For Smart Use of The Air Conditioner
Setting of proper room | Do not block the air inlet |
temperature | or outlet |
2TQRGTProper VGORGTCVWTGtemperature
%NQUGFQQTUCPFYKPFQYUClose doors and windows 7UGVJGVKOGTGHHGEVKXGN[Use the timer effectively FWduringTKPIQRGTCVKQPoperation
&WTKPIEQQNKPIQRGTCVKQPDuring cooling operation RTGXGPVVJGRGPGVTCVKQPQHprevent the penetration of FKTGEVUWPNKIJVYKVJdirect sunlight with EWTVCKPQTDNKPFcurtain or blind
+HVJGWPKVKUPQVVQDGWUGFIf the unit is not to be used 7UGVJGNQWXGTUGHHGEVKXGN[Use the louvers effectively HQTCNQPIVKOGVWTPQHHVJGfor a long time, turn off the RQYGTUWRRN[OCKPUYKVEJpower supply main switch.