During A Call
Switching from one correspondent to another
You want to switch from one correspondent to another.
- Press the Shuttle interactive key.
You can converse alternatively with each of the correspondents, but they cannot converse with each other. The correspondent shown on the
Releasing one correspondent
You want to release one of the parties (the correspondent with whom you are talking).
- Press the Recover interactive key.
You recover the correspondent who was on hold.
Setting-up a conference call
You want to talk with each of the two parties at the same time (this feature is provided if you have initiated one of the calls).
- Press the Conf. interactive key.
If one of them hangs up, you remain
the conference call:
Suppose you want to leave your two parties to talk to each other during the conference call:
- Press the Transfer interactive key.
You can also simply red
The two parties remain
Note: in the event of a failure, your telephone set rings again.