Trane UNT-SVX07A-EN manual Cooling Operation, Heating Operation, Discharge Air Tempering

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sequence of

Operation operation

Cooling Operation

The heating and cooling setpoint high and low limits are always applied to the occupied and occupied standby setpoints. During the cooling mode, the TracerZN520 controller attempts to maintain the space temperature at the active cooling setpoint. Based on the controller’s occupancy mode, the active cooling setpoint is one of the following:

Occupied cooling setpoint

Occupied standby cooling setpoint

Unoccupied cooling setpoint

The controller uses the measured space temperature, the active cooling setpoint, and discharge air temperature along with the control algorithm to determine the requested cooling capacity of the unit (0-100%). The outputs are controlled based on the unit configuration and the required cooling capacity. To maintain space temperature control, the Tracer ZN520 cooling outputs (modulating hydronic valve, two-position hydronic valve, or outdoor air economizer damper) are controlled based on the cooling capacity output.

The cooling output is controlled based on the cooling capacity. At 0% capacity, all cooling capacities are off and the damper is at minimum position. Between 0 and 100% capacity, the cooling outputs are controlled according to modulating valve logic (modulating valves) or cycled on (2-position valves). As the load increases, modulating outputs open further and binary outputs are energized longer. At 100% capacity, the cooling valve or damper is fully open (modulat- ing valves) or on continuously (and 2- position valves).

Unit diagnostics can affect fan operation, causing occupied and occupied standby fan operation to be defined as abnormal. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information about abnormal fan operation.

The TracerZN520 controller operates the supply fan continuously when the controller is in the occupied and occupied standby modes, for either heating or cooling. The controller only cycles the fan off with heating and cooling capacity in the unoccupied mode.

The economizer is used for cooling purposes whenever the outdoor tem- perature is below the economizer enable setpoint and there is a need for cooling. The economizer is used first to meet the space demand, and other forms of cooling are used if the economizer cannot meet the demand alone. See modulating outdoor air damper operation for additional information.

Cascade cooling control initiates a discharge air tempering function if the discharge air temperature falls below the discharge air temperature control low limit, all cooling capacity is at minimum, and the discharge control loop deter- mines a need to raise the discharge air temperature. The controller then pro- vides heating capacity to raise the discharge air temperature to its low limit.

Discharge Air Tempering

The discharge air tempering function enables when cold outdoor air is brought in through the outdoor air damper, causing the discharge air to fall below the discharge air temperature control low limit. The controller exits the discharge air tempering function when heat capacity has been at 0% for five minutes.

Heating Operation

During heating mode, the TracerZN520 controller attempts to maintain the space temperature at the active heating setpoint. Based on the occupancy mode of the controller, the active heating setpoint is one of the following:

Occupied heating

Occupied standby heating

Unoccupied heating

During dehumidification in the heating mode, the controller adjusts the heating setpoint up to the cooling setpoint. This reduces the relative humidity in the space with a minimum of energy usage.

The controller uses the measured space temperature, the active heating setpoint, and discharge air temperature, along with the control algorithm, to determine the requested heating capacity of the unit (0-100%). The outputs are controlled based on the unit configuration and the required heating capacity.

Unit diagnostics can affect the Tracer ZN520 controller operation, causing unit operation to be defined as abnormal. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information about abnormal unit operation.

The heating output is controlled based on the heating capacity. At 0% capacity, the heating output is off continuously.

Between 0 and 100% capacity, the heating output is controlled according to modulating valve logic (modulating valves) or cycled on (two-position valves). As the load increases, modulat- ing outputs open further and binary outputs are energized longer. At 100% capacity, the heating valve is fully open (modulating valves) or on continuously (two-position valves).

The TracerZN520 fan output(s) normally run continuously during the occupied and occupied standby modes, but cycle between high and off speeds with heating/cooling during the unoccupied mode. When in the occupied mode or occupied standby mode and the fan speed is set at the high, medium, or low position, the fan runs continuously at the selected speed. Refer to the Trouble- shooting section for more information on abnormal fan operation.

When the unit’s supply fan is set to auto, the controller’s configuration determines the fan speed when in the occupied mode or occupied standby mode. The fan runs continuously at the configured heating fan speed or cooling fan speed. For all fan speed selections except off, the fan cycles off during unoccupied mode.

The economizer outdoor air damper is never used as a source of heating. Instead, the economizer damper (when present) is only used for ventilation; therefore, the damper is at the occupied minimum position in the occupied mode. The damper control is primarily associ- ated with occupied fan operation.



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Contents Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Models FC & FF ZO and later design sequenceGeneral information Common Hvac AcronymsContents General Model NumberGeneral Model Number DescriptionDigit 30 control type 0 = none Digit 28 auxiliary control valve 0 = noneDigit 29 piping packages 0 = none Digit 31 control optionTable I-GI-1. Fan-coil component data Table I-GI-2. Low vertical fan-coil component dataModel K low vertical cabinet Available ModelsModel E horizontal recessed Model M inverted vertical cabinetFactory-Installed Piping Packages Vertical Concealed Unit Dimensions & weights, in-lbs DimensionsInstallation Weights Vertical Concealed, Model aVertical Cabinet Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Vertical Cabinet, Model BHorizontal Concealed Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Horizontal Concealed, Model CHorizontal Cabinet Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Horizontal Cabinet, Model DInstallation Dimensions Weights Horizontal Recessed Unit Dimensions, in-lbsHorizontal Recessed, Model E Vertical wall hung cabinet unit dimensions & weights, in-lbs Vertical Wall Hung Cabinet, Model FVertical Recessed Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Vertical Recessed, Model HVertical Slope Top Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Vertical Slope Top, Model JLow Vertical Concealed Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Low Vertical Concealed, Model KLow Vertical Cabinet Unit Dimensions, in-lbs Low Vertical Cabinet, Model LInverted vertical cabinet unit dimensions & weights, in-lbs Inverted Vertical Cabinet, Model MInverted vertical recessed unit dimensions & weights, in-lbs Inverted Vertical Recessed, Model NFan-Coil Coil Connections Vertical Units Horizontal Units Force Flo Coil Connections Vertical Units Horizontal Units Inverted UnitsFresh Air Opening Dimensions, Horizontal Units Fresh Air Opening Dimensions, Vertical Units Wall Box Dimensions Wall BoxProjection Panel Dimensions Projection PanelReceiving and Handling Pre-installation Installation considerationsInstallation Preparation Jobsite StorageService Access Pre-Installation ChecklistDuct Connections Connecting field piping to coilMechanical Piping ConsiderationsCondensate Drain Venting the Hydronic Coil Figure I-MR-4. Close-up view of the changeover sensorBalancing The Manual Circuit Setter Valve Figure I-MR-8. Manual circuit setter valveMechanical Code of System Components in Piping Diagram Steam PipingWall Mounted Control Interconnection Wiring Unit Wiring DiagramsSupply Power Wiring ElectricalTable I-ER-2. Low vertical free discharge motors, 115 volt Table I-ER-3. Decimal to fractional HP kW conversionTable I-ER-8. Fan-coil electric heat kW Table I-ER-9. Electric heat kWTable I-ER-10. Force Flo single-stage, max kW electric heat Table I-ER-11. Force Flo single stage, low kW electric heatTable I-ER-12. Force Flo 2-stage electric heat Installation Installing the UnitUnit Leveling Figure I-IP-3. Zone sensor with on/cancel Comm jack Figure I-IP-5. Zone sensor onlyFan Mode Switch Installation Installing Wall Mounted ControlsWiring Instructions Zone Sensor InstallationInstallation Checklist Unit LevelingPre-startup Communication WiringRecommended Communication Wiring Practices Device AddressingPre-Startup Checklist Installation startup Tracer ZN510 & ZN520 Unit StartupGeneral Information Manual Fan Mode SwitchGeneral Operation information Relay BoardTracer ZN010 & ZN510 Operation Fan Mode Switch OperationSequence Tracer ZN520 OperationBinary Inputs Binary OutputsZone Sensors Fan Mode SwitchAnalog Inputs Supply Fan OperationTracer ZN520 Sequence of Operation Cooling Operation Heating OperationDischarge Air Tempering Fan Mode Operation Continuous Fan OperationManual Fresh Air Damper Fan Start on High SpeedElectric Heat Operation Economizer Damper OptionData Sharing Table O-SO-12. Binary input configurationsTable O-SO-13. Binary output configuration Binary OutputsTable O-SO-14. Analog inputs Table O-SO-15. Analog inputsTable O-SO-16. Zone sensor wiring connections Fan SwitchOn/Cancel Buttons Zone SensorMaintenance diagnostics Table M-D-1. Tracer ZN520 DiagnosticsDiagnostic Reset Translating Multiple DiagnosticsResetting Diagnostics Cycling the Fan SwitchTable M-D-3. Fan outputs do not energize Table M-D-4. Valves Stay ClosedTable M-D-5. Valves Stay Open Table M-D-6. Electric Heat Not Operating Table M-D-7. Fresh Air Damper Stays OpenTable M-D-8. Fresh Air Damper Stays Closed Switch SW1 Controller Type Maintenance troubleshootingTroubleshooting the Relay Board Switch SW2 Electric HeatGreen Status LED Troubleshooting Tracer ZN010, ZN510 & ZN520Red Service LED Yellow Comm LEDTable M-T-1. Test sequence for 1-heat/1-cool configurations BOP5 BOP6Maintenance Maintenance ProceduresMain Drain Pan Coil Maintenance Steam and Hydronic Coil Cleaning ProcedureWinterizing the Coil Control Device Replacement Replacing the MotorMonthly Maintenance Periodic Maintenance ChecklistsMonthly Checklist Annual MaintenanceTypical wiring Csti Fan Speed SwitchCsti Non Fan Speed Switch Line voltage fan speed switch Tracer ZN010 with electric heat Tracer ZN510 with main and auxilliary valves ZN520 with 2-stage electric heat Page Page Page PL-TD-UNT-SVX07A-EN