Oster GCDS-OST25724-PH Meatballs, Pepper Crusted Braised Short Ribs, Spaghetti Sauce, Pork Roast

Page 15

2 green peppers, chopped

3 cans (10½-oz. each)


tomatoes and chilies

Preheat roaster to 350° F. Combine first 8 ingredients in roaster. Cover,

cook for 2 ½ hours. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and cook an additional 30 minutes to 1 hour.


5 pounds ground beef

1 ½ teaspoons salt

1 cup Italian seasoned fine,

½ teaspoon pepper

  dry bread crumbs

5 eggs

Preheat roaster with pan in place to 425° F. Combine all ingredients. Form into 1- inch balls. Place meatballs in pan. Cover; Bake 30 to 45 minutes or until done. Stir occasionally to brown on all sides. Makes approximately 75 meatballs.


6 - 9 pounds beef short ribs

15 cloves garlic, minced

¼ cup freshly cracked black pepper

5 (14 ½-oz.) cans beef broth

2 teaspoons salt

1 cup red wine, optional

Preheat roaster to 450° F. Rub ribs on all sides with pepper and garlic. Sprinkle with salt. Place ribs in cooking pan and cover. Cook 15-30 minutes, turning to brown on all sides. Pour broth over ribs. Cover, reduce heat to 300° F and cook until tender, 2 to 2 ½ hours.


1 can (48-oz.) tomato juice

1⁄3 cup basil leaves

4 cans (28-oz.) diced tomatoes

¼ cup oregano leaves

2 cans (12-oz.) tomato paste

1 ½ tablespoons parsley

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon thyme

6 cups water

1 tablespoon salt

5 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon pepper

Turn roaster to 350° F. Add all ingredients to an oven safe dish, stirring well to combine. Cover, cook 3 to 4 hours until thick, adding meatballs during last 1 to 1 ½ hours. Stir occasionally.



2 (2 ½ to 3-lb.) beef tip or rump roast

¼ cup soy sauce

2 - 3 tablespoons cracked

2 tablespoons Worcestershire

  black peppercorns


4 cloves garlic, minced

1 ½ teaspoons dry mustard

3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

½ teaspoon salt

Preheat roaster to 350° F. Make several slits in top of roasts. Place roasts on rack. Set rack in roaster. Combine vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and mustard. Brush marinade over roasts. Combine cracked pepper and garlic. Rub over meat. Sprinkle with salt. Cover; roast 20 to 25 minutes per pound or until roast reaches desired doneness.


4 - 5 lb. pork loin roast

½ teaspoon pepper

4 cloves garlic, minced

½ cup Italian dressing

1 teaspoon salt

¼ cup Worcestershire sauce

Preheat roaster to 350° F. Place roast on rack. Press minced garlic into surface of the roast. Place rack in roaster. Combine dressing and Worcestershire sauce. Brush roast with marinade. Cover; cook for 2 to 2 ½ hours or until done.


2 cans (7-lbs. each) pork and beans

1⁄2 cup Worcestershire sauce


½ cup molasses

2 tablespoons dry mustard


¼ cup ketchup


1 pound bacon, cooked

¾ cup prepared barbecue sauce

  until just crisp and cut up


Combine all ingredients in an oven safe dish and place in roaster pan. Cover and cook at 300° F for 2 hours or until heated through. Stir occasionally.



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Image 15 Oster GCDS-OST25724-PH warranty Meatballs, Pepper Crusted Braised Short Ribs, Spaghetti Sauce, Spicy Beef Roast, Pork Roast
Contents SMOKER/ROASTER ASADOR/AHUMADOR Do not Attempt to Defeat this Safety Feature Read all instructions before usingProng GROUNDING-TYPE Plugs Learning about Your SMOKER/ROASTERWhere to Use Preparing Your Smoker Roaster for USEImportant Points Roasting HOW to USESmoking Important PointsFew Words about Brines, Marinades, Rubs, and Sauces Use of Flavor & Woods Suggested Wood Chips for SmokingTips for Smoking Fish Introduction to Outdoor Roasting Cooking GuideDetermining Meat Doneness Outdoor RoastingTemp CleaningRoasting Meats And Poultry MeatRUB RecipesOPEN-FACED Roast Beef Sandwiches with Mushrooms and Onions BakingRosemary and Garlic Smoked Pork Roast Sweet and Smoky Baby Back RibsBrined Turkey Stuffed with Oranges and Thyme SauceMustard Herb Mixture Mustard and Herb Crusted Beef Roast SandwichesSpicy Beer Sauce Spicy Texas BBQ Beef BrisketSmoked Bluefish DRY RUBPOT Luck Beef Stew Smoked Sweet and Spicy HAMLemon Garlic Roast Chicken Baked PotatoesSpicy Beef Roast MeatballsPepper Crusted Braised Short Ribs Spaghetti SauceYear Limited Warranty Precauciones Importantes Enchufe DE 3 Patas CON Conexión a Tierra Aprendiendo Sobre SU ASADOR/AHUMADORPuntos Importantes Dónde UsarloAsado Cómo SE UtilizaAhumado Puntos ImportantesAlgunas palabras acerca de Salmuera, Adobos y Salsas Uso de Sabores y Maderas Trozos de Madera Sugeridos para AhumarConsejos para Ahumar Pescado Introducción al Asado de Exterior Guía DE CocinaDeterminación de Grados de Cocción de Carnes Asado DE ExteriorConsejos Y Recomendaciones LimpiezaCarnes Y Aves Asadas HorneadoComida Salsa Sándwiches Abiertos DE Rosbif CON Champiñones Y CebollaCostillitas DE Puerco Dulces Y Ahumadas AdoboPavo a LA SAL Relleno CON Naranjas Y Tomillo Asado DE Cerdo Ahumado CON Romero Y AJOSalmuera Adobo Seco Sándwiches DE Rosbif CON Costra DE Mostaza Y HierbasPechito DE Vaca Picante Estilo Tejano Mezcla DE Mostaza Y HierbasJamón Ahumado Dulce Y Picante Pescado Azul AhumadoChili Para UNA Multitud Pollo Asado AL Limón Y AJOPapas AL Horno Guiso DE Carne ComunitarioFrijoles Cocidos Salsa Para PastaCarne Asada Picante Asado DE CerdoGarantía Limitada de 1 Año