HP sv6 manual Examples

Page 68

installation and user information

how to use hp visualization center sv6 tools

The setpipes program modifies the location and size of the rendering area for each 3D Slave. In addition, the number of jitter samples per 3D Slave can also be specified.

NOTES:1) When experimenting with different values in xdist and ydist, it is possible that the values will not total 100% of the screen width or height. In this case, the command will be executed and the compositor will display a test pattern in the areas not covered by a pipe. The test pattern is a block grid pattern that rotates between red, green, and blue continuously.

2)When running setpipes on an sv6 VisCenter configuration, the "-" is optional between the master specifier (e.g, "-0") and the Pipe orientation (e.g., grid). In other words, on an sv6 VisCenter:

setpipes -0 grid -1 grid

is identical to

setpipes -0 -grid -1 -grid


1)sv6 Configuration: 8-Pipe System, Horizontal Stripes setpipes -h











2)sv6 Configuration: 8-Pipe System, Grid setpipes -grid

















Chapter 2

Image 68
Contents Installation and user’s guide Manufacturing Part Number A6062-90005 Edition E0302Legal notices Copyright noticesHp product warranty statement Printing historyHP Product Duration of Warranty For additional information Viewing documentation on the recovery CD UserguidesContents file configuration Projector calibration targets Hp scalable visualization digital compositorGlossary Hp mini-sv6 configurationRegulatory information Contents Safety and support information How to obtain support for your sv6 system How to obtain support for your sv6 system Safety warnings Rack stabilityPower distribution units PDUs Sample Power Distribution Unit PDUPower Distribution Unit PDU, there may be a risk of high Cable and Plugs Between the PDU and the Wall ReceptacleElectric shock, connect each component to a grounded outlet Only. Never operate any component with its ground pinNema 5-15 Receptacle PDU power limitationsMetallic particulate contamination Safety warnings Installation and user information Document purpose Section descriptionsDocument purpose Product overview Hp visualization centers sv6 j6700 and mini-sv6 b2600 Hp visualization center sv6 components Pipe system configuration Arrangement of the hardware in the racks may varySingle Display Channel Multiple Display Channels Hp visualization center sv6 architecture Pipe System ArchitectureAccelerate Mode Vertical slice, Horizonal slice and Grid Hp visualization center sv6 operating modesAccumulate Mode Each fraction of the screen is called a screen rectangleMixed Mode Mixed Mode 16-Pipe Example Supported configurationsSeven or Eight 3D Pipes Per Channel Hardware ConfigurationsThree or Four 3D Pipes Per Channel Software not supported Software configurationsSixteen 3D Pipes Per Channel Installation and user information Installation process AssessmentPreparation for wide field displays TIPHp visualization center sv6 installation Rack see -10 when systems are being set upAnti-Tip Plate Over. The anti-tip plate should remain deployed. See the hpConnect Power, I/O Devices Position console monitors12 Connecting Compositor to Monitor or Other Display Device 13 Connecting HP ProCurve Hub to LAN Boot Up ConfigurationSpecify Compositor Serial Port Optional Configure System SoftwareConfigure ds2100 VerificationDo not use any other options with -test Run Your Application Software setup specifications Maintain current graphics patches How to determine your current versionUpdating software Installation Steps Uninstallation steps Installing to all sv6 systems using HP Software Distributor Preparation Copy and register locally When installing patches that require a reboot, switch to a Versions, either login remotely to perform the install, orWhich kills the remaining swinstall GUI windows Start install GUI swinstallVerification Example march gb patch OK OKAdvanced setup for multiple display channels Additional X serverMaster Hostname Svmc1 Configuring offset overlap Additional equipmentEdge Blending Configuring offset overlap for multiple rows19 Height Edge Blending Width Column Row Backdrops 3840 x 1024 3x1280 x 21 3072 x 768 3x1024 xUsage ServerX0screens Description This file must be edited as root and must be locatedChanging resolution Standard ResolutionsCustomized Resolutions Stereo ResolutionsHow to use hp visualization center sv6 tools Xadvsetpipes GUI Description Examples How to use hp visualization center sv6 tools Jitter file tool Options Sv6 diagnosticsDescription Sample output from running sv6diag on a standard sv6 system Chapter Passive stereo overview Stereoscopic viewingActive stereo overview Stereo hardware installation Ensure eye wear is functioning and cleanUnpack and inventory components Position emitter in viewing areaChanging to stereo monitor mode Power up the emittersAdd ScreenOption Start up the new X server initVerification Simple stereoscopic applicationUsing NFS to mount hard drives OptimizationApplication suggestions Optimizing performance23 Panes Y offset adjustments Use the xadvsetpipes tool see 24 X and Y Offset Adjustments Accumulate Mode See Optimizing image qualityMethod #1 Method #2Pass through mode Invokes the application Gamma correction in pass through modePass through mode on a multi-channel sv6 Gamma value Hpoglpush Environmentfile configuration file configuration For networking to function properly, hostnames used #/etc/inittab Init4initdefault OPERATINGSYSTEM=HP-UX LOOPBACKADRESS= INTERFACESTATE1= DHCPENABLE1=0 Projector calibration targets How to use projector calibration targets How to use projector calibration targetsHpcirc.pm 128x128 circles tiled example shown Hpgray.pm gray scale tiled example shown Hpline.pm 64X64 grid lines tiled example shown64 x 64 grids for horizontal and vertical convergence Hpeye1.pm eye chart #1 tiled example shown Hpcolor.pm color scale tiled example shownHpeye2.pm eye chart #2 tiled example shown Hp scalable visualization digital Compositor cards Compositor cardsFigure A-1 Compositor Cards 100 Compositor parts list Table A-1Compositor configurations Table A-2Sv6 compositor frame delay This mode is invalid with passive stereo Interface ProcedureIntroduction LED indicators Testing output or input cardsTesting controller cards Hp mini-sv6 configuration Mini-sv6 configuration Figure B-1 Mini sv6 configurationAppendix B 109 110 Regulatory information Appendix C Safety warning for the USA and Canada FCC radio frequency interference statement USA onlyNoise declaration for Germany Regulatory information 116 Glossary Active stereo Glossary 119 Screen real estate