Bay Glass Removal | TO REMOVE FAN: |
10) Unplug the wires from the fan motor (from |
inside the stove). |
1)Remove the door from the unit and place on a soft surface to prevent scratching.
2)Remove the nuts holding the glass retainers in place.
3)Remove the glass retainers (sides, top and bottom).
1)Turn the unit off and allow it to cool to room temperature.
2)Unplug or disconnect power source to stove.
3)Remove glass front (see section "Standard Flush Door.")
11) | Lift FanAssembly off of the 2 pins, tip forward |
| and pull through fi rebox opening. |
12) | Disconnect green wire from power cord. |
4) Replace the glass. The glass must have 4)
gasketing around it.
5)Reverse the previous steps, replace the
retainers and fasten with the nuts but do not | 6) |
over tighten, as this can break the glass. |
6)Replace door on the stove and check the seal.
Remove logs and brick panels, if used.
Remove the grate by loosening the two screws and sliding the grate out.
Remove the burner/front log support assembly by removing the 2 screws and lifting it out.
Grate screws
Remove the 2 screws holding the Air Intake Hood to the rear fi rebox wall and lift out.
Replacing fan:
Ifyourfanrequiresmaintenanceorreplacement, access to the fan is through the plate on the rear wall of the fi rebox. NOTE: the unit MUST NOT be operated without the fan access panel securely in place.
Caution: Label all wires prior to disconnectingwhenservicingcontrols. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing.
8)Remove the 10 screws holding the Access Panel in place.
9)Remove the Fan Air Duct by loosening the 3 screws, squeeze the sides together to remove.
Reverse above steps. Hint for pushing fan down onto pins - rub a bit of dish soap on the grommet so it will slide more easily onto the pin.
Check to make sure the fan is seated properly on the pins, this is very important- try to move the fan back and forth, there should be no noise, if there is check that the grommets haven't come loose.
Seal fan access panel using high temperature silicone (sparingly).
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