrier for 1 silencing ringer for 46,
221 troubleshooting
for 58
viewing status of 80 Phone application
accessing Dial Pad in 40, 50, 74
adding caller IDs 72, 73 customizing 74 dialing from 45, 60 displaying events in 173 enabling privacy settings
from 76
finding contacts from 42 opening 34, 39 overview 36 selecting wallpaper for
74, 150
selecting wireless bands from 79
setting alert tones 70 setting ringtones 69 setting TTY/TDD
connections 78 status icons for
Phone button 5, 33, 34 Phone Call screen 46 phone calls
See also phone; phone numbers
adding a second 53 adjusting volume for 13,
71, 266
disabling screen for 234 encrypting 77
ending 49, 50, 53, 55 forwarding 57 keyboard backlight and
making 40, 50, 53, 55 placing on hold 50, 53, 54 receiving 46, 54 restrictions for 51 running applications and
sending to voicemail 46 switching between active
54, 56
text messages and 104 transmitting location
during 76
viewing details about 49, 58
viewing status of 53 phone indicator. See
indicator light
Phone Info command 14 Phone Info screen 14 Phone Lock 235
Phone Lock command 235 phone numbers
adding 52
assigning prefix to 75 assigning to Quick Keys
60 copying 40 creating
buttons for 60 dialing extra digits with
50, 61
selecting 44, 45 phone off icon 80 Phone Off message 12, 38,
phone on icon 80 Phone Preferences command 76
Phone Preferences screen 76, 78
photo albums 139, 145, 149,
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 321 |