Chapter 3
Quickstart Example Design
This chapter provides an overview of the Endpoint Block Plus for PCI Express example design (both single and dual core) and instructions for generating the core. It also includes information about simulating and implementing the example design using the provided demonstration test bench.
The example simulation design consists of two discrete parts:
•The Downstream Port Model, a test bench that generates, consumes, and checks PCI Express bus traffic.
•The Programmed Input Output (PIO) example design, a completer application for PCI Express. The PIO example design responds to Read and Write requests to its memory space and can be synthesized for testing in hardware.
Simulation Design Overview
For the simulation design, transactions are sent from the Downstream Port Model to the Block Plus core and processed by the PIO example design. Figure
Endpoint Block Plus v1.8 for PCI Express | www.xilinx.com | 13 |
UG343 June 27, 2008