−Wait until the compressor has come to a complete stop.
−Ensure the compressor and all air tools and accessories connected to it are relieved from pressure.
−Let the device and all air tools and accessories used cool off.
After all servicing:
−Check to see that all safety devices are operational.
−Make sure that no tools or other parts remain on or in the machine.
Compressor does not run:
•No mains voltage.
−Check cables, plug, outlet and mains fuse.
•Mains voltage too low.
−Use only extension cables with sufficient lead cross section (see "Technical Specifications"). Avoid using extension cable with cold machine.
•Compressor was stopped by unplugging.
−Switch compressor OFF at the On/Off switch, then ON again.
•Motor has overheated, caused by insufficient cooling (cooling fins cov- ered).
−Kompressor am
Compressor runs but does not build up sufficient pressure.
•Condensate drain of pressure ves- sel leaky.
−Check gasket of drain cock(s); replace if necessary.
−Tighten drain cock(s) fingertight.
•Check valve leaky.
−Have check valve serviced by qualified service centre.
Air tool is not supplied with sufficient pressure.
•Pressure regulator not opened wide enough.
−Open pressure regulator more.
•Hose connection between compres- sor and air tool leaky.
−Check air hoses, replace defec- tive parts if necessary.
7. Repairs
Repairs to power tools must be car- ried out by qualified electricians only!
Electric tools in need of repair can be send to the service centre in your coun- try. See spare parts list for address.
Please attach a description of the fault to the power tool.
8. Environmental Protection
The tool's packaging materials are 100 % recyclable.
Worn out machines and accessories contain considerable amounts of valua- ble raw and plastic materials, which can be recycled.
These instructions are printed on paper produced with elemental chlorine free bleaching process.