Sub-Zero ICB736TCI manual A N K Yo U, T E G R AT E D Refrigeration

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Thank you for purchasing your new Sub-Zero Integrated unit. With Sub-Zero, you can rely on a 60-year tradition of quality and reliability.

This Use & Care Information book will answer most of your questions about the features, operation and maintenance of your Integrated unit. If you have questions that are not addressed here, contact your Sub-Zero dealer or visit our website,


The Sub-Zero Integrated line brings you true innovation! It is the first integrated systems approach to domestic refrigeration, offering you three significant advantages.

Integrated refrigeration systems gives you the choice of refrigerator or freezer options to meet your needs. Storage below counter height level is two drawers, while storage above the counter is a cabinet. The ergonomic division of space increases your access to storage areas.

Integrated refrigeration systems gives you the choice of location of refrigeration units throughout your kitchen and home. This helps you meet your individual needs for the way you use refrigeration within your home.

Integrated refrigeration systems gives you total aesthetic integration with cabinets you have chosen. Refrigeration units, in essence, are refrigeration cabinets. They literally become a part of the kitchen furniture.




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Contents Integrated Refrigeration Page U T S C H A N Ç a I STA L I a N O SUB-ZEROis a registered trademark of Sub-Zero, Inc T E G R AT E D Refrigeration A N K YO UT E G R AT E D F E AT U R E S AccessoriesModel I C B 7 0 0 T R Model I C B 7 0 0 T F SUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D a L L F R E E Z E R ModelModel I C B 7 0 0 TC SUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D CO M B I NAT I on ModelsModel I C B 7 0 0 B R SUB Zero I N T E G R AT E D D R AW E R ModelsLCD Display Temperature ControlE C T R on I C CON T R O L S Y S T E M E C T R on I C CON T R O L System To P CO M PA RT M E N T Storage Adjustable Glass ShelvesStationary Shelf Door ShelvesCrisper Model ICB736TCI Deli Drawer and ShelfAW E R Storage Drawer RemovalRemovable Crisper Cover AW E R S to R AG EDrawer Divider E M a K E R OperationE a N I N G Interior CleaningStainless Steel Exterior Classic and platinum stainless steelU N D S Condenser CleaningDrawer Compartment Lighting G H T I N G InformationTOP Compartment Lighting VAC AT I on Time E G R E E Door StopRefrigerator/freezer is not operating O U B L E S H O OT I N G G U I D ERefrigerator/freezer is warmer than usual Refrigerator/freezer runs for long periods of timeCondensation forms inside the unit You need serviceCondensation forms outside the unit Storage drawer is hard to closeNoise ICE ProductionM P E R AT U R E Door OperationR V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N Before C Alling for ServiceSUB-ZEROes una marca comercial registrada de Sub-Zero, Inc Refrigeración I N T E G R a B L E A C I a SCubierta extraíble del cajón para frutas y Modelos I N T E G R a B L E ST E G R a B L E S DE SUB Zero Todo Frigorífico Modelo I C B 7 0 0 T RTodo Congelador Modelo I C B 7 0 0 T FCombi Frigorífico Congelador Modelo I C B 7 3 6 TCAjones Frigorífico Modelos D E C a J on E S I N T E G R a B L E S DE SUB ZeroAjones Congelador Ajones Frigorífico CongeladorPantalla LCD Sistema DE Control ElectrónicoControl DE Temperatura Fabric Ador DE Cubitos DE Hielo Opción DE AlarmaAlimentación Eléctric a Indic Ación DE TemperaturaEstantes EN LA Puerta CO M PA RT I M E N to S U P E R I O REstantes DE Cristal Ajustables Estante Fijo Ajón Para Frutas Y Verduras Modelo ICB736TCI Ajón Y Estante Para Embutidos Y FiambresJ O N E S Extracción DE LOS C AjonesD O R D E C U B I to S D E H I E LO Cubierta Extraíble DEL C Ajón Para Frutas Y VerdurasDivisores DE C Ajones Acero inoxidable con acabado de tipo M P I E Z aAcabados de acero inoxidable clásico o Limpieza DEL Condensador M P I E Z AS O N I D O SIluminación DEL Compartimento Superior LU M I N a C I Ó N Iluminación DEL CompartimentoDE C Ajones Modo DE VAC AC I on E S Las palabras Service y ICE parpadean en La palabra Service parpadea en la pantallaEl frigorífico/congelador está más caliente De lo habitualEs necesario cambiar la bombilla Convirtiendo en un bloqueCuesta cerrar el cajón de almacenaje Funcionamiento DE LA Puerta Fabric Ación DEL Hielo TemperaturaRuido Antes DE Llamar AL Servicio Técnico Información Sobre EL M a N T E N I M I E N toSUB-ZEROest une marque déposée de Sub-Zero, Inc T E G R a B L E S R CCapot de tiroir réfrigérateur amovible. Capot Armoire Refrigerateur Modele I C B 7 0 0 T RArmoire Congelateur Modele I C B 7 0 0 T FModele I C B 7 3 6 TC Refrigerateur Congelateur SuperposesTiroirs Refrigerateur Modeles I N T E G R a B L E S À T I R O I R S SUB ZeroTiroirs Congelateur Tiroirs Refrigerateur CongelateurAfficheur LCD Controle DE LA TemperatureSysteme DE C O N T R O L E E C T R O N I Q U E Afficheur DES Temperatures Fonction D’ALARMEMode Sabbat Star K Fabrique DE GlaconsClayettes DE Porte P E R I E U R EClayettes Reglables EN Verre Etagere Fixe BAC a Legumes Modele ICB736TCI Clayette Avec Tiroir Pour Produits D’EPICERIE FineR O I R S DE Rangement Retrait DU TiroirG L a C O N S Apot DE Tiroir DE Refrigerateur AmovibleSeparateurs DE Tiroir Exterieur EN Acier Inoxydable T Toya G ENettoyage DE L’INTERIEUR Clayettes EN VerreNettoyage DU Condensateur Eclairage DE LA Section Superieure L a I R a G EEclairage DE LA Section DES Tiroirs R E T D E P O RT E a 90 Degres S E N C E Prolongee Depistage DES P a N N E S Guide DE D E P I S TAG E D E S P a N N E SUne odeur se dégage à l’intérieur de l’appareil Production DE Glace TemperatureBruit Fonctionnement DE LA PorteAvant DE Contacter LE Service Apres Vente SUB-ZEROè un marchio depositato Sub-Zero, Inc Refrigerazione I N T E G R a T a A Z I ECoperchio vano salvafreschezza rimovi Funzioni I N T E G R a T EVano salvafreschezza Modello Solo Freezer Modello I C B 7 3 6 T RSolo Freezer Frigorifero Freezer Sovrapposti Modello I C B 7 3 6 TCI G O R I F E RO Freezer Sovrapposti Modello I C B 7 0 0 B C Modello I C B 7 0 0 B FAssetti Frigorifero Assetti FreezerDisplay a Cristalli Liquidi Sistema DI C O N T R O L LOT E G R AT I SUB Zero Controllo TemperaturaSistema DI C O N T R O L LO E T T R O N I C O Ripiani in Vetro Regolabili P E R I O R ERipiano Fisso Ripiani Della PortaVano Salvaschezza Modello ICB736TCI Assetto PER Salumi E Relativo RipianoT E G R AT I SUB Zero Conservazione N E I C a S S E T T Rimozione DEI C AssettiDivisore PER C Assetti Coperchio DEL Vano Salvafre Schezza RimovibileFinitura in acciaio inossidabile al carbone L I T U R aFiniture in acciaio inossidabile classico ed T E G R AT I SUB Zero M O R Pulitura DEL CondensatoreIlluminazione DEL Vano Superiore Informazioni S U L S I S T E M a D LU M I NA Z I on EIlluminazione Vano DEI C Assetti Fermaporta D a 9 0 G R a D Periodi D I I N a T T I V I T À Il frigorifero/freezer è più caldo del solito La parola Service lampeggia sul display aCristalli liquidi sul pannello di controllo Il frigorifero/freezer funziona per periodiIl cassetto è difficile da chiudere All’esterno dell’unità si forma della condensaIl fabbricatore del ghiaccio non funziona Occorre sostituire la lampadinaRumore Formazione DI GhiaccioM P E R AT U R a Funzionamento Della PortaPrima DI Chiamare PER Assis Tenza Vorsicht E L E N DA N K T E G R I E RT E Kühltechnik T E G R I E RT E Leistungsmerkmale VON SUB Zero Zubehör NUR Kühlschrank Modell I C B 7 0 0 T RNUR Gefrierschrank Modell I C B 7 0 0 T FKühlschrank Gefrierschrank Übereinander H L S C H R a N K Gefrierschrank ÜbereinanderModell I C B 7 3 6 TC Kühlschrank Gefrierschrankschubladen KühlschrankschubladenGefrierschrankschubladen LCD Anzeige E K T R on I S C H E S S T E U E R S Y S T E MTemperaturregelung E K T R on I S C H E S Steuersystem AlarmfunktionEiswürfelbereitersystemtemperaturanzeige StromTürregale Lagerung IM O B E R S T E N FAC HVerstellbare Glasregale Ortsfestes Regal Gourmetschublade UND Regal Lagerung IM O B E R S T E N F a C HFrischhaltefach Modell ICB736TCI H U B LA D E N LAG E RU N GSchubladenteiler Herausnehmbare AbdeckungDES Frischhaltefachs Aussenfinish AUS Edelstahl I N I G U N GReinigung DES Innenraums GlasregaleReinigung DES Kondensators I N I G U N G R ÄU S C H EBeleuchtung DES L E U C H T U N GSchubladenfachs Beleuchtung DES Oberen FachsTüranschlag VON 9 0 G R a D LAU B S Z E I T Der Kühlschrank/Gefrierschrank funktioniert nicht Anleitung ZUR F E H L E R S U C H E101 Geräusche EisherstellungTemperatur Bedienung DER TÜRBevor SIE DEN Kundendienst Anrufen R V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N E NSUB-ZERO, INC