3.3.6. Safety Stops and Deep Stops
If Deep Stops are not used a 3 minute Recom- mended Safety Stop is prompted after every dive to 10m depth (fig. 3.11). Continuous ascent rate violations will result in Mandatory Safety Stops (fig. 3.14). When enabled, Deep stops are calculated. The length of the recommended Deep Stop is indicated in seconds (fig. 3.15b)
3.3.7. Decompression dives
When your NO DEC TIME becomes zero, your dive becomes a decompression stop dive, i.e. you must perform one or several decompres- sion stops on your way to the surface. The NO DEC TIME on your display will be replaced by an ASC TIME notation and the maximum depth will be replaced by a CEILING notation and an upward pointing arrow (Fig. 3.16.).
If you exceed the
Rather than requiring you to make stops at fixed depths, the dive computer lets you to de- compress within a range of depths (Continu- ous Decompression).
The ascent time (ASC TIME) is the minimum amount of time needed to reach the surface in a decompression dive. It includes:
•the time needed to ascend to the ceiling at an ascent rate of 10 m/min [33 ft/min]
•the time needed at the ceiling. The ceiling is the shallowest depth to which you should ascend
•the time needed at the Mandatory Safety Stop (if any)
| STOP |
C |
B |
T | bar | DIVE TIME |
Fig. 3.13. Ascent Rate Indicator. Blinking depth reading, SLOW and four segments are shown together with an audible alarm: ascent rate is more than 10 m/min [33 ft/min]. This is a caution to slow down! STOP sign means that you are advised to make a Mandatory Safety Stop when you reach a depth of 6 m [20 ft].
| m | CEILING |
| MAX |
| STOP |
C |
B |
T | bar | DIVE TIME | TIME |
Fig. 3.14. A Mandatory Safety Stop. You are advised to make a Man- datory Safety Stop in the depth zone between 6 m and 3 m [20 ft and 10 ft]. Pressing TIME button shows alternative display.