locating most recent 114 opening from text
messages 104 opening History list for
123 refreshing 116, 273 saving 118 scrolling 115, 125 selecting text on 123, 125 sending email from 113 setting initial view for 124 setting preferences for
accessing 113, 116, 121, 126, 275
displaying addresses for 124
displaying recently visited 114, 116
downloading files from 121
entering addresses for 116
opening Palm online support 281
redirectors and 273 transactions and 275
Week View 167 weekly events 167 weight conversions 188 Welcome CD 2
Wide Page Mode 115 Windows operating systems
removing applications and 196
Windows systems installing applications
from 194 installing to expansion
cards and 194 listening to music and
153 requirements for 15 synchronization defaults
for 22 synchronizing with 205,
211, 258, 259 transferring music from
153, 158
user folders on 246, 247 wireless accounts. See
accounts; Verizon Wireless
wireless band selection 79 wireless connections 198,
wireless devices. See Bluetooth devices hands- free devices; smartphone
wireless features 11, 130, 278
wireless modems 127, 284 Wireless Sync application accessing email and 84,
86, 89, 91 documentation for 277 overview 85 synchronizing with 213,
256 troubleshooting 269
Wireless Sync server 86, 91 wizards 192
Word documents 183 word searches 191 words, selecting 27 World Clock
Wrap Search check box 124
XLS files 183
Year View 167
ZIP files 193, 194
zoom settings (camera) 139
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 333 |