Configuration using the PC |
conditions. If a different type of activity is required, such as after hours or weekends, the change can be quickly made by using another shift to control the Cv2 operation. There are also a number of special function settings that enable outputs and inputs to operate as controls and indicators for some internal Cv2 activities.
The settings that can be entered for each group are defined below:
Group Name
The Group Name is a
Default Group Name: an empty text string.
Acknowledge Code
The Acknowledge Code is a 1 to 7 digit DTMF string that is used to acknowledge the group and stop alarm transmission until a new alarm is detected. Each group can have a unique Acknowledge Code, or different groups can use the same code in order to be acknowledged simultaneously. In special cases where it is not desirable to have the Acknowledge Code permanently silence the alarm condition, append the digit ‘#’ when you send the code and the Temporary Acknowledge Time in the General section will be used as an override.
Default Acknowledge Code: an empty text string.
Interrogate Code
The Interrogate Code is a 1 to 7 digit DTMF string that is used to make the Cv2 announce the condition of points in the group. Each group can have a unique Interrogate Code, or different groups can use the same code in order to generate the status of all groups at once.
Default Interrogate Code: an empty text string.
Enable This Group
To allow this group to be used for alarm reporting, this setting must be enabled. Points that are used for ‘interrogate only’ have this setting turned off. Groups may also be enabled or disabled via the local (or remote) programming phone.
Default Group Enable: disabled
Enable Auto Ack
If the Auto Ack function is used as a Directory command, it must enabled here for it to be valid for this group.
Default Auto Ack: disabled
B1272M001 | BARNETT ENGINEERING LTD. | ProTalk Cv2 |