Singer 7466 instruction manual Table of Contents

Page 5



Machine identification ------------------------------------------------


- 7

Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------


- 9

Setting up your machine ----------------------------------------

10 - 11

Spool pins, Presser foot lifter ----------------------------------

12 - 13

Feed dogs control -------------------------------------------------

12 - 13

Converting to free-arm sewing --------------------------------

14 - 15

Winding the bobbin -----------------------------------------------

16 - 17

Threading the bobbin thread -----------------------------------

18 - 19

Threading the top thread ----------------------------------------

20 - 23

Using automatic needle threader



Picking up bobbin thread ---------------------------------------

24 - 25

Needle, thread and fabric chart -------------------------------

26 - 27

Adjusting top thread tension -----------------------------------

28 - 29

Changing presser foot ------------------------------------------

28 - 29

Control panel function -------------------------------------------

30 - 35

Reverse Operation Switch --------------------------------------

36 - 37


Quick reference table of stitch length and width ----------

38 - 41

Straight stitching ---------------------------------------------------

42 - 45

Inserting zippers and piping


Hand-look quilt stitch --------------------------------------------

44 - 45

Zigzag stitching ----------------------------------------------------

46 - 47

Adjusting stitch width and length, Satin stitch


Placement of patterns


Blindhem stitch ----------------------------------------------------

48 - 49

Multi-stitch zigzag, Shell stitch ---------------------------------

50 - 51

Stretch stitches ----------------------------------------------------

52 - 61

Straight stretch stitch, Overedge stitch, Feather stitch,


Ric-rac stitch, Pin stitch, Blanket stitch, Honeycomb stitch,

Entredeux stitch, Ladder stitch, Double overlock stitch, Criss-cross stitch, Crossed stitch, Slant overedge stitch,

Slant pin stitch, Greek key stitch, Fishbone stitch,


Thorn stitch, Reinforced overedge stitch


Decorative designs -----------------------------------------------

62 - 63

Tips on design stitching


Continuous patterns ---------------------------------------------

64 - 65

Novelty patterns ----------------------------------------------------

66 - 67

Sewing on a button -----------------------------------------------

66 - 67

Sewing a buttonhole ---------------------------------------------

68 - 73

Using buttonhole foot, Procedure, Corded buttonholes


Cleaning hook area and feed dogs --------------------------

74 - 75


Satin stitch foot, Twin needle -----------------------------------

76 - 77

Straight Stitch Needle Position --------------------------------

78 - 79

5. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST ------------------------

80 - 81

For European version

Dimensions: 410 mm × 205 mm × 290 mm

Mass of the equipment: 7.5 kg

Rated Voltage: 230V ~

Rated Frequency: 50Hz

Rated input: 65W

Rated ambient temperature: 15 - 35°C

Acoustic noise level: less than 70db(A)


Image 5
Contents 7466 Important Safety Instructions Mesures DE Sécurité Importantes Conserve Este Manual DE Instrucciones Importantes Instrucciones DE SeguridadTable of Contents Version pour l’Europe Table DES MatieresPara versión europea Indice DE ContenidosMachine Identification Knowing Your Sewing MachineDescription DE LA Machine Identification DE LA Maquina Votre Machine À CoudreMaquina For Sewing Machine AccessoriesPour LA Machine À Coure Para Maquina DE Coser Accessoires AccesoriosPower Line CORD/FOOT Control Setting UP Your MachinePréparacion DE LA Maquina Préparation DE LA MachineFeed DOG Control Spool PinsPresser Foot Lifter Porta Carretes Levier DU Pied PresseurPalanca PIE Prensatelas ABAISSE-GRIFFES DentraînementConverting to FREE-ARM Sewing Conversion Para LA Costura CON Brazo Utilisation DU Bras LibreWinding the Bobbin Devanado DE LA Canilla Préparation DE LA CanetteThreading the Bobbin Thread Enhebrado DEL Hilo DE LA Canilla Enfilage DU FIL DE CanetteThreading the TOP Thread Enhebrado DEL Hilo Superior Enfilage DU FIL SupérieurUsing Automatic Needle Threader Empleo DEL Enhebrador Aguja Utilisation DE L’ENFILEUR DE Chas D’AIGUILLERaise the presser foot lifter Picking UP Bobbin ThreadRecogida DEL Hilo DE LA Canilla Rappel DU FIL InférieurChanging the needle NEEDLE, Thread and Fabric ChartCambio de la aguja Tabla DE HILO, Aguja Y MaterialChangement d’aiguille Straight Stitching Adjusting TOP Thread TensionBobbin Tension Changing Presser FootRéglage DE LA Tension DU FIL Supérieur Remplacement DU Pied PresseurAjuste DE LA Tension DEL Hilo Superior Cambio DEL PIE PrensatelasNumerical selection buttons Control Panel FunctionsDirect selection buttons Touches de sélection directe Funciones DEL Panel DE ControlBotones de selección directa Touches de sélection numériquePattern reference guide Stitch length and width/needle position controlsGuía de referencia de patrón Controles de largo de puntada y ancho/ posición de agujaGuide de référence des motifs Twin needle mode switch Page Dual purpose reverse and stitch/tacking switch Reverse Operation SwitchInterruptor DE Funcionamiento Touche DE FonctionnementCommencez À Coudre Starting to SEWEmpezer a Coser Quick Reference Table of Stitch Length and WidthLength Needle Position Manual Double Manual Auto Straight Stitching SettingsPuntada Recta Point DroitInserting Zippers and Piping HAND-LOOK Quilt StitchInsercion DE Cremalleras Y Vivo Placer UNE Fermeture À Glissière OU UN Biais GalonnerExécution DU Point DE Matelassage Puntada DE Acolchado ContinuaPlacement of Patterns Adjusting Stitch Width and LengthZigzag Stitching Satin StitchAjuste DEL Ancho Y Largo DE Puntada Réglage DE LA Largeur ET DE LA Longueur DE PointPoint Bourdon Positionnement DES MotifsBlindhem Stitch Puntada Invisible Point InvisibleShell Stitch MULTI-STITCH ZigzagZIG-ZAG DE Tres Puntadas Zigzag MULTI-POINTPoint DE Lingerie Puntada DE LenceriaStraight Stretch Stitch Stretch StitchesOveredge Stitch Feather StitchPuntadas Elasticas Points ExtensibleBlanket Stitch PIN StitchHoneycomb Stitch Entredeux StitchPoint Languette Point ÉpinglePuntada DE Broche Puntada DE RibeteDouble Overlock Stitch Ladder StitchCRISS-CROSS Stitch Crossed StitchPuntada EN Escalera Point D’ÉCHELLEPoint Surjet Double Point EntrecroiséSlant PIN Stitch Slant Overedge StitchGreek KEY Stitch Fishbone StitchPuntada Overlock Inclinado Surjet ObliquePoint Epingle Oblique Point GrecReinforced Overedge Stitch Thorn StitchPoint Surjet Renforcé Point D’ÉPINEPuntada Herringbone Puntada SOBRE-BORDE ReforzadoTips on Design Stitching Decorative DesignsDiseños DE Bordados Decorativos Motifs DécoratifsConseils Pour LES Points Fantaisie Tipos DE Puntadas DecorativasContinuous Patterns Motifs Continuel Patrones Continuos Sewing on a Button Novelty PatternsCosido DE Botones Pose DE BoutonsPatrones Actuales Sewing a Buttonhole Using Buttonhole FootProcedure Confeccion DE Ojales Confection DES BoutonnièresPage Page Corded Buttonholes Ojales CON Cordon Boutonnières Gansees RenforceesCaring for Your Machine Cleaning Hook Area and Feed DogsCuide SU Maquina Entretien DE Votre MachineNettoyage DES Griffes ET DU Crochet Limpiar EL Area DEL Transportador Y LA LanzaderaThreading the Twin Needle Other InformationSatin Stitch Foot Informacion Otra Renseignements AutresStraight Stitch Needle Position Ajuste DE Posicion DE Aguja Para Puntada Recta Réglage DE LA Position D’ALGUILLE Pour LE Point DroitGeneral Problems Performance ChecklistCuadro DE Verificacion DE Rendimiento Vérification DES Petits Problèmes DE CoutureEnglish / Français / Español