Using the Menu Commands (continued)
Edit menu
Cancels the last command.
Cancels the action of the [Undo] command.
Sort Messages
Arranges the messages in reverse.
•by Name
Arranges the messages in alphabetical order of the message names. Click again to sort the messages in reverse.
•by Recorded Date
Arranges the messages from the oldest to the most recent recorded date. Click again to sort the messages in reverse.
•by Length
Arranges the messages from the shortest recording to the longest. Click again to list the messages in reverse.
•by Priority
Arranges the messages from the largest number to the smallest number of the priority marks. Click again to sort the messages in reverse.
Select All
Selects all the messages in the message list box or all the folders in the folder list box (whichever box you place the cursor on).
View menu
Click to place a check mark for showing the toolbar. Click again to remove the check mark and hide the toolbar.
Updates the display of the messages and folder list boxes to reflect any changes. (When you change messages or folders on the Windows Explorer, use this command to reflect the change.)
Help menu
Help Topics
Displays the help topics of the “Memory Stick Voice Editor“.
About Memory Stick Voice Editor
Displays the version number of the “Memory Stick Voice Editor“.