Set Mode Item [F8 BLU VOX]
Function: Enables/Disables the Bluetooth function (requires the optional
Available Values: OFF/PTT/VOX HIGH/VOX LOW
Default: PTT
OFF: Disable the Bluetooth function.
PTT: Activate Bluetooth function without the VOX feature.
VOX HIGH: Activate Bluetooth function with the VOX feature (VOX gain: High).
VOX LOW: Activate Bluetooth function with the VOX feature (VOX gain: Low).
Set Mode Item [F9 CLOCK]
Function: Activates/Disables the Internal Clock/Stop Watch Timer.
Available Values: OFF/ON
Default: OFF
Set Mode Item [F10 CLUB PRI]
Function: Activates the Club Channel Monitor.
Available Values: OFF/AUTO/HOLD
Default: OFF
OFF: Disables the Club Channel Monitor feature.
AUTO: When the
HOLD:When a signal is received on the Club Channel, the
Set Mode Item [F11 DC VOLT]
Function: Indicates the DC Supply Voltage.
Set Mode Item [F12 DIMMER]
Function: Setting of the display's illumination level.
Available Values: DIMMER 1 - DIMMER 5
Default: 5
Set Mode Item [F13 DTMF]
Function: Programming of the DTMF Autodialer. See page 72 for details.
Set Mode Item [F14 FKEY MOD]
Function: Selects the category which is recalled from the top panel /
Available Values: FNC/FNC+MSG/MSG
Default: FNC
FNC: Recalls the Public Address feature, Horn Alert Feature, and other features.
FNC+MSG: Recalls the Public Address feature, Horn Alert Feature, Message, and other features.
MSG: Recall the message only.
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