Aiwa XR-M1000 manual Connect your microphones to NllC 1 and MIC 2 jacks, Karoke, == ~~

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Two microphones (not supplied) can be connected to this unit, allowing you to sing along to music sources.

Use microphones with mini plugs (03.5 mm, 1/8inch).

1 Connect your microphones to NllC 1 and MIC 2 jacks.


2 Press one of the function buttons to select the source to be mixed, and play the source.

3 Adjust the volume and tone of the source.

4 Press MIC and turn VOLUME within 4 seconds to adjust the microphone volume.

The microphone volume can be selected from 1 to MAX (7) or OFF (cancel).

The volume of both microphones is adjusted simultaneously.

5 Press ECHO and turn VOLUME within 4 seconds to adjust the echo level.

The echo level can be selected from 1 to MAX (7) or OFF (cancel).

To change the delay time of echo Hold down ECHO while the echo is on.

“ECHO-L” (Long) and “ECHO-M” (Middle) are displayed alternately. At the desired position, release the button.

To record microphone sound mixed with source sound Follow the procedure for recording from the sound source (see page 26).

SYNC DUB cannot be used for mixing.

When the microphones are not being used

Set the microphone volume and echo level to OFF and remove the microphones from MIC jacks.


When the MIC or ECHO level is changed, the SURROUND mode is automatically canceled.

If a microphone is held too near the speakers, a howling sound may be produced. In this case, hold the microphone away from the speakers, or decrease the microphone volume.

If sound through the microphone is extremely loud, it may be distorted. In this case, decrease the microphone volume.

When the function is changed, the microphone volume and echo are set to off.

Recommended microphones

The use of unidirectional type microphones is recommended to prevent howling. Contact your local Aiwa dealer for details.


Image 18
Contents Digital Audio 88-SP1-903-01980320AKY-U-9 \ 7 \ IRISKOFELECTRICSHOCKI/ \ ~i%~$ GE-NMIOOO MX-NMIOOO DX-NM1OOO FX-NM1OOO SX-NMTIOOOEnglish Stereo Receiver PreparationsEqualizer CD PlayerSetting up the, units Connect the speaker cords to the SX-NMTI 000 front speakersConnect the speaker cords to MX-NM1 FM antenna Right speaker SX NMT1 Left speakerSX-NMT1 FM antennaTo turn the power on To unplug the connector of the flat cableUsing the remote control To turn the power offVolume BBE SystemDemo Freq Down GEQ Freq UP ClocwtimerRhythm Delay Time Display EnterTo select the stored equalization curve Setting a NEW Equalization Curve ManuallyWithin 4 seconds, press Enter New equalization curve is storedSelecting a Programmed DSP Surround Mode To select the stored DSP Surround sound See Setting a NEW DSP Surround Sound ManuallyMemorizing the NEW DSP Surround Sound New DSP Surround sound is memorizedTo change the tempo of the selected rhythm pattern To change the volume level of the selected rhythm patternTo cancel the rhythm play function Press Multi JOGTo cancel the sleep timer To switch to the 24-hour standardTo check the time remaining until the power is turned off Turn Multi JOG to designate the minute, then press EnterPreparation To cancel timer standby mode temporarilyUsing the unit’whiie the timer is set Turn Multi JOG to select a source, then pressTimer JOG EnglishSET TUNING/PRESET Volume PowerBass BBE Karaoke Echo MIC Phones TUNING/PRESET Tape DECK1/2LRepeat steps 1 to Preset Number TuningLPress SET to store the station Tuner BandConnect your microphones to NllC 1 and MIC 2 jacks Karoke== ~~ ENGLISH19 Disc Change StopSKIP/SEARCH PLAY/PAUSE 4PLAY Player to start play To check the program Press CD and insert the discs Press Prgm twice in stop modePress numbered buttons O-9 and +1 Oto program Track To clear the programTo stop play To add a reservation during playTo check the reserved tracks To skip a current trackDolby REV Mode Deck4EJECT Sync DUB NORM/HIGH REC/REC MuteTo set the tape counter to To start play when the power is off Direct Play FunctionPress 4 PLAY/DIR to start play DunrInsert the tape to be recorded on into deck Press REV Mode to select the reverse modeInserting Blank Spaces Press Dolby NR to turn Dolby NR on or offPress Dolby NR to turn off the Dolby NR Press Tape on the stereo receiver to select deckSync DUB once Or twice To start Recording Press REC/REC Mute to start recording on First SidePara borrar el programa de edition Pulse REC/REC Mute para iniciar la grabacionPara detener la grabacion EDIT/CHECKPress VIDEO/AUX or MD To adjust the sound level of the external sourceCD Digital OUT Optical Jack Play the connected equipmentCare of discs To demagnetize the headsCare of tapes Store tapes in their cases after use Cassette Deck GeneralStereo Receiver CD PlayerGeneral CD Player DX-NMIOOOCopyright Anotacion del propietario GE-NMIOOO MX-NM1OOO DX-NMIOOO FX-NMIOOO SX-NMTIOOOEspanol Receptor Estereo PrieparativosEcualizador Grafico Reproductor DE Discos CompactosDe CA Compruebe su sistema y accesoriosAntes de conectar Instalacion de Ias unidadesConecte Ias antenas suministradas Colocacion de Ias antenas Antena de FMColnecte el cable de alimentacion de CA a una toma de CA Conexion DE UNA Antena Exterior Para silenciar el sonido del juego Para cancelar la demostracion del juegoPara jugar con la demostracion del juego IiiSeleccion DE LA Curva DE Ecualizacion Programada Freq Down GEQ Freq UP ClocivtimerRhythm Delaytime NombrepaginaPulse Enter antes de que pasen 4 seaundos Ecualizacion NuevaMemorization DE Curvas DE Ecualizacion Nuevas Personalizadas como modos manuales Ml M5Modo programado RDSP Disco LiveHall Arena DELA’YTIME EFF’ECTCorno rnodos manuales Ml M5 Consulte Ajustemanual DE UN Nuevo Sonido DSPRitmo Pulse Multi JOGLa hors deja de parpadear y empieza a parpadear el minute Gire Multi JOG para designar et minuto y Iuego pulse EnterPulse Sleep ~arece SleepLa fuente se visualiza de la forma siguiente Prepare la fuente de sonidoTemporizador TP*TUN+--+CD+ VD+MD Tape Tuner CD Video MDClocivtimer Grabacion CON TemporizadcrVisualizador SET TUNING/PRESETNombre Pagina Bass BBE Karaoke Echo MICPRESETNO. aparece en el visualizador Repita Ios pasos 1 aDe preajuste Conecte sus microfonos a Ias tomas MIC 1 y MIC MIC1 MIC2ESPAfiOL191 @ VF OFFDisc Direct Play Rect Editi Check Randomi Repeat LPLAY/PAUSE 21,22Pulse CD y Iuego pulse a OPEN/CLOSE para abrir +1oReproduction ALEATORIA/REPETICION DE Reprcduccion 3@%*w,.?JY,.,.,*!#!.p.nK.s,.Y,.,s,,e*s.y,=,#w~,,L,,,,p+Ioyo 3RANDOM/ RepeatVaya al paso siguiente cuando la bandeja deje de girar Ntimero del Numero De la Disco reservado Cancion REV Mode 11PAUSEMMS PLAY/DIR Stop IIPA’USE 2 sop Inserte una cinta Sensor MusicalPulse +-PLAY/DIR para iniciar la reproduction La reproduction continuara hasta que se pulse StopAcerca de Ias cintas de casete Pulse REV Mode para seleccionar el modo de inversionPulse Dolby NR para activar o desactivar Dolby NR Para arabar de una fuente de sonido conectada, pulseDUB para iniciar La ~~h? Grabacion Pulse Una Dos VecesSync ’TOPPara detener la grabacion Numero del programaPara borrar el programa de edition Para cambiar el programa de cada caraCD Digital OUT Line OUT MD VIDEO/AUXOPTICAL Toma CD Digital OUT OpticalPulse VIDEO/AUX o MD CD Digital OUT Optical Super Surround WooferESPAfiOL Generalidades Power SETPara reajustar la unidad Receptor EstereoSistema DE Altavoces SX-NMTIOOO SeccionGeneralidades FX-NM Reieve du proprietaireGE-NM1OOO MX-NMIOOO DX-NMIOOO SX-NMTILecteur DE Disques Compacts Egaliseur GraphiqueStereo MagnetocassetteConnecter Ies cordons d’enceinte au MX-NMI Contr61er la chaine et Ies accessoires @ @Installation des appareils Enfoncer Ie connecter jusqu’a ce qu’un declic soit audibleConnecter Ies antennes fournies Pour positioner Ies antennesBrancher Ie cordon secteur a une prise de courant Pour mettre hors tension Utilisation de la telecommandeIi+ Mise en place des pilesPour annuler la demonstration de jeu Bass Bass BBE VolumeDemonstration DE JEU Pour reinitialiser la demonstration de jeuFreq Down GEQ Freq UP CLOCK/TIMER Selection D’UNE Courbe’egalisation Reglage Manuel D’UNE Nouvelle Courbe D’EGALISATIONCourbes D’EGALISATION FRAIV~AISLes elements du son Surround DSP peuvent Stre personnalises Delay Time EFF’ECTReglage Manuel D’UN Nouveau SON Surround DSP Hall ARENA~Memorisation DU Nouveau SON Surround DSP Appuyer sur Multi JOG Mereng 1,2,3 e Beat 1,2,3Temps Clocwwmer FRAN~AIS IPreparer la source Proceder de la m~me maniere pour specifier Ies minutesTourner Multi JOG pour selectionner une Pour contr61er I’heure et la source specifiersCL Ocivtimer FRANL2AIS ~VI DEO/AUX Phones TUNING/PRESET@ Volume Bass BBE KaraokeTuning Prereglage directement +10FRAN~AIS ~ MIC 1 MIC FRAPJ~AISFRAPl~AIS Mise EN Place DE Disques Lecture ALEATOIRE/REPETEE Sks?.b’Utiliser la teiecommande On peut programmer jusqu’a 30 plages des disques en placePLAY/PAUSE Numero du Numero de la Disque reserve Plage reserveeYff Iecteur dePause PlatineSync DUB NORM/HIGH 25,26 ++-3JAppuyer sur 4 PLAY/DIR pour demarrer la lecture Mettre une cassette en placeLa lecture continue jusqu’a ce qu’on appuie sur Stop Appuyer sur REV Mode pour selectionner Ie mode d’inversion Inserer la cassette a enregistrer clans la platine’enregistrement Appuyer sur REC/REC Mute pour demarrer I’enregistrementm Iionr disparalt de I’affichage du recepteur stereoTP1 est affiche Face du premier enregistrement face a 44 EPEDIT/CHECK Face du deuxieme enegistrement face’ BRepeter I’etape 5 pour Ie reste des plages de la face a Appuyer sur REC/REC Mute pour demarrer I’enregistrementApres s’i%re assure que best affiche, repeter I’etape Prise CD Digital OUT Optical IJJ Magnetocassette GeneralitiesRecepteur Stereo Lecteur DE Disques CompactsEgaliseur Graphique GE-NM1OOO Recepteur Stereo MX-NM1OOOLecteur DE Disques Compacts DX-NM1OOO Dolby NR JPage

XR-M1000 specifications

The Aiwa XR-M1000 is an iconic mini audio system that emerged in the late 1990s, capturing the hearts of music lovers with its high-performance features and distinctive design. This compact yet powerful system caters to various audio needs, making it a popular choice for both casual listeners and audiophiles alike.

One of the standout characteristics of the XR-M1000 is its dual cassette decks, which allow users to record, play, and share their favorite music with ease. The system supports both high-speed dubbing and normal-play functions, making it convenient for creating mixtapes or preserving cherished vinyl and CD collections. The cassette decks are complemented by a CD player that can handle CD-R and CD-RW formats, offering versatility in playback options.

The XR-M1000's design is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Its sleek, compact form factor means it can fit seamlessly into any living space, while still delivering impressive sound quality. The system features a powerful amplifier that ensures clear, dynamic audio across various frequency ranges. With its enhanced sound processing technology, users can enjoy rich bass and crisp treble, catering to different music genres and personal preferences.

Aiwa has also incorporated advanced equalization features within the XR-M1000. These include programmable presets and a graphic equalizer that allows users to tailor their listening experience to their liking. The system’s audio output is further enhanced by its detachable speakers, which are designed to provide optimal sound dispersion and imaging.

Connectivity is another notable feature of the Aiwa XR-M1000. The system comes equipped with multiple inputs, including auxiliary and phono inputs, enabling users to connect additional devices like turntables, smartphones, or external audio players. This versatility extends the functionality of the audio system beyond just traditional media.

Finally, the Aiwa XR-M1000 is not only about impressive specifications but also about user convenience. An intuitive remote control allows users to operate the system from a distance, adjusting volume, track selection, and other settings with ease. This combination of innovative technology and user-friendly features has solidified the Aiwa XR-M1000’s place in the annals of audio equipment history. For those seeking a reliable and stylish mini audio system, the XR-M1000 continues to be a remarkable choice that encapsulates the essence of quality sound and great design.