Taurus Group Egypt 600 manual Programming

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Egypt 600

Egypt 900

Egypt 1200

Egypt 1500

Egypt 1800

Operation selection

-The radiator offers 2 possibilities for operation: Manual or Automatic, which are selected using then mode selector button.

Use in Manual Mode

-The appliance offers the possibility of Manualn operation, without the need for programming.n To use the appliance in Manual mode, click the Mode selector button until the Manual mode indicator appears on the screen.

-To select the set temperature, press the set temperature selector button and then use the + and

-buttons to establish the desired temperature. The appliance has a timer which can be used when it is in Manual mode.

-To activate the timer, click the programming/timer button.

-On the screen, the timer function will come

on and the clock will therefore flash. Use the + and - buttons to set the desired time within the range illustrated below and confirm by pressing the confirm/unlock keyboard button.

Once the timer has been activated, if you wish to cancel it at any time, press the programming/timer button until the timer indicator disappears from the screen. - Once the programmed time is up, the appliance will automatically go into stand-by/defrost mode.

Use in Automatic Mode

-To use the appliance in Automatic mode, click the Mode selector button until the Auto mode indicator appears on the screen.

-If it is the first time you are using it, the following factory configuration will appear:

Establishing the set temperatures

-The appliance offers the possibility of operation according to programming established depending on the day, time and operation modes: Comfort, Economy and Defrost. Before programming the appliance, you must establish the set temperature for the Comfort and Economy operation modes. To establish the set temperatures for the different modes, press the set temperature selector button.

-The first temperature to be set will be the one for Comfort mode, illustrated on the screen with a sun.

-Use the + and - buttons to establish the desired temperature and confirm by pressing the confirm/ unlock keyboard button. The range for the Comfort temperature runs from 15º to 35º.

-The second temperature to be set will be the one for Economy mode, illustrated on the screen with a moon. Use the + and - buttons to establish the desired temperature and confirm by pressing the confirm/unlock keyboard button. The range for the Economy temperature runs from 10º to 30º.


-A day (24 hours) has been divided equally into 24 segments, represented on the screen by small time fractions. Selecting an operating mode for each hour will represent a day of programming. Each hour has a set temperature assigned to it – the ones marked with a double bar represent comfort mode, with a single bar representing economy mode.

The empty hours keep the set temperature for defrost mode.



------ economy


Empty segment ------


-To establish the weekly programming, press the programming/timer button. The programming mode indicator will appear on the screen. Day 1 (Monday) will start flashing.

-Use the + and - buttons to access the day of

the week you want to programme and confirm by pressing the confirm/unlock keyboard button. The first time fraction will start flashing. Select the desired operating mode for the time fraction using the + and - buttons and confirm with the confirm/ unlock keyboard button. Repeat the same step for

Image 14
Contents Egypt Page Page Español Page Uso en Modo Manual Confort Económico AntihieloCatalà Page Page Restablir configuració original Confort Econòmic Segment buitEnglish Page Programming Page Français Page Antigel Page Deutsch Page Page Komfort Spar Tasto funzionamento/stand-by C Tasto orologio/data Page Spazio vuoto Page Descrição Interruptor Ligar/Desligar Com o aparelho Segmento vazio Restaurar Configuração Original Anomalias e reparaçãoWerkings-/ stand-byknop C Knop klok/datum Page Gebruik in Manuele Modus Keuze van het vermogenEgypt Keuze van de werkingsmodus VerdwijntComfort Economisch Retro-verlicht schermWskazówki i ostrzeżenia dotyczące bezpiecznego użytkowania Grzejnik EgyptOpis Otoczenie użycia i pracyMontaż stóp podstawy InstalacjaMontaż Zamocowania Ściennego Instrukcja obsługi UżycieStosowanie w Trybie Ręcznym Wybór mocyWybór działania Stosowanie w Trybie AutomatycznymPrzywracanie Konfiguracji Oryginalnej Podświetlany ekranBlokada klawiatury Po zakończeniu pracy z urządzeniemΠεριβάλλον εργασίας ή χρήσης Θερμοπομπός Egypt 600 Egypt 900 Egypt 1200 Egypt 1500 EgyptΠεριγραφή Ηλεκτρική ασφάλειαΣυναρμολόγηση των ποδιών βάσης ΕγκατάστασηΜοντάρισμα του Στηρίγματος Τοίχου Οδηγίες χρήσης ΧρήσηΧρήση της Αυτόματης Λειτουργίας Επιλογή λειτουργίαςΧρήση της Χειροκίνητης Λειτουργίας ΠρογραμματισμόςΜπλοκάρισμα πληκτρολογίου Φωτεινή οθόνηΣυσκευή διαθέτει μία φωτεινή οθόνη LCD για ευκολότερη χρήση Αποκατάσταση Αρχικής ΡύθμισηςРекомендации по электробезопасности Рекомендации и меры безопасностиРекомендации по установке Рекомендации по личной безопасностиМонтаж ножек L Общие рекомендацииКрепление на стену М Ввод в эксплуатациюВыбор режима настройки Установка времени на часах. Нажмите кнопку СВыбор мощности Режим настройки вручнуюБлокировка клавиш Почасовое программирование температурыЖидкокристаллический дисплей Восстановление заводских настроекDescriere Неисправности и способы их устраненияCalorifer Egypt Sfaturi şi avertismente privind siguranţaUtilizare şi îngrijire Siguranţa referitoare la componentele electriceSiguranţa personală InstalareSelectarea modalităţii de funcţionare Mod de utilizare UtilizareSelectarea puterii Folosire în modalitatea ManualăProgramare Recuperarea Configuraţiei OriginaleFixarea temperaturilor de referinţă Ecran retroiluminatЕлектрически конвектор Egypt Основни частиИзползване и поддръжка Електрическа безопасностЛична безопасност Подготовка за работаИзбор на мощност Начин на употреба УпотребаНастройка на деня и часа Избор на режим на работаКомфорт Задаване на желаната температураПрограмиране Екран с вътрешно осветлениеТози символ означава, че уредa не трябва да се покрива Stand-by By-stand Egypt Egypt Product weight aproximate Egypt 00 Kg 50 Kg 30 Kg