Chapter 5: Setting the Initial Configuration
[edit interfaces eth0]
user@host# set unit 0 family inet broadcast
4.Verify the interface configuration.
[edit interfaces eth0] user@host# show unit 0 {
family { inet {
Configuring the System to Accept SSH and Telnet Connections
You can enable SSH and Telnet to let users who have the appropriate privileges connect to the system. For security reasons, we recommend that you do not allow remote users to access the CLI as root. The system does not allow root access over a Telnet connection. For more information, see
To configure the system to accept SSH connections:
1.From configuration mode, access the [edit system services ssh] hierarchy level.
2.(Optional) Specify whether or not to allow root login through SSH.
[edit system services ssh]
user@host> set
■allow— Allow users to log in to the
■deny— Disable users from logging in to the system as root through SSH.
Configuring the System to Accept SSH and Telnet Connections ■ 25