Oster GCDS-OST25724-PH, P.N.157213 warranty Use of Flavor & Woods, Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking

Page 7

Use of Flavor & Woods

Wood chips give smoked foods their distinct flavor and are a prime ingredient in water smoking. Smoke flavor will vary slightly with the type of wood used. Common woods used in smoking are hickory, mesquite, cherry, apple, maple, and alder.

Never use resinous woods such as pine or cedar as they will produce an unpleasant flavor.

Wood chips 1 to 2½ inches long and ¼ to ½ inch thick work best. Do not use wood chunks. Very small wood chips or shavings will burn too quickly and may not produce the desired smoke flavor.

One cup of chips is good for 1 hour of smoking. Use two cups for longer smoke times.

Do not add wood chips to the Smoker Roaster while in use.

Wood Chips are not included with this unit.

Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking

Alder: Salmon, swordfish, and other fish; poultry and pork.

Apple: Poultry, pork, and salmon.

Cherry: Veal, pork, and poultry.

Hickory: All meats, poultry, and fish.

Maple: Salmon, chicken, and pork.

Mesquite: Beef and pork.

Oak: All meats.

Tips for Smoking Fish

Dressed fish fillets and steaks may be smoked. When smoking dressed fish, place the belly (cut) side down on the rack. Spread the fish open to allow for maximum smoke penetration. Fish, especially lean fish, may be brushed with melted butter or oil before cooking to prevent the fish drying out. Fish is done when a meat thermometer reads 140 °F or when the flesh flakes easily.





Cups of

Approx. Cook




Time in












2½ - 3½ lbs.


4 - 6





Short Ribs

2 - 2½ lbs.


2 - 2½





Roast (Boneless)

2½ - 4 lbs.


2 - 3

Roast (Bone in)

3 - 5 lbs.


2½ - 4














41” - thick


1 - 1½

Country Style Ribs

2 - 5 lbs.


3 - 5





Spare Ribs

3 - 5 lbs.


3 - 5





Roast (Boneless)

2 - 3½ lbs.


1 - 3½









Turkey (1 Whole)

16 - 18 lbs.


7 - 8





Chicken (1 Whole)

3 - 3½ lbs.


2 - 2½

Turkey Breast (Boneless)

3½ - 4½ lbs.


2½ - 3





Turkey Drumsticks

3 - 3½ lbs.


2 - 2½










1½ - 2 lbs.


1 - 1½






41” - thick


1 - 1¼





Whole Fish

9 - 10” long


1 - 1½


(3 - 3½ lbs.)



*All cooking times are based on using one cup of hickory chips. Cooking times are estimates and will vary with the amount of food, outside weather conditions and altitude. Always use a meat thermometer to verify that the meat has reached a safe internal temperature.


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Image 7 Oster GCDS-OST25724-PH, P.N.157213 warranty Use of Flavor & Woods, Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking, Tips for Smoking Fish
Contents SMOKER/ROASTER ASADOR/AHUMADOR Do not Attempt to Defeat this Safety Feature Read all instructions before usingProng GROUNDING-TYPE Plugs Learning about Your SMOKER/ROASTERPreparing Your Smoker Roaster for USE Where to UseImportant Points Roasting HOW to USEImportant Points SmokingFew Words about Brines, Marinades, Rubs, and Sauces Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking Use of Flavor & WoodsTips for Smoking Fish Introduction to Outdoor Roasting Cooking GuideDetermining Meat Doneness Outdoor RoastingTemp CleaningRoasting Meats And Poultry MeatRUB RecipesOPEN-FACED Roast Beef Sandwiches with Mushrooms and Onions BakingRosemary and Garlic Smoked Pork Roast Sweet and Smoky Baby Back RibsBrined Turkey Stuffed with Oranges and Thyme SauceMustard Herb Mixture Mustard and Herb Crusted Beef Roast SandwichesSpicy Beer Sauce Spicy Texas BBQ Beef BrisketSmoked Bluefish DRY RUBPOT Luck Beef Stew Smoked Sweet and Spicy HAMLemon Garlic Roast Chicken Baked PotatoesSpicy Beef Roast MeatballsPepper Crusted Braised Short Ribs Spaghetti SauceYear Limited Warranty Precauciones Importantes Enchufe DE 3 Patas CON Conexión a Tierra Aprendiendo Sobre SU ASADOR/AHUMADORPuntos Importantes Dónde UsarloAsado Cómo SE UtilizaPuntos Importantes AhumadoAlgunas palabras acerca de Salmuera, Adobos y Salsas Trozos de Madera Sugeridos para Ahumar Uso de Sabores y MaderasConsejos para Ahumar Pescado Introducción al Asado de Exterior Guía DE CocinaDeterminación de Grados de Cocción de Carnes Asado DE ExteriorConsejos Y Recomendaciones LimpiezaHorneado Carnes Y Aves AsadasComida Salsa Sándwiches Abiertos DE Rosbif CON Champiñones Y CebollaCostillitas DE Puerco Dulces Y Ahumadas AdoboAsado DE Cerdo Ahumado CON Romero Y AJO Pavo a LA SAL Relleno CON Naranjas Y TomilloSalmuera Adobo Seco Sándwiches DE Rosbif CON Costra DE Mostaza Y HierbasPechito DE Vaca Picante Estilo Tejano Mezcla DE Mostaza Y HierbasJamón Ahumado Dulce Y Picante Pescado Azul AhumadoChili Para UNA Multitud Pollo Asado AL Limón Y AJOPapas AL Horno Guiso DE Carne ComunitarioFrijoles Cocidos Salsa Para PastaCarne Asada Picante Asado DE CerdoGarantía Limitada de 1 Año