Oster CKSTROSMK18_12ESM1 Spicy Texas BBQ Beef Brisket, Smoked Bluefish, Dry Rub, Spicy Beer Sauce

Page 13



2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon Mexican chili powder

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

½teaspoon ground cumin


1 bottle favorite barbeque sauce

½ cup beer

2 tablespoons cider vinegar

2 tablespoons brown sugar

2 tablespoons chipotle peppers in Adobo sauce

1¼ teaspoons black pepper

½teaspoon salt

12 hard rolls

3-3½ pound beef brisket

1.Place ⅓ cup of dry wood chips in each of the wood chip bins in roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water into bottom of the pan.

2.Combine rub ingredients and rub into brisket. Add brisket to rack. Set temperature dial to 225°F. Cook for 3-6 hours or until meat is tender.

3.In a bowl, combine barbeque sauce, beer, cider vinegar, brown sugar, chipotle peppers, pepper and salt. Taste and adjust flavors if necessary. After 3 hours, baste brisket every 15-20 minutes.

4.To serve, thinly slice meat and serve with spicy beer sauce on hard rolls.



This is a three-step process (brine, dry, smoke), which takes all day. 4 sides (fillets) of average-sized bluefish (approximately 5-7 pounds total)


2 quarts warm water

¾cup kosher salt

¾cup sugar

¼cup soy sauce

2 bay leaves Zest of 1 lemon

2 sprigs fresh dill, chopped

1. Mix brine well in a glass, porcelain or plastic container large enough to hold the fish meat and the brine. Chill brine in the refrigerator overnight.

2.The next morning, place the fish in the brine. Set a plate or other heavy object on top of the fish to keep it submerged. Place the container of brine and fish into the refrigerator for 3 hours.

3.Remove the fish, rinse, pat dry, and lay out (skin side down) on cookie sheets or jelly roll pan lined with waxed paper. Discard brine. Place the fish in a dust-free place and allow to dry, uncovered, for about 1-2 hours until a sticky skin (“pellicule”) forms on the surface of the meat.

4.Place ⅓ cup of dry wood chips in each of the wood chip bins in roasting pan. Add 1 cup water to pan. Add fish.

5.Turn temperature dial to 225 ºF. Smoke, skin side down on a greased rack in the Smoker Roaster for 2 - 4 hours. The fish should be honey - to molasses-brown and still visibly moist

when done. The flesh when finished still has some give to it, like a rare steak, when you press on it with your fingers. Don’t smoke it too long or the result will be dry.


CKSTROSMK18_12ESM1.indd 24-25

6/11/12 11:10 AM

Image 13 Oster CKSTROSMK18_12ESM1, P.N.157213 warranty Spicy Texas BBQ Beef Brisket, Smoked Bluefish, Dry Rub, Spicy Beer Sauce
Contents SMOKER/ROASTER ASADOR/AHUMADOR Do not Attempt to Defeat this Safety Feature Read all instructions before usingProng GROUNDING-TYPE Plugs Learning about Your SMOKER/ROASTERPreparing Your Smoker Roaster for USE Where to UseImportant Points Roasting HOW to USEImportant Points SmokingFew Words about Brines, Marinades, Rubs, and Sauces Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking Use of Flavor & WoodsTips for Smoking Fish Determining Meat Doneness Cooking GuideOutdoor Roasting Introduction to Outdoor RoastingRoasting Meats And Poultry CleaningMeat TempOPEN-FACED Roast Beef Sandwiches with Mushrooms and Onions RecipesBaking RUBBrined Turkey Stuffed with Oranges and Thyme Sweet and Smoky Baby Back RibsSauce Rosemary and Garlic Smoked Pork RoastMustard Herb Mixture Mustard and Herb Crusted Beef Roast SandwichesSmoked Bluefish Spicy Texas BBQ Beef BrisketDRY RUB Spicy Beer SauceLemon Garlic Roast Chicken Smoked Sweet and Spicy HAMBaked Potatoes POT Luck Beef StewPepper Crusted Braised Short Ribs MeatballsSpaghetti Sauce Spicy Beef RoastYear Limited Warranty Precauciones Importantes Enchufe DE 3 Patas CON Conexión a Tierra Aprendiendo Sobre SU ASADOR/AHUMADORPuntos Importantes Dónde UsarloAsado Cómo SE UtilizaPuntos Importantes AhumadoAlgunas palabras acerca de Salmuera, Adobos y Salsas Trozos de Madera Sugeridos para Ahumar Uso de Sabores y MaderasConsejos para Ahumar Pescado Determinación de Grados de Cocción de Carnes Guía DE CocinaAsado DE Exterior Introducción al Asado de ExteriorConsejos Y Recomendaciones LimpiezaHorneado Carnes Y Aves AsadasComida Costillitas DE Puerco Dulces Y Ahumadas Sándwiches Abiertos DE Rosbif CON Champiñones Y CebollaAdobo SalsaAsado DE Cerdo Ahumado CON Romero Y AJO Pavo a LA SAL Relleno CON Naranjas Y TomilloSalmuera Pechito DE Vaca Picante Estilo Tejano Sándwiches DE Rosbif CON Costra DE Mostaza Y HierbasMezcla DE Mostaza Y Hierbas Adobo SecoJamón Ahumado Dulce Y Picante Pescado Azul AhumadoPapas AL Horno Pollo Asado AL Limón Y AJOGuiso DE Carne Comunitario Chili Para UNA MultitudCarne Asada Picante Salsa Para PastaAsado DE Cerdo Frijoles CocidosGarantía Limitada de 1 Año