Saeco Coffee Makers PLUS manual Cleaning and Maintenance, Brew Group, Descaling the Machine

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Maintenance and cleaning can only be carried out when the machine is turned off and unplugged.

Do not immerse the machine in water.

Do not wash any of its parts in the dishwasher.

Do not use alcohol, solvents, and/or abrasive objects to clean the machine.

Use a soft, dampened cloth to clean the machine.

Do not dry the machine and/or its components using a microwave and/or standard oven.

(Fig. 16) - Every day, after heating the milk, remove the external part of the Pannarello (if present) and wash it with fresh drinking water.

(Fig. 17) - Clean the steam wand weekly. In order to do this, you have to:

- Remove the external part of the Pannarello (for standard cleaning);

- Remove the upper part of the Pannarello from the hot water/steam wand;

- Wash the upper part of the Pannarello with fresh drinking water;

- Wash the hot water/steam wand with a wet cloth and remove any milk residue;

- Replace the upper part in the hot water/steam wand (make sure it is completely inserted).

- Reassemble the external part of the Pannarello.

(Fig. 4) - Clean the water tank daily.

- Remove the filter in the water tank and wash it under running drinking water.

- Reposition the filter by gently pressing and turning it.

- Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water.

(Fig. 15) - Empty and clean the drip tray (8) daily; this operation must also be performed when the float (7) is raised.

(Fig. 18) - Empty and clean the dregdrawer daily.

9.1Brew Group

The brew group (13) must be cleaned at least once a week.

Turn off the machine by pressing the ON/OFF button (16) and remove the plug from the socket.

(Fig. 18 - Fig. 19) - Remove the dregdrawer (4). Open the service door (3).

(Fig. 20) - To remove the brew group (13), pull it by

the handle and press the «PUSH» button.

(Fig. 21) - Wash the brew group with lukewarm water, carefully clean the upper filter and dry.

Thoroughly clean the inside of the machine.

(Fig. 22) - Make sure that the two reference marks match up.

(Fig. 23) - Make sure that the lever is in contact with the brew group. Press the "PUSH" button to make sure that the brew group is in the correct position.

Lubricate the brew group after approximately 500 brewing cycles. The brew group lubricant may be purchased through Saeco or authorized

service centers.

(Fig.24) - Lubricate the brew group guides using the supplied lubricant.

(Fig.25-26)- Apply the lubricant evenly on both side guides.

Insert the brew group in its seat until it locks into place WITHOUT pressing the "PUSH" button.

Insert the dregdrawer and close the service door.


Limescale normally builds up with the use of the appliance. Descaling should be performed every 1-2 months, or when indicated by the machine.

Please use Saeco descaling solution in your machine. It has been specifically developed to preserve performance and functionality throughout the lifetime of the machine and to ensure, with regular

use, a high quality delivered product.

Warning! Never use vinegar as a descaling solution.

(Fig. 17) - Before descaling, remove the Pannarello (if present) from the hot water/steam wand as described in the "Cleaning and Maintenance" section.

Turn the machine on by pressing the ON/OFF button (16). Wait for the machine to complete the warm up and rinse cycles.

Mix the descaling solution with water as specified on the package of the descaling product and fill the water tank.

Image 26
Contents Xsmall Steam Xsmall Plus Type Sup 033RCongratulazioni Page Abb.6 Afb.6 Rys.6 Abb.13 Afb.13 Rys.13 Abb.29 Afb.29 Rys.29 Dati Tecnici Generalità Dati TecniciGeneralità Norme DI SicurezzaNorme DI Sicurezza Imballaggio Componenti Macchina InstallazioneInstallazione Prima accensioneSaeco Adapting System Installazione RegolazioniRegolazioni Ciclo di risciacquo/autopuliziaStand-by Regolazioni Erogazione CaffeRegolazione caffè in tazza Tazze grandiErogazione Vapore / Preparazione DEL Cappuccino Acqua Calda VaporeErogazione Acqua Calda Pulizia E Manutenzione Pulizia E ManutenzionePassaggio da vapore a caffè Gruppo caffèSmaltimento Decalcificazione SmaltimentoDecalcificazione Dalle norme vigenti nel Paese d’utilizzoSpie Pannello Comandi Spie Pannello ComandiLampeggianti in modo alternato Lampeggianti in senso antiorario ciclicamenteLampeggianti contemporaneamente Vedere nota Comportamenti Cause RimediComportamenti Cause Rimedi Important Safeguards Supply Cord Safety Regulations General Information Safety RegulationsTechnical Specifications General InformationSafety Regulations KEY to Machine Components Installation InstallationAdjustments Installation AdjustmentsRinse/Self-Cleaning Cycle Priming the Water CircuitAdjusting the Amount of Coffee Brewed Adjustments Coffee BrewingCoffee Grinder Adjustment Large CupsSteam Dispensing / Cappuccino Dispensing HOT Water Preparing a CappuccinoDispensing HOT Water Brew Group Cleaning and MaintenanceCleaning and Maintenance Descaling the MachineAnd/or the regulations in the country of use Descaling the Machine Machine DisposalMachine Disposal Not be brewed Quickly Flashing Control Panel LightsControl Panel Lights Prime the machineSlowly flashing Light Signals Causes SolutionsQuickly flashing Flashing counterclockwiseCausesSolutions Machine Actions Causes SolutionsProblems OperationTechnische Daten Allgemeines Technische DatenAllgemeines SicherheitsvorschriftenSicherheitsvorschriften Verpackung Reparaturen/WartungsarbeitenBrandschutz Vorbereitende ArbeitenAusreichende Menge Wasser vorhanden ist Installation EinstellungenSpül/ Reinigungszyklus Mahlwerkeinstellungen EinstellungenEinstellungen Einstellung der KaffeemengeAusgabe Kaffee Ausgabe Kaffee HeisswasserausgabeVerwendung von großen Tassen HeisswasserausgabeUmschaltung von Dampf auf Kaffee Zubereitung VON Cappuccino Reinigung UND WartungDAMPFAUSGABE/ZUBEREITUNG VON Cappuccino Abb Ein Gefäß unter die Dampfdüse Pannarello 10 stellenBrühgruppe Reinigung UND Wartung EntkalkungReinigung UND Wartung Abb Den Satzbehälter täglich entleeren und reinigenEntsorgung Entkalkung EntsorgungEntkalkung Vorschriften erfolgenKontrolllampen Bedienfeld Kontrolllampen BedienfeldAbwechselnd blinkend Blinkend gegen den Uhrzeigersinn zyklischGleichzeitig blinkend Vor der Ausführung dieses Vorgangs Verhalten Ursachen AbhilfenVerhalten Ursachen Abhilfen Schaltet und abgekühlt istConserver CES Instructions Précautions Données Techniques Généralités Données TechniquesGénéralités Consignes DE SécuritéConsignes DE Sécurité Emballage LES Composants DE LA Machine Mise EN PlaceMise EN Place Opérations préliminairesRéglages Mise EN Place RéglagesCycle de Rinçage / nettoyage Réglage du moulin à caféRéglage du café dans une tasse Réglages Distribution DE CaféGrandes tasses Distribution DE CaféDistribution DE Vapeur / PRÉPARA- Tion DU Cappuccino Distribution D’EAU Chaude Préparation DU CappuccinoDistribution D’EAU Chaude Avec les mainsNettoyage ET Entretien Préparation DU Cappuccino Nettoyage ET EntretienPassage de vapeur à café Groupe de distribution11 Élimination Détartrage Élimination10 Détartrage Auprès des centres d’assistance agréésVoyants DU Bandeau DE Commande Voyants DU Bandeau DE CommandeClignotantes en même temps Clignotantes alternativementComportements Causes Remèdes Comportements Causes RemèdesDatos Técnicos Información DE Carácter General Datos TécnicosInformación DE Carácter General Normas DE SeguridadNormas DE Seguridad Primer encendido Componentes DE LA Máquina InstalaciónOperaciones preliminares InstalaciónCiclo de auto-enjuague Instalación AjustesAjustes Regulación del molinillo de caféTazas grandes Ajustes Suministro DE CaféRegulación de café en taza Suministro DE CaféSuministro DE Vapor / Preparación DEL Capuchino Suministro DE Agua Caliente Preparación DEL CapuchinoSuministro DE Agua Caliente Leche fríaLimpieza Y Mantenimiento Preparación DEL Capuchino Limpieza Y MantenimientoPaso de vapor a café Grupo de caféEliminación DEL Aparato Descalcificación Eliminación DEL AparatoDescalcificación Los centros de asistencia autorizadosPilotos Luminosos DEL Panel DE Mandos Pilotos Luminosos DEL Panel DE MandosParpadeos simultáneos Parpadeos alternativosVéase nota Problemas Causas SolucionesProblemas Causas Soluciones Dados Técnicos Generalidades Dados TécnicosGeneralidades Normas DE SegurançaNormas DE Segurança Operações preliminares InstalaçãoEmbalagem Primeira utilizaçãoAjuste do moinho de café Instalação AjustesCiclo de lavagem/limpeza Introduza novamente a tampa 1 no recipiente de caféChávenas grandes Ajustes Distribuição DE CaféAjuste do café na chávena Distribuição DE CaféDistribuição DE Vapor / Preparação do Cappuccino Distribuição DE Água Quente Preparação do CappuccinoDistribuição DE Água Quente Estar frioLimpeza E Manutenção Preparação do Cappuccino Limpeza E ManutençãoPassagem de vapor para café Grupo caféDesmantelamento Descalcificação DesmantelamentoDescalcificação Atenção! Nunca utilize o vinagre como de- scalcificanteIndicadores Luminosos do Painel DE Comando Indicadores Luminosos do Painel DE ComandoPiscar em simultâneo Piscar alternadamenteSe que a máquina está desligada e fria Comportamentos Causas SoluçõesComportamentos Causas Soluções Ver obsTechnische Gegevens Algemeen Technische GegevensAlgemeen VeiligheidsvoorschriftenVeiligheidsvoorschriften Voorbereidende handelingen InstallatieVerpakking Eerste inschakelingSpoel/ Zelfreiniging -cyclus Installatie InstellingenInstellingen Koffiemolen instellenGrote bekers Instellingen KoffieafgifteInstelling hoeveelheid koffie per kopje KoffieafgifteStoomafgifte / Bereiding CAPPUCCI- no Afgifte VAN Warm Water Bereiding CappuccinoAfgifte VAN Warm Water Reiniging EN Onderhoud Bereiding Cappuccino Reiniging EN OnderhoudOvergang van stoom naar koffie Centrale koffie-unitOntkalking ServicecentraOntkalking Afvalverwerking AfvalverwerkingControlelampjes Bedieningspaneel Controlelampjes BedieningspaneelOm en om knipperend Knipperend tegen de klok in cyclischGelijktijdig knipperend En afgekoeld is Verschijnselen Oorzaken OplossingenVerschijnselen Oorzaken Oplossingen Zie opmerkingDane Techniczne Informacje Ogólne Dane TechniczneInformacje Ogólne Normy BezpieczeństwaNormy Bezpieczeństwa Operacje wstępne Postępowanie w przypadku pożaruInstalacja Pierwsze uruchomienieRegulacje Instalacja RegulacjeCykl płukania/czyszczenia Regulacja młynkaDuże filiżanki Regulacje Parzenie KawyRegulacja ilości kawy w filiżance Parzenie KawyWytwarzanie Pary / PRZYGOTOWYWA- NIE Cappuccino Nalewanie Gorącej Wody Przygotowywanie CappuccinoNalewanie Gorącej Wody Po użyciu pary przy przygotowywaniu napojuCzyszczenie I Konserwacja Przygotowywanie Cappuccino Czyszczenie I KonserwacjaPrzejście od pary do kawy Blok kawyPozbywanie SIĘ Urządzenia Odwapnianie Pozbywanie SIĘ UrządzeniaOdwapnianie Danym krajuSygnalizacje Przyczyny Rozwiązanie Kontrolki Panelu SterującegoKontrolki Panelu Sterującego Światło ciągłeŚwiatła migające naprzemiennie Napełnić zbiornik świeżą, pitną wodąZimne Zachowanie Przyczyny RozwiązanieZachowanie Przyczyny Rozwiązanie Patrz uwaga55014-2 1997 + A1 Saeco International Group S.P.AEC 2006/95, EC 2004/118 EC 1992/31, EC 1993/68 Mr. RAndrea& D CastellaniManager Mr. Andrea CastellaniCompatibilité électromagnétique CEM Norma de família de produto EN 55014-2 1997 + A1 2001 Seguridad de los aparatos electrodomésticos y análogos2001 Produktów EN 55014-2 1997 + A1 EN 55014-2 1997 + A1Kompatybiliność elektromagnetyczna EMC Saeco International Group S.p.A

PLUS specifications

Saeco Coffee Makers have long been a preferred choice for coffee enthusiasts who seek quality, convenience, and innovation in their brewing experience. Saeco, a brand known for pioneering fully automatic espresso machines, has combined advanced technologies and user-friendly features to create a range of coffee makers that elevate the art of coffee brewing at home.

One of the standout features of Saeco Coffee Makers is their intuitive interface, which allows users to customize their coffee to suit personal tastes easily. The machines typically come equipped with a user-friendly display that helps guide users through each brewing process, ensuring that even those new to coffee-making can produce barista-quality drinks effortlessly.

The brewing technology employed in Saeco machines is designed for maximum flavor extraction. The innovative brewing group is removable, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance, which helps preserve the quality of each cup. Additionally, Saeco's rapid steam technology facilitates quick transitions between brewing and frothing, meaning you can enjoy a creamy cappuccino or a rich latte without long waits.

Customization is key in Saeco Coffee Makers. Many models offer programmable options, including the strength of the coffee, temperature settings, and even the volume of each serving. This level of personalization is complemented by the inclusion of integrated milk frothers, which make it simple to prepare milk-based drinks with the perfect texture and temperature.

Saeco Coffee Makers are designed with durability and performance in mind. The ceramic grinders are built to last and ensure consistent grind quality, enhancing the flavor profile of each cup. With adjustable settings, users can easily switch between fine and coarse grinds depending on their brewing preference.

Energy efficiency is another important characteristic of Saeco machines. Many models feature an automatic shut-off function, which not only conserves energy but also adds a layer of safety for homes with children or pets. Additionally, their compact design makes them suitable for various kitchen sizes without sacrificing functionality.

In summary, Saeco Coffee Makers combine cutting-edge technology with user-centric design to create a pleasurable coffee experience. From the advanced brewing systems and customizable settings to the ease of maintenance and energy efficiency, Saeco remains a trusted choice for coffee lovers who desire both quality and convenience in their daily brews. Whether you prefer a robust espresso or a frothy cappuccino, Saeco Coffee Makers promise to deliver a perfect cup every time.