Korg D3200 Inputting audio to the mixer, Analog input, Protecting a song, Saving a song

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Protecting a song

You can protect a song so that it will not be accidentally over- written or deleted.

If the song is protected (protect On), you won’t be able to switch to Record by pressing the key located above the mas- ter fader or the channel keys when the REC/PLAY key is on. Nor will you be able to rewrite any of the parameters of that song.

When you protect a song, it will be saved automatically at that time.

Protect On

(1)Select the song that you want to protect (p.36).

(2)Press the SONG key, and then click the Protect button in the song page to access the ProtectSong dialog box. Verify the drive name and song number of the song that you want to protect.



(3)Click the ON button (or press the panel YES key).

(4)When the display indicates “Completed,” click the OK button (or press the panel YES key).

The dialog box will close, and you will return to the song page.

(5)Notice that a lock symbol “” is displayed for the cur- rent song, indicating the song is protected.

Protect Off

(1)Select the song that you want to un-protect. (p.36) Protected songs are indicated by a lock symbol “”.

(2)Press the SONG key, and then click the Protect button in the song page to access the ProtectSong dialog box. Verify the drive name and song number of the song that you want to un-protect.

(3)Click the OFF button (or press the panel NO key).

(4)When the display indicates “Completed,” click the OK button (or press the panel YES key).

The dialog box will close, and you will return to the song page.

(5)Verify that the lock symbol “” is no longer displayed for the current song.

Saving a song

Since the D3200 automatically saves song data and parame- ters when you perform the shut-down operation or when you select a song, it is not absolutely necessary for you to save manually.

However if the power should be interrupted by a power fail- ure or other accident, the data that has been recorded or ed- ited since the most recent power-on (or since a song was last selected) will be lost.

We recommend that you use this command to save the data periodically after recording or editing for an extended peri- od, or if you are using the D3200 in an environment where the power supply is unreliable.

To save the song, hold down the SONG key and press the ENTER key located in the edit controller section of the panel.












Input channels















































inputs 1–12






L, R


















































16 inputs

Channel assignment

1ch 2ch 3ch




1. Inputting audio to the mixer

The D3200 provides twelve channels of analog input and one optical digital input jack.

The audio signals coming from devices connected to these jacks can be assigned to the mixer channels and recorded. Audio from the internal drum pattern can also be assigned to the mixer channels.

Here’s how to assign each input to a mixer channel and check the audio signal.

1-1. Analog input

You can connect audio sources such as guitars, keyboards, or mics to the analog input jacks.

Inputting audio from a guitar

Connecting a guitar to the GUITAR IN jack and assigning it to mixer channel 1.

(1)Connect the guitar.

Lower the MASTER fader, and then connect the guitar to the GUITAR IN jack.

(2)Select INPUT 1 as the audio source.

Access the MIXER, CH INPUT/SubMixer, “Ch Assign” tab page.

Click the buttons to set the CH1 “SOURCE” to “1”. You can also use the value dial or the +/– keys to make your selection.

The GUITAR IN jack is shared with the INPUT 1 jack. Spec- ify its input channel and adjust its input level as INPUT 1.



Image 52
Contents Page Important Safety Instructions Data handling Handling of the internal hard diskIii RW drive Printing conventions in this ManualTable of Contents Effects MixerSession Drums Recorder ViiData Reference ViiiAppendices More about drives and files 171 Specifications 174Various lists 176 Before using the D3200 for the first time Power on/offPower-on Included itemsPower-off Setting the calendarPress the SYSTEM/MIDI key Click the Control tab Connection example Main features Parts and their function Functions LCD screenInput Main features Track digital multi-track recorderSession Drums Mixer scene memories, plus Midi control of mixer parametersCD-R/RW drive for creating backup disk and audio CDs What is ?Sophisticated digital editing tools Intuitive interface designed for ease-of-usePhantom power switch Parts and their functionTop panel Input 1, Input 2...INPUT 12 jacks60 -40 dBu mic input 13 1-16 key, 17-32 key 14 REC/PLAY keyCH on key Solo keyDirect keys Knob MatrixScrub key Mark keyLOOP, TRIGGER, Auto Punch indicators 37 REC/PLAY Mode keys40 HDD/CD access and Midi indicators On key, standby indicatorRear panel About the CD-R/RW drive Items and functions in the LCD screen ViewList button Scroll bar/scroll buttonsConfirmation button Radio buttonsSelecting and setting parameters Selecting the page modeBasic operation Switching between channels 1-16 Send and equalizerEditing effects Selecting a channelExamples of operation Connections Turn the D3200 onPlease note the following items before you begin ConnectionsWhen the demo song ends, press the Stop key Adjust the mixListen to the demo song Press the Song key to access the Song Create a new songName the song Create the songConnect your audio sources to the mixer inputs Connect mics and instruments to the Input jacksConfirm the changes Connect a guitar to the guitar inputAssign the inputs to channels Press the EQ key to access the EQ/ATT tab Choose a channel Use the Knob Matrix to adjust the EQAdjust the EQ settings of channel Adding EQ and EffectsReverb&Delay in the Mono Applying effects to the input soundChoose an effect type Choose an effect programSetting the recording mode RecordingPreparations for recording Normal Select the recording statusPlayback Start recordingOverdubbing Arm track 2 for recordingApplying effects and EQ to individual channels Press the EQ key to access the EQ/ATT tabApplying EQ to each channel/track Adjusting the pan Selecting a master effectSelect a track for EQ Select an effect programAdjusting the Master Effect 1 Send amount for each track Checking and adjusting the master effectAdjust the send amount of each track Adjust the return form the master effectsMake the desired adjustments, and then press the Stop key Set the meters to display the post fader levelsApplying an effect to the master bus Final Effect Choose a final effectWhen you‘re done adjusting the master EQ, press the Stop key Applying EQ to the master bus Master EQAdjust the recording level Recording the master trackSpecify a virtual track Arm the master track for recordingWriting to a CD Saving your songSelecting/creating a song Creating a new songUsing the name library Renaming a songSelecting a song Selecting a song from the song listSwitching the counter display Switching the information display areaLocation Mixer Effects Session Drums RecorderMoving to a different location Using the Mark keys to move Moving to the location assigned to a markDeleting a mark Session Drums RecorderFinding a zero-cross point Finding a precise location ScrubPress the Scrub key to display the Scrub Song editing procedure Song editingCopying a song Moving a songInputting audio to the mixer Analog inputProtecting a song Saving a songUsing the tuner Inputting the digital audio signal from a MD or DAT Audio outputs from the mixerDigital input Sub inputMixer settings Adjusting the volumeAdjusting the pan EQ EqualizerPairing EQ library Storing and recall- ing EQ settingsMaster EQ Group settings Monitor settingsFader groups CH on groupsSolo settings Adjusting the cue levelMuting a channel Storing a mixer setup Mixer SetupClick the Yes button or press the panel YES key to save Storing/recalling a scene Storing a sceneRecalling a scene Renaming a sceneSpecifying parameters that will be disabled for all scenes Editing and overwriting a sceneControlling scenes via Midi Midi outputScene automation AutomationEvent automation When you play back the song, event recording will begin Playing back the eventsEditing events Turn Automation on RecNumber of effects and DSP power for each variety of effect How DSP power is allocated to the effectsEffect type and size Using insert effects Using master effectsUsing the final effect Applying insert effects during recordingEditing the effects Editing the effect parametersStoring an effect program For an insert effectUsing external effects Using a pedal or Midi to control an effectControlling effects from an external device Select the effect that you want to controlListening to drum patterns Creating a drum track for an entire song Pattern MapIf you’ve selected Metronome as the group D3200 contains 756 drum patterns →p.176 Drum Pat- tern ListRecording with Session Drums Recording additional tracks as you listen to the drum trackRecording patterns on a track Auditioning the pattern mapEditing a drum kit Selecting a drum kitRecording directly to the master track Editing the sound of a drum kitPattern maps Creating a pattern mapTurn the Click Monitor button off normal display List, select highlightTempo Editing a pattern mapTempo track Song Guide functionChanging the tempo during the song Tap tempoRecording Pattern map tempoBasic recording Bounce recordingSwitching virtual tracks Trigger recordingManual punch-in/out Using a foot switch for manual punch-in/outAuto punch-in/out Loop recording Creating a master trackSong Locate Mixer Effects Session Drums Normal playback PlaybackLoop playback Track editing procedures Track editingPlaying back an album CD project Copy a track CopyTrkUsing the clipboard to copy data to another song Insert blank space InsertTrk Erase a track EraseTrk Delete a track DeleteTrkDeleting track data Deleting all data of a trackExchange tracks SwapTrk Reverse a track ReverseTrkOptimizing a track OptimizeTrk Expand/compress a track ExpCmpTrkSelect the expansion/compression mode Copying to a virtual trackSelect the copy-source virtual track Verify the copy-destinationExchange two entire tracks SwapWholeTrk Fade-in/fade-out FadeTrkSwapping entire tracks Creating a fade-inCreating a fade-out Specify the region where you want to erase punch Noise Eliminating noise NoiseReductionErasing punch noise ErasePunchNoise Select NoiseReductionTrack At Once Naming a trackErase a silent region EraseSilence Disc At Once Album CD ProjectWrite the song Finalize the discSong Locate Mixer Effects Session Drums Recorder Specify the size of the gaps between each trackAudition the Album CD Project Check the CD by playing it back on an audio CD playerRipping a CD Creating a live CDCreate a master track for this song Edit the album CD project. Figure EBacking up Backing up and restoringBacking up 1 Song Execute the backup When backing up to CD-R/RWWhen backing up to the PC drive Backing up All DataRestoring backed-up data Importing an audio file Audio filesImporting an audio track into the beginning of a track Importing an audio file into the middle of a track Exporting an audio fileExporting an audio file Using D32XD and D16XD data Using D3200 data on a different modelUsing data from a different model on the D3200 Drive and data compatibility with the Digital RecordingSpecifying the drive size Specifying the PC drive sizeChecking the hard disk Renaming a song driveFormatting the hard disk Creating a system recovery To keep only the audio data that you are actually usingLoad system Drive capacityPC drive Checking, renaming, or deleting filesDeleting the Undo data Sharing event dataWindows users Windows Me/2000 or later Saving/loadingMacintosh users Mac OS9.0.4 or later Midi connections Using MidiMidi messages used by D3200 Using Midi to control the mixer Synchronizing two D3200 unitsDownloading the operating system Upgrading the systemClickPoint Calibration dialog box will appear Press the panel Enter keyCounter display CounterTime Disp Type dialog box Using the name library RenameEditing a name Meter/Track View100 2a. CH INPUT/SubMixer 1012b. PAIR/GROUP 1022b-1. Channel Pair 2b-2. Fader Group2c. FADER/PAN/AUTOMATION 1032c-1. Fader Pan 2c-2. Automation104 2c-3. Event List105 2c-4. Edit Scene2c-5. Scene Filter 1062c-6. Mixer View 2d. EQ/ATT/PHASE 1072d-1. EQ/ATT 2d-2. EQ Library108 2d-3. Phase2d-4. Master EQ 2e. Send EFF/AUX/REC 1092f. SOLO/MONITOR 1102e-5. Rec Send 2f-1. Solo2g. Mixer Setup 1112f-2. Monitor 2f-3. Cue Level112 Ch ViewChannel Routing View 3a. Rename113 Effect Routing114 Insert EFFEffects that can be used simultaneously Techniques for assigning effectsMaster EFF1 115Effect program selection PAN 116Master EFF2 Final EFF117 118 119 Disk Utility 120HDD, CD 121 122 Edit PC FileRestore Backup123 Restore destination 124Album CD Project Other data files125 126 Virtual TrackMaster Track Edit Track127 CopyTrk128 Wave dialog box129 InsertTrkEraseTrk DeleteTrk130 SwapTrkReverseTrk A3.WAVE131 OptimizeTrkExpCmpTrk A4. Wave132 CopyWholeTrkSwapWholeTrk A3. VirtualA3. Mode 133FadeTrk NormalizeTrk134 NoiseReductionErasePunchNoise Before execution After executionImport File 135EraseSilence 136 Export File11. CD 13711a. Album CD 13811b. Track at once 139140 11c. CD PlayerWAV 141 UndoCalib 142 143 Drums Track Mixer144 Pattern Map145 MarkTempo Track 146 ZoomRec Mode LOC 1/IN, … LOC 4/ENDMixer Navigation Tools 147148 Transport keys Play/Stop Mode149 Category Reverb&Delay 150Category Modulation&Pitch Category Dynamics&FilterCategory SFX&etc 151Category Multi Stereo-type About the effect algorithms152 C/R Delay Stereo/Cross Delay10 St. Multitap Delay Stereo Multitap Delay 153Auto Panning Delay 11 St.Modulation Dly Stereo Modulation Delay154 Stereo Phaser 155Stereo Flanger Stereo Vibrato156 Stereo TremoloStereo Expander 19 St.Pitch Shifter Stereo Pitch Shifter157 Stereo LimiterStereo Gate Stereo Filter158 Multiband LimiterCategory SFX&etc SFX/Etc effects Talking ModulatorMonaural-type 159Rotary Speaker Mono Reverb Room160 161 162 Mono Wah49 Mn.Ring Modulator Mono Ring Modulator Tube Pre Amp Sim Tube PreAmp Simulator163 164 165 Key does not function when pressed 166Audio files 167Startup 168 169 170 Drives 171CD-R/RW drive PC USB driveAudio CDs and files 172Playing an audio CD Creating an audio CD173 LoadingWAV-format audio files Files on the PC USB drive PC files174 Recorder sectionMidi functionality General175 InputDrum Pattern List 176EQ Library List Name Library ListDemo Song List 177178 179 180 181 182 183 Virtual trackWord clock XLR jackIndex 184185 CD-RWREC/PLAY Mode 186187 USB188 Midi implementation chart 189Korg INC
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