Whirlpool GHW9250ML1 manual Dispensers clogged or leaking, Load too wet, Residue or lint on load

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Dispensers clogged or leaking

Are the laundry products in the correct dispenser compartment?

Add the correct amounts of detergent, fabric softener or liquid chlorine bleach to the correct compartments. Add powdered or liquid color-safe bleach to the Main Wash compartment. Be sure to match powdered color-safe bleach with powdered detergent or match liquid color-safe bleach with liquid detergent.

Is the detergent separator in the correct position? Separator should be in the front position when using liquid detergent and in the back position when using powdered detergent.

Load too wet

Did you use the right cycle for the load being washed? Select a cycle with a higher spin speed.

Did you wash a single item or bulky items or have you overloaded the washer?

A single item, bulky items, or overloading may cause imbalance. Add items or try to evenly distribute your wet laundry in the drum, and start a DRAIN/SPIN cycle. If the laundry is still wet, take half of the load out of the washer and try again.

Residue or lint on load

Did you add detergent to the dispenser?

For best results, add detergent to the detergent compartment. Do not add detergent to the washer drum.

Did you sort properly?

Sort lint givers (towels, chenille) from lint takers (corduroy, synthetics). Also sort by color.

Did you overload the washer?

Do not overload the washer. The washer can be fully loaded, but not tightly packed. The wash load must be balanced. Lint can be trapped in the load if overloaded.

Check the following:

Was paper or tissue left in pockets?

Did you use enough detergent?

Follow manufacturer’s directions. Use enough detergent to hold the lint in the water.

Is your water colder than 70°F (21°C)?

Wash water colder than 70°F (21°C) may not completely dissolve the detergent.

Are you using a low speed wash cycle?

Powdered detergents may not dissolve well in a slow speed cycle. For best results, use liquid detergent for slow speed cycles such as Delicate/Casual, Silk, Wool, and Hand Washables.

Stains on load

Did you add detergent to the dispenser?

For best results, add detergent to the detergent compartment. Do not add detergent to the washer drum.

Did you use enough detergent?

Use enough detergent to remove soil and hold it in suspension. For best performance, use a High Efficiency detergent. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for the type of load you are washing.

Is there above average iron (rust) in water? You may need to install an iron filter.

Did you properly sort the load?

Sort dark clothes from whites and lights.

Did you unload the washer promptly?

To avoid dye transfer, unload the washer as soon as it stops.

Did you use a fabric softener dispensing ball? Dispensing balls will not operate correctly with this washer. Add liquid fabric softener to the fabric softener compartment.

Did you use powdered detergent in a low-speed cycle? Consider using liquid detergent.

Did you use Quick Wash on a large load?

For best results, use Quick Wash for small, lightly soiled loads.

Load is wrinkled

Did you unload the washer promptly? Unload the washer as soon as it stops.

Did you use the right cycle for the load being washed? Use the Delicate/Casual cycle or another cycle with a low spin speed to reduce wrinkling.

Did you overload the washer?

The wash load must be balanced and not overloaded. Loads should tumble freely during washing.

Gray whites, dingy colors

Did you properly sort the load?

Dye transfer can occur when mixing whites and colors in a load. Sort dark clothes from whites and lights.

Was the wash temperature too low?

Use hot or warm washes if safe for the load. Make sure your hot water system is adequate to provide a hot water wash.

Did you use enough detergent, or do you have hard water?

Use more detergent for washing heavy soils in cold or hard water.

Cycle too long

Did you choose the Sanitary cycle?

The heater will be activated to provide maximum cleaning performance. Additional time will be added to the regular cycle to heat the water. This additional time will depend on the load size and the hot water inlet temperature.

Is “SUD” shown in the display?

Excessive sudsing has been detected and a suds routine has been started to destroy excessive suds. This routine will add time to the original cycle.

Did the load cause imbalance?

When too much imbalance occurs, an imbalance routine will start to redistribute the load. This routine will add time to your original cycle.

Door locked at end of wash cycle

Did all of the water drain out of the washer during the spin?

Select DRAIN/SPIN to remove any water remaining in the washer. The washer door will unlock at the end of the drain.


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Contents Guide d’utilisation Et d’entretien FRONT-LOADINGLaveuse Automatique À Chargement Frontal Use & Care GuideTable DES Matières Your safety and the safety of others are very important Washer SafetyLocation Requirements Installation RequirementsTools and Parts OptionsCustom undercounter installation Washer only Installation clearancesWasher Dimensions Recessed or closet installation Washer on pedestalElectrical Requirements Drain SystemConnect the inlet hoses to the water faucets Installation InstructionsRemove Transport System Connect the Inlet HosesLevel the Washer Complete InstallationRoute the Drain Hose Secure the Drain HoseFeatures and Benefits To load washer Washer USEStarting Your Washer First Wash Cycle Without LaundryPrewash detergent compartment Using the DispenserChoosing the Right Detergent Main Wash detergent compartmentStatus Lights Pausing or RestartingCycles Prewash Preset cycle settingsDelay Wash Normal Washer SoundsModifiers Cycle Suggested Load Type Available Options Laundry TipsLaundry Guide Preparing clothes for washingWater Inlet Hoses Cleaning Your WasherWasher Care LoadingTroubleshooting Stains on load Dispensers clogged or leakingLoad too wet Residue or lint on loadU.S.A Assistance or ServiceCanada Lifetime Limited Warranty on Stainless Steel Wash Drum Whirlpool Washer WarrantyONE-YEAR Full Warranty Second Through Tenth Year Limited Warranty on Outer TUBVotre sécurité et celle des autres est très importante Sécurité DE LA LaveuseFacultatif Exigences D’INSTALLATIONExigences d’emplacement Outils et piècesDimensions de la laveuse Espacements dinstallationInstallation dans un encastrement ou placard Système de vidange de l’évier de buanderie Vue Espacement recommandé pour linstallation de la caisseSystème de vidange Système de rejet à l’égout mural ou au plancher Vues 1 etSpécifications électriques AvertissementAcheminement du tuyau de vidange Instructions D’INSTALLATIONEnlèvement du système de transport Raccordement des tuyaux d’alimentationÉgout au plancher Achever l’installationImmobilisation du tuyau de vidange Réglage de l’aplomb de la laveuseCaractéristiques ET Avantages Pour charger la laveuse Utilisation DE LA LaveuseMise en marche de la laveuse Premier programme de lavage sans linge à laverCompartiment pour détergent Main Wash lavage principal Utilisation du distributeurChoix du détergent approprié Compartiment pour détergent Prewash prélavageCompartiment pour assouplissant de tissu Pause ou remise en marcheChangement de programmes, options et Modificateurs Compartiment pour eau de JavelProgrammes Témoins lumineuxSilk Soie Bulky Items articles encombrantsQuick Wash Lavage rapide Delicate/Casual délicats/tout-allerAuto Soak Trempage automatique Delay Wash lavage différéSons normaux émis par la laveuse Prewash PrélavageWarm Tiède Wash/Rinse Temp Température de lavage/rinçageGuide de température HOT ChaudeProgramme Type DE Charge Suggéré Options Disponibles Guide de lessivageChargement Entretien DE LA LaveuseNettoyage de la laveuse Tuyaux d’alimentation de la laveuse DépannageAbsence de vidange ou d’essorage de la laveuse La laveuse ne se met pas en marcheAbsence de remplissage, lavage ou rinçage La laveuse s’arrêteBlanc grisâtre, couleurs défraîchies Résidu ou charpie sur le lingePrésence de taches sur le linge Linge froisséAux États-Unis Assistance OU ServiceAu Canada Garantie Complète DE UN AN Garantie DE LA Laveuse WhirlpoolWhirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour 10/03 4619 7022