Braun 2120, 2130 manual ∂Ïïëóèî¿

Page 38


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Image 38
Contents 213 00 800 Brauninfoline Page Page Halten Sie das Gerät von Kindern fern DeutschWichtig Falls diese Hautreaktionen nachEinige praktische Tipps Im Bereich von MuttermalenBei Blutern oder bei Immun- schwäche Gerätebeschreibung s. SeiteReinigung des Epilierkopfes Änderungen vorbehaltenEnglish High-precision epilation headDescription see How to epilateSome useful tips Cleaning the epilation head Français Propos de l’épilationComment s‘épiler Hémophilie ou déficience immunitaireDescription cf. La peau doit être sèche et non crémée ou huiléeNettoyer la tête d’épilation Mantenga el aparato fuera del alcance de los niños EspañolImportante Que el aparato quede bloqueado o se estropeeEn la toma de corriente Algunos consejos prácticosCómo depilarse «1» = depilación suaveLimpieza del cabezal de depilación de raíz Português Mantenha o aparelho fora do alcance das criançasConselhos práticos Como utilizar a Silk·épilLimpeza da cabeça de arranque com pinças Depilação das pernasDepilação de axilas e linha do biquini Italiano Informazioni generali sull’epilazione«2» = epilazione normale «1» = epilazione ultra-delicata Consigli utiliCome usare l’epilatore Come pulire la testina epilatrice Nederlands BelangrijkEpileren Elk gebruik beperkt het risico van infectie tot een minimumHandige tips Uw huid moet droog zijn en vrij van vet of crèmeSchoonmaken van het epileerhoofd Dansk VigtigtEpilering Nyttige tipsBeskrivelse se side Rengøring af epilatorhoved Oppbevar apparatet utilgjengelig for barn Høypresisjons standard epilatorhodetViktig Hvordan epilere Epilering av leggeneRengjøring av epilatorhode Endringer forbeholdesSvenska ViktigtBeskrivning se sidan Blödarsjuka eller nedsatt immunförsvarEn del nyttiga tips Hur man epilerarAtt rengöra epileringshuvudet Yleistä tietoa säärikarvojen poistosta SuomiTärkeää Epilaattorin käyttö Hyödyllisiä vinkkejäLaitteen osat katso sivu Epilointi-ajopään puhdistaminen ∂ÏÏËÓÈο ªÂÚÈΤ˜ ¯Ú‹ÛÈ̘ Û˘ÌßÔ˘Ï¤˜ ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜ Ù˘ ÎÂõ·Ï‹˜ ¿ÏÙ ÙËÓ ÎÂõ·Ï‹ ·ÔÙÚ›¯ˆÛ˘ Î·È ¿ÏÈ ÛÙË ı¤ÛË ÙÔ˘˜ Deutsch Español Italiano Norsk Eλληνικ Australia Djibouti Republique de Nippon USA

2120, 2130 specifications

The Braun 2130 and 2120 are two innovative products from Braun, a renowned name in personal care and grooming technology. These models showcase the brand's commitment to quality, efficiency, and user-friendly design, making them essential tools for those who prioritize grooming and skincare.

The Braun 2130 is particularly noted for its advanced shaving features. It employs a three-stage cutting system, which includes a combination of foil and blade technology working in tandem. This design catches and cuts hair at different lengths, ensuring a clean and close shave. The Precision Trimmer included in this model allows for meticulous styling and trimming of facial hair, providing versatility for users aiming for various looks.

On the other hand, the Braun 2120 is designed with ease of use in mind. Its ergonomic design ensures comfort during use, and its lightweight construction contributes to excellent maneuverability. This model also features a smart plug system, allowing for universal voltage compatibility. Users can conveniently charge the device anywhere in the world, making it an ideal choice for travelers.

Both models boast a quick-charge feature, enabling users to get a full shave with just a brief charging session. This is an incredible convenience for those with busy schedules. Additionally, they are equipped with washable heads, ensuring easy cleaning and maintenance. By simply rinsing under water, users can keep their device hygienic and ready for the next use.

Braun has also integrated technologies that enhance the overall shaving experience. The flexible head design adapts to the contours of the face, ensuring contact with the skin for an even shave. This reduces the risk of irritation and enhances comfort throughout the grooming process. Both models are also equipped with LED indicators that provide information on battery life and charging status, ensuring users are always informed.

In terms of aesthetics, both the 2130 and 2120 feature a sleek, modern look that aligns with Braun’s design philosophy. The quality materials used in their construction not only contribute to their durability but also ensure a premium feel in the hand.

In summary, the Braun 2130 and 2120 are exceptional grooming devices that combine advanced technology, practicality, and a user-friendly design, making them ideal choices for anyone seeking efficiency and quality in their grooming routine.