Sub-Zero Guide to Light Bulbs Replacement in Integrated Refrigerators

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Before replacing the light bulbs discon- nect power by removing the power cord from the appliance inlet. Wear protective gloves when handling bulbs.


The top compartment of the Integrated tall unit contains standard 40-watt appliance bulbs (part #3030260).

To replace the light bulbs in the top compart- ment, you’ll need to remove the light shield. Place your hands under the light shield and release the two clips on the back of the light shield, then lift up and slide back slowly until the key slots on the side of the light shield drop past the mounting studs in the side walls. Remove the light shield. The bulbs are now accessible. Refer to the illustration below.

Replace the bulbs and follow the reverse steps to reposition the light shield.


Each drawer compartment of Integrated tall and base units have a standard 25-watt appliance bulb (part #3030270) recessed into the top of the compartment. Refer to the illustration below.

To replace the light bulb in a drawer compart- ment, you must pull the drawer out to its full extension or remove the drawer completely.

Refer to Drawer Removal on page 14.

Remove the bulb by unscrewing it from its socket. Replace the bulb and follow the reverse steps to reinstall the drawer.

Light Shield

Locking Clip

Light bulb location in top compartment

Drawer Compartment


Light bulb location in drawer compartment


Image 18
Contents Integrated Refrigeration Page A N Ç a I S TA L I a N OU T S C H SUB-ZEROis a registered trademark of Sub-Zero, Inc A N K YO U T E G R AT E D RefrigerationAccessories T E G R AT E D F E AT U R E SModel I C B 7 0 0 T R SUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D a L L F R E E Z E R Model Model I C B 7 0 0 T FSUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D CO M B I NAT I on Models Model I C B 7 0 0 TCSUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D D R AW E R Models Model I C B 7 0 0 B RTemperature Control E C T R on I C CON T R O L S Y S T E MLCD Display E C T R on I C CON T R O L System Stationary Shelf Adjustable Glass ShelvesTo P CO M PA RT M E N T Storage Door ShelvesAW E R Storage Deli Drawer and ShelfCrisper Model ICB736TCI Drawer RemovalDrawer Divider AW E R S to R AG ERemovable Crisper Cover E M a K E R OperationStainless Steel Exterior Interior CleaningE a N I N G Classic and platinum stainless steelCondenser Cleaning U N D SG H T I N G Information TOP Compartment LightingDrawer Compartment Lighting E G R E E Door Stop VAC AT I on TimeRefrigerator/freezer is warmer than usual O U B L E S H O OT I N G G U I D ERefrigerator/freezer is not operating Refrigerator/freezer runs for long periods of timeCondensation forms outside the unit You need serviceCondensation forms inside the unit Storage drawer is hard to closeM P E R AT U R E ICE ProductionNoise Door OperationBefore C Alling for Service R V I C E I N F O R M AT I O NSUB-ZEROes una marca comercial registrada de Sub-Zero, Inc A C I a S Refrigeración I N T E G R a B L EModelos I N T E G R a B L E S T E G R a B L E S DE SUB ZeroCubierta extraíble del cajón para frutas y Modelo I C B 7 0 0 T R Todo FrigoríficoModelo I C B 7 0 0 T F Todo CongeladorModelo I C B 7 3 6 TC Combi Frigorífico CongeladorAjones Congelador Modelos D E C a J on E S I N T E G R a B L E S DE SUB ZeroAjones Frigorífico Ajones Frigorífico CongeladorSistema DE Control Electrónico Control DE TemperaturaPantalla LCD Alimentación Eléctric a Opción DE AlarmaFabric Ador DE Cubitos DE Hielo Indic Ación DE TemperaturaCO M PA RT I M E N to S U P E R I O R Estantes DE Cristal Ajustables Estante FijoEstantes EN LA Puerta J O N E S Ajón Y Estante Para Embutidos Y FiambresAjón Para Frutas Y Verduras Modelo ICB736TCI Extracción DE LOS C AjonesCubierta Extraíble DEL C Ajón Para Frutas Y Verduras Divisores DE C AjonesD O R D E C U B I to S D E H I E LO M P I E Z a Acabados de acero inoxidable clásico oAcero inoxidable con acabado de tipo M P I E Z AS O N I D O S Limpieza DEL CondensadorLU M I N a C I Ó N Iluminación DEL Compartimento DE C AjonesIluminación DEL Compartimento Superior Modo DE VAC AC I on E S El frigorífico/congelador está más caliente La palabra Service parpadea en la pantallaLas palabras Service y ICE parpadean en De lo habitualConvirtiendo en un bloque Cuesta cerrar el cajón de almacenajeEs necesario cambiar la bombilla Fabric Ación DEL Hielo Temperatura RuidoFuncionamiento DE LA Puerta Información Sobre EL M a N T E N I M I E N to Antes DE Llamar AL Servicio TécnicoSUB-ZEROest une marque déposée de Sub-Zero, Inc R C T E G R a B L E SCapot de tiroir réfrigérateur amovible. Capot Modele I C B 7 0 0 T R Armoire RefrigerateurModele I C B 7 0 0 T F Armoire CongelateurRefrigerateur Congelateur Superposes Modele I C B 7 3 6 TCTiroirs Congelateur Modeles I N T E G R a B L E S À T I R O I R S SUB ZeroTiroirs Refrigerateur Tiroirs Refrigerateur CongelateurControle DE LA Temperature Systeme DE C O N T R O L E E C T R O N I Q U EAfficheur LCD Mode Sabbat Star K Fonction D’ALARMEAfficheur DES Temperatures Fabrique DE GlaconsP E R I E U R E Clayettes Reglables EN Verre Etagere FixeClayettes DE Porte R O I R S DE Rangement Clayette Avec Tiroir Pour Produits D’EPICERIE FineBAC a Legumes Modele ICB736TCI Retrait DU TiroirApot DE Tiroir DE Refrigerateur Amovible Separateurs DE TiroirG L a C O N S Nettoyage DE L’INTERIEUR T Toya G EExterieur EN Acier Inoxydable Clayettes EN VerreNettoyage DU Condensateur L a I R a G E Eclairage DE LA Section DES TiroirsEclairage DE LA Section Superieure R E T D E P O RT E a 90 Degres S E N C E Prolongee Guide DE D E P I S TAG E D E S P a N N E S Depistage DES P a N N E SUne odeur se dégage à l’intérieur de l’appareil Bruit TemperatureProduction DE Glace Fonctionnement DE LA PorteAvant DE Contacter LE Service Apres Vente SUB-ZEROè un marchio depositato Sub-Zero, Inc A Z I E Refrigerazione I N T E G R a T aFunzioni I N T E G R a T E Vano salvafreschezza ModelloCoperchio vano salvafreschezza rimovi Modello I C B 7 3 6 T R Solo FreezerSolo Freezer Modello I C B 7 3 6 TC I G O R I F E RO Freezer SovrappostiFrigorifero Freezer Sovrapposti Assetti Frigorifero Modello I C B 7 0 0 B FModello I C B 7 0 0 B C Assetti FreezerT E G R AT I SUB Zero Sistema DI C O N T R O L LODisplay a Cristalli Liquidi Controllo TemperaturaSistema DI C O N T R O L LO E T T R O N I C O Ripiano Fisso P E R I O R ERipiani in Vetro Regolabili Ripiani Della PortaT E G R AT I SUB Zero Conservazione N E I C a S S E T T Assetto PER Salumi E Relativo RipianoVano Salvaschezza Modello ICB736TCI Rimozione DEI C AssettiCoperchio DEL Vano Salvafre Schezza Rimovibile Divisore PER C AssettiL I T U R a Finiture in acciaio inossidabile classico edFinitura in acciaio inossidabile al carbone Pulitura DEL Condensatore T E G R AT I SUB Zero M O RInformazioni S U L S I S T E M a D LU M I NA Z I on E Illuminazione Vano DEI C AssettiIlluminazione DEL Vano Superiore Fermaporta D a 9 0 G R a D Periodi D I I N a T T I V I T À Cristalli liquidi sul pannello di controllo La parola Service lampeggia sul display aIl frigorifero/freezer è più caldo del solito Il frigorifero/freezer funziona per periodiIl fabbricatore del ghiaccio non funziona All’esterno dell’unità si forma della condensaIl cassetto è difficile da chiudere Occorre sostituire la lampadinaM P E R AT U R a Formazione DI GhiaccioRumore Funzionamento Della PortaPrima DI Chiamare PER Assis Tenza Vorsicht E L E N DA N K T E G R I E RT E Kühltechnik T E G R I E RT E Leistungsmerkmale VON SUB Zero Zubehör Modell I C B 7 0 0 T R NUR KühlschrankModell I C B 7 0 0 T F NUR GefrierschrankH L S C H R a N K Gefrierschrank Übereinander Modell I C B 7 3 6 TCKühlschrank Gefrierschrank Übereinander Kühlschrankschubladen GefrierschrankschubladenKühlschrank Gefrierschrankschubladen E K T R on I S C H E S S T E U E R S Y S T E M TemperaturregelungLCD Anzeige Eiswürfelbereitersystemtemperaturanzeige AlarmfunktionE K T R on I S C H E S Steuersystem StromLagerung IM O B E R S T E N FAC H Verstellbare Glasregale Ortsfestes RegalTürregale Frischhaltefach Modell ICB736TCI Lagerung IM O B E R S T E N F a C HGourmetschublade UND Regal H U B LA D E N LAG E RU N GHerausnehmbare Abdeckung DES FrischhaltefachsSchubladenteiler Reinigung DES Innenraums I N I G U N GAussenfinish AUS Edelstahl GlasregaleI N I G U N G R ÄU S C H E Reinigung DES KondensatorsSchubladenfachs L E U C H T U N GBeleuchtung DES Beleuchtung DES Oberen FachsTüranschlag VON 9 0 G R a D LAU B S Z E I T Anleitung ZUR F E H L E R S U C H E Der Kühlschrank/Gefrierschrank funktioniert nicht101 Temperatur EisherstellungGeräusche Bedienung DER TÜRR V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N E N Bevor SIE DEN Kundendienst AnrufenSUB-ZERO, INC