Janome 385.80802 owner manual Variety of Straight Stitching, Lll

Page 48

Variety of Straight Stitching

(_ Pattern: Straight stitch

(_ Foot A: Zigzag foot

For seaming garments, zipper application and more.


Pattern #02 _ is used for seaming along the edge.

(_ Pattern: Lock-A-Matic stitch

(_ Foot A: Zigzag foot

Seaming with auto reverse stit#hes at the beginning and end.

Press the reverse stitch button once, the machine will sew the reverse stitches and stop automatically.

O Pattern: Locking stitch

_) Foot A: Zigzag foot

Seaming with auto locking stitches at the beginning and end.

Press the reverse stitch button once, the machine will lock the stitches and stop automatically.

(_) Pattern:





(_ Foot A:




For seaming stretch fabrics that tend to pucker


The seam can be opened flat.





stretch stitch




Foot A:






Strong and durable stitch recommended for stretch



fabrics and areas to reinforce




Sculpture stitch



Foot F:

Satin stitch




For top stitching and outlining designs



Sew slowly at the corners.








Foot F:

Satin stitch




For top stitching and quilting








Foot A:





Long straight stretch

stitch, similar to hand stitches


01 02















19 III











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®l 1


Image 48
Contents Janome IMPORTANT Safety iNSTRUCTiONS Setting UP Your Machine Installation DE LA MachineMode Selection KEY Instalacion DE LA MaquinaNeedle AgujaAiguille ShuttleOiling TensionMolette Avant DE LE Tourner Pied zigzag PrenstelasparacremallerasPiedpourcurlerinvisible PA1TERNAtencion Importantes Consignes DE Securite Warranty Mechanical AdjustmentsFull 90-DAY Warranty on ALL Parts and Mechanical Adjustments Contents Cambios SECClONPRINClPALES Costura a partir del borde De una tela Nombre De las piezas C6mo Usar el prensatelasTable DES IViATiRES Partie PiecesEssential Parts Name of PartsLes specifications pourronttre modifi6es sans avis Pralable Nombre delas piezasNom des pices Orifice pour broche bobines suppl6mentaireExtension Table and Free Arm Sewing To detach Free arm sewingMesa de extensi6n y confecci6n con brazo libre Desmontaje Tire de la mesa de extensi6n hacia la izquierdaMontaje Confecci6n con el braze librePart Number Part Name Model Number of Machine 823801015Accesorios y refacciones disponibles Descripci6nConnecting the Power Supply Controlling Sewing SpeedSpeed control lever Brancher la machine Seccon 2. Preparativos Para CoserInsertela clavijadel cord6n a la toma elctrica Function Keys and Buttons Reverse stitch buttonAuto-lock button Bot6n de puntada inversa Bot6n de bloqueo automdticoLe bouton de marche arrire Bouton darrt automatiqueDown Nota Turn OFF the power switch before detaching or Dropping the Feed DogChanging the Presser Foot Detaching and Attaching the Foot HolderChanger de pied presseur Mettre en place le support du piedAtencion Raising and Lowering the Presser Foot Balancing Thread TensionEquilibrio de la tensi6n del hilo Tensi6n automdtlca Lever et baisser le pied presseurR6glage de la tension & la main Cadran sur un chiffresup6rieurChanging the Needles FabricLawn Heavy JerseyCambio de la aguja AgujaChanger Iaiguille Tissu Fil AiguilleWinding the Bobbin For a narrow or small spoolSpool pin BobbinEnrollado de la bobina Remplir la canetteSpring Inserci6n de la bobina Mettre en place la canetteThreading the Machine Threading the machineEnhebrado de la mdquina Enfilage de la machine SuperiorDiscotensor Hasta el ojo de la palanca tirahilo Palanca tirahiloAutomatic Needle Threader Drawing Up Bobbin ThreadNeedle Up/Down button Enhebrador automdticode la aguja Enfilage automatiqueEstiramiento del hilo de la bobina Faire remonter le fil de la canetteStraight Stitch Machine setting Olo0 @ LED display @Foot Zigzag foot Starting to sewChanging Sewing Direction 01 02 03Nota Adjusting the Stitch Length Press the mode selection keyChanging the needle drop position 02.2Le mode de rglage de la Iongueurdu point Rdgler la Iongueur du pointDdfinitionpar dfaut Pour accroTtrela longueurdu point,appuyer sur laUsing the seam guide lines Sewing from the Edge of Thick FabricC6mousarlas lineas gufa de costura Materials. Thisfoot preventsthe fabric from slipping or Puckeringby feeding fabrics with upper and lowerQuilting bar for the walking foot OTEIzquierdapara quecoincidaconel espaciadoentre Costuras Espaciado entie costurasSelon respacement de la couture Espacement de la coutureVariety of Straight Stitching LllDiversas Puntadas Diffrents points droitsMachine setting Adjusting Stitch WidthAdjusting the Stitch Length Basic Zigzag StitchPuntada bdsica en zigzag Le point zigzag de base Overedge stitch Overcasting Zigzag stitchMultiple zigzag stitch Tricot stitch Sobrehilado Puntada Zigzag Configuraci6n de la mdquina Punta mltiple en zigzag puntada de croch simplePoint zigzag multiple point tricot Surjeter Point Zigzag Rglage de la machineSerging stitch Configuraci6n de la mquina Puntada de sobrehiladoPantalla Prensatelas Prensatelas de sobrehilado ATENCI6NAutomatic Buttonhole ButtonholeOjal automdtico Boutonniere automatiqueLes boutonnieres carrdes N.06 AutomatiqueRaisetheneedleandfoot.Placetheautomatic Muesca Poste Page Page Adjusting the buttonhole width and density Adjusting the buttonhole widthAdjusting the buttonhole stitch density Double layer buttonholeAjuste de la densidad de puntada del ojal Ojal, en la pantalla aparecerRgler la densit6 du point de boutonniere Boutonniere doubl6eRound end/Keyhole Buttonhole Machine setting Refer to page 50 for stitch density adjustment@ LED display Foot Automatic buttonhole foot Width of roundend buttonhole can be variedOjal redondo y de bocallave Configuraci6n de la mquina Boutonni6re Bout rond / & oeillet Rglage de la machineAjuste de la anchura del oial R6gler la iargeur des boutonnieresCorded Buttonholes Machine setting Pattern LED display Foot Automatic buttonhole footCord6n Aml Sewing On ButtonsConfecci6n de botones Configuracidn de la mdquina Coudre Les boutons Rdglage de la machineAI terminar de coser, levante las garras transportadoras Adjusting the evenness of the darning DarningTo sew a shorter darning Illllllllllll IllllllllltlllllZurcido Repriser Rglage de la machinePoint Affichage lectronique Zipper Application To attach the zipper footFabric preparation Aplicacien de cremalleras Para ooserPour coudre Page Page Blind Hem Stitch Lourletinvisible Puntada de dobladillo invisiblePrensatelas Prensatelas de dobladillo invisible Si Iaiguillepique le tissu trop & gauche, les pointsKnit Stitch Shell TuckingDecorative Satin Stitches 222=4=526=7Punta de tejido Configuraci6n de la mquina APLiCACIONES Y PuntadasCoquille R6glage La machine FPied pour points satinSetting 28 29 30 AppliquScallop Stitch PatchworkPuntada de fest6n Configuraci6n de la mdquina Retaceria Le patchworkDe la mdquina Rglage de la machine Smocking FagotingPuntada de cruz Configuraci6n de la mquina FagotingLe point entre-deux R6glage de la machine Le point De croix R6glage de la machineQuilting Pin TuckingAcolchado Configuraci6n De la mdquina Patr6n Machinesetting Pattern CombinationFoot Satin stitch foot Combinaci6n De patrones Conflguraci6n de la mdquinaPrensatelas Prensatelas para puntadas Rdglage de la machineAdjusting Stretch Stitch Balance Repmacing the Light Bulb= To replace Remplacement de Iarnpoule Reemplazo de la bombillaAjuste de equilibrio de puntada eldstica ReemplazoCleaning Hook Race Feed Dog Atencion Suivant les consignesdcritesdans cettesectionNettoyer Iint6rieurde la coursi6re & Iaideduntissu doux II est galement possible dutiliserun aspirateurAudible Signal BeepPip OperationProblemas Y SEIklALES DE Advertencia SeSal sonoraPip Pip-pip-pip Pip-pip-peep Signal sonore Avertissements VisuelsBip sonore On entend un bip sonore IorsqueTroubleshooting Condition Cause ReferenceIdentificaci6n y resoluci6n de problemas En cas de problme Problme Le fil deIaiguillese casse =800-469-4663 Day or night U.S.A. onlyCST, 7 days a week A. only

385.80802 specifications

The Janome 385.80802 is a versatile sewing machine that stands out for its user-friendly features and solid performance, making it a perfect choice for both beginners and experienced sewists. This machine is designed to handle a wide variety of sewing tasks, from simple repairs to complex projects.

One of the primary features of the Janome 385.80802 is its impressive stitch selection. It offers a total of 38 built-in stitches, including utility stitches for basic sewing, decorative stitches for creative applications, and a one-step buttonhole function for easy garment making. The machine also includes a stitch width adjustment, allowing users to customize their stitches for different fabrics and designs.

The machine is equipped with a drop-in bobbin system, which simplifies the threading process and ensures smooth sewing. The transparent bobbin cover also allows users to easily monitor their thread supply. Additionally, the Janome 385.80802 features an adjustable presser foot pressure, which is essential for working with different types of materials, from lightweight fabrics to heavy denims.

The Janome 385.80802 boasts a powerful motor that delivers consistent stitching speed, enabling users to complete their projects quickly and efficiently. It also features a built-in needle threader, significantly reducing the time and frustration often associated with threading needles.

Another noteworthy aspect of the Janome 385.80802 is its lightweight and portable design, making it easy for users to transport the machine to sewing classes, workshops, or while traveling. The machine is also equipped with a hard case, providing protection when not in use.

The machine’s intuitive interface includes a straightforward control panel, with easy-to-understand symbols and settings for effortless navigation. It also comes with a range of accessories, including several presser feet, a seam ripper, and a dust cover, providing everything needed for a successful sewing experience right out of the box.

In conclusion, the Janome 385.80802 is an excellent sewing machine that combines a robust set of features, advanced technologies, and user-friendly design. Whether you are a novice just starting your sewing journey or an experienced seamstress looking for reliability and versatility, the Janome 385.80802 is a commendable choice that meets diverse sewing needs.