Cateye service manual EC-3600 EC-3700 MS-17Replacing the Lock Pin

Page 56

Applicable Models:

EC-3600 EC-3700

MS-17Replacing the Lock Pin

MS-17Replacing the Lock Pin

1.Remove the lock pin by rotating and loosening the guide screw in the counter-clockwise direction.

2.Mount a brandnew lock pin by securely tightening the guide screw.

Lock Pin


Guide Screw

Fig. 1

Cateye Ergociser Series 1000 Service Manual


Image 56
Contents Cateye Ergociser Index Applicable Models EC-1200 EC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700ServiceManual Flywheelw/o TypeUpright ForParts OfName Applicable Models EC-1200Name of Parts for Upright Type w/o Flywheel Name of Parts for Upright Type w/ Flywheel EC-1600Flywheel TypewOfPartsforUpright NameName of Parts for Recumbent Type EC-3600 EC-3700OFF Name of Parts for Belt Drive Type ADDEC-3600B/EC-3700B EC-3600B/EC-3700BCircuit Diagram Circuit Diagram for Automatic Type Cateye ErgociserEC-1200 EC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700 No Display on Control Unit after Power on1No Display on Control Unit after Power on Main unit in accordance with the following procedures Check Method of Causes Repair Method Explanation Figures2No Display of Cadence No Display of Pulse Rate Printer is not used. Check if the No.4 select switch on Defective ES-3 Replacing the Power Supply BoardNo Printer Operation EC-1600 EC-3700No Loading Check of mechanical systems Check Method of Causes Repair MethodRemove the connector CN-1 from the power supply board No Loading Check of Electrical Systems5No Loading Check of Electrical Systems Section ES-2 Replacing the 5P CableEC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700 No Pedal Rotation Locked6No Pedal Rotation Locked 1Unusual Noise Continuous and Increasing EC-1200 EC-1600 EC-36001Unusual Noise Flywheel set with new onesUnusual Noise Periodical 2Unusual NoiseNoise occurs when the pedal is rotated with a large torque 3Unusual Noise1Removing the Frame Covers 1Removing the Frame CoversRemove the frame covers in the following procedures Removing the Frame Covers2Removing the Frame Covers Side pedal can be removed by turning it in the clockwiseES-1Replacing the Wiring within FrameES-2Replacing the 5P Cable 2Replacing the 5P CableControl unit. Also, remove the cable connector. Fig Cable to the frame by using cable holdersFrame Covers Cut the cable holders which fix the cable to remove the 5PSupply Board ES-3Replacing the Power Supply BoardES-3Replacing the Power Metal base in the following procedures. Fig When the main unit is viewed from the direction as depictedFrame side Fig , fasten the frame-side nutES-5Replacing the CDC Sensor ES-5Replacing the CDC SensorES-6Replacing the Panel Keyboard Replacing the Panel KeyboardES-7Replacing the Button Panel ES-7Replacing the Button PanelReplacing the Printer ES-8Replacing the PrinterES-9Adjusting the Printing Darkness ES-9Adjusting the Printing DarknessPaper Jamming in Printer ES-10Paper Jamming in PrinterEC-1200 Workload Unit w/o FlywheelMS-1Replacing Wheel before setting it to the upper part of the large gear Setting on the large gear. FigAssemble the chain. Chain should first be set on the free Tension to the chain. FigMS-1Replacing the Workload Unit w/o Flywheel ÀMounting the Brandnew Workload Unit FlywheelMS-2Replacing the Workload Unit EC-1600 EC-3600 MS-3Adjusting the FlywheelMS-3Adjusting the Flywheel MS-4Replacing the Chain MS-5Replacing the Free Wheel Set MS-5Replacing the Free Wheel SetMS-6Replacing the Derailleur Set MS-7Replacing the Idler Set MS-7Replacing the Idler SetMS-8Replacing the Crank Set MS-8Replacing the Crank SetFasten the crank cap by using a coin, etc. Fig Enable the complete setting of the gear. FigShould be adjusted as illustrated in Fig Adjust the clearance between the magnet mounted onMS-9Replacing the BB Set 9Replacing the BB SetMS-10Replacing the Post Spacer MS-10Replacing the Post SpacerMS-11Adjusting the Spacer Spring MS-11Adjusting the Spacer SpringMS-12Replacing the Inner Pipe Spacer MS-12Replacing the Inner Pipe SpacerMS-13Replacing the Vertical Pipe Spacer EC-3600 EC-3700 MS-13Replacing the Vertical Pipe SpacerMS-14Replacing the Leg Cover MS-14Replacing the Leg CoverEC-3600 EC-3700 MS-15Replacing the Caster and Level Adjuster MS-16Replacing the Seat Post Knob MS-16Replacing the Seat Post KnobMS-17Replacing the Lock Pin EC-3600 EC-3700 MS-17Replacing the Lock PinMS-18Replacing the Crank Cover MS-19Replacing the Crank CoverÀREMOVAL Remove both right and left pedals. Fig Set the right and left pedals1200, remove the cable holder from the handlebar post MS-19Replacing the Center Cover of Upright TypeEC-1200 EC-1600 MS-20Replacing the Center Cover of Recumbent Type MS-21Replacing the Handlebar Grip MS-22Replacing the Printer Cover MS-22Replacing the Printer CoverMS-23Replacing the Paper Cutter MS-23Replacing the Paper CutterList of Genuin Parts PNR.780-5160 EC-1600/3700 Panel Keybord unit setsApplicable Models EC-1200EC-1600 PNR.781-5520 EC-3600 Crank CoverL,RSet unit sets Unit sets PNR.781-5580 PNR.701-6701 Wireless Heart Rate Senaor Kit TM PartsUnit sets 1000 PNR.000-0000 HR Senaor Belt unit setsApplicable Models EC-1200B EC-1600B EC-3600B EC-3700B List of Genuin Parts Belt DriveUnit sets Unit pieces P8M15-1192 PNR.724-1022 Unit pieces P8M15-1080List of Genuin Parts Applicable Models EC-1200 EC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700