Weather Forecast Mode
To change to the Weather Forecast Mode, press the BARO/- button and the weather forecast is displayed. Press BARO/- button again to change it back to a barometric graph display. For a full explanation of how the weather forecasting mode works, please see the appendix.
Weather Forecasting Icons |
Sunny | Partly Cloudy | Cloudy | Rain/Snow |
Barometer and Temperature Units
Barometric pressure in inHg and temperature in °C. To change the type of units measurement used, press and hold down the ALTI button for 3 seconds until the temperature unit blinks and press COMP/+ or BARO/- button to change it, then press MODE to go to pressure unit and press COMP/+ or BARO/- button to change it. Press ADJ button at any time to exit. To get an accurate reading of temperature, please keep in mind that the unit needs to be kept away from source of heat for about 15 minutes (i.e. the temperature will reflect the temperature in your pocket instead of outside if the unit is kept in your pocket.)
Barometric pressure and temperature measurements are taken every time you enter the Barometer Mode or when you press the BARO/- button when you are in this mode. After that, temperature measurements are taken every 5 seconds for the first 3 minutes, and then it is taken every 5 minutes thereafter.
The barometer automatically takes measurements on the start of every hour even when you are not in the Barometer Mode, except when in the Altimeter Mode where no barometric measurements are taken. The temperature is displayed in resolution of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F). 4 'bars' are displayed when the temperature falls outside the range of
Barometric Graph
The barometric pressure graph shows the barometric readings for the past 13 hours. The newest reading is shown as a flashing point on the right side of the graph. The pressure graph readings are relative to the newest measurement point, one dot above the newest point is plus 1 hPa(mb)/0.05 inHg, or if below then it is minus 1 hPa(mb)/0.05 inHg
Clearing Previous Barometric Readings
Sometimes you need to clear all the previous barometric readings, e.g. when you are in a different country. To clear previous information press MODE button until Time Mode is displayed, then press BARO/- button. If already in Time Mode then just press BARO/- button and Barometer Mode is displayed. Press and hold down ADJ button for 3 seconds, the display blinks and 'CLR ALL' is displayed, then press COMP/+ button to confirm that you want to clear all the previous barometric readings,and the display will then return to Barometer Mode automatically. Press ADJ button to exit and return to Barometer Mode if you do not want to clear the previous readings.
Barometric pressure is displayed in units of 1 hPa(mb) (or 0.05 inHg). 4 'bars' is displayed when the barometric pressure falls outside the range of 260 hPa(mb) to 1100 hPa(mb) (or 7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg). Normal reading returns when the barometric value returns to within the set range.
Altimeter Mode
Press MODE button until Time Mode is displayed, then press ALTI button. If already in Time Mode, Compass Mode or Barometer Mode, then just press ALTI button and the Altimeter Mode is displayed. Press ALTI button and hold down for 3 seconds to change Altimeter setting from Feet to Meters or vice versa.
Altitude is displayed in resolution of 5 meters (10 feet). The measuring range is – 700 to 8940 meters