Kenmore Stainless Steel Cleaner 40083 - Perfect Solution for Refrigerator Care

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Master Protection Agreements

Congratulations on making a smart purchase, Your new Kenmore ® product is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation, But like all products, it may require preventive maintenance or repair from time to time. That's when having a Master Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.

The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the life of your new product, Here'swhat the Agreement* includes:

v' Parts and labor needed to help keep products operating properly under normal use, not just defects. Our coverage goes well beyond the product warranty. No deductibles, no functional failure excluded from coverage-- real protection.

v' Expert service by a force of more than 10,000 authorized Sears service technicians, which means someone you can trust will be working on your product.

v' Unlimited service calls and nationwide service, as often as you want us, whenever you want us,

v' "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your covered product if four or more product failures occur within twelve months,

v' Product replacement if your covered product can't be fixed.

v' Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request - no extra charge.

v' Fast help by phone - we call it Rapid Resolution - phone support from a Sears representative on all products. Think of us as a "talking owner's manual."

v' Power surge protection against electrical damage due to power fluctuations.

v' $250 Food Loss Protection annually for any food spoilage that is the result of mechanical failure of any covered refrigerator or freezer.

v' Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered product takes longer than promised.

v' 10% discount off the regular price of any non-covered repair service and related installed parts,

Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service. You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service appointment online.

The Master Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase. If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period, we will provide a full refund. Or, a prorated refund anytime after the product warranty period expires. Purchase your Master Protection Agreement today!

Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and additional information in the U.S.A. call 1-800-827-6655.

*Coverage in Canada varies on some items. For full details call Sears Canada at 1-800-361-6665.

Sears Installation Service

For Sears professional installation of home appliances, garage door openers, water heaters, and other major home items, in the U,S.A. or Canada call 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.


Replacement Parts:

To order stainless steel cleaner or replacement filters, call

1-800-4-MY-HOME ® and ask for the appropriate part number listed below or contact your authorized Kenmore dealer.

Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish:

Order Part #D22 M40083 R

Base Grille Water Filter:

Replacement Filter:

Order Part #9030 (TIRFKB1)

In Canada, Order Part #9030B (T1RFKB1)



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Department of Health Services










Certificate Number














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Rated Service Capacity:

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Ra ed Serv ce I_ ow 0 5 gpm

Do _ot use where water is microbiologieally unsafe or with water of mlknown quality, except _hat

system_ certified _r eyst reauelion may he used on disin_eted waters that ma, eontain filterable e _ts.


Image 23
Contents WI0151336A Refrigerador de dos puertas Rfrigrateur c6te & c6teKenmore Appliance Warranty Table of ContentsBefore You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer Refrigerator SafetyFailure to do so can result in death, explosion, or fire When Moving Your RefrigeratorClean Before Using Important information to know about glass shelvesTools Needed Water PreseureDoor Alignment Front Leveling AdjustabledoororutilitybinsfromdoorsTop Left Hinge Failure to do so can result in death or electrical shock Replace the Doors and HingesRemove the Handles optional Style Remove the Doors Electrical Shock HazardConnect to Refrigerator ReadalldirectionsbeforeyoubeginIsconnected,turntheicemakerOFR Connect to Water LineTwomoreturnsDonotovertighten,.capisinthehorizontalposition Complete the InstallationDs t/e Adjusting ControlsSetting Adjustment Refrigerator USELight ICEDispenser Non-Indicator Water Filter on some modelsTheDispenserLockonsomemodels Changing the Water FilterRemember Cleaning the Storage BinRemoving and Replacing the Storage Bin To Remove and Replace a Shelf/Frame Refrigerator FeaturesShelves and Shelf Frames To Remove and Replace the Dell DrawerCaWB e Rack Freezer FeaturesAdjusting the Control CrisperorVegetable/MeatDrawerCoversSnap-On Door Rails or Bins Door FeaturesTo Remove and Replace the Bins Drop-In Door Rails To Remove and Replace the RailsTo Remove and Replace the Bin Parts Hang n9 Lg To Clean Your RefrigeratorRefrigerator Care Moving Refrigerator Control Panel LightCrisper Light Upper Freezer Light on some modelsDoors will not close completely TroubleshootingMotor seems to run too much Refrigerator is noisyDoors are difficult to open Explosion Hazard Temperature is too warmThere is interior moisture buildup Water is leaking from the dispenser Water dispenser will not operate properlyIce dispenser will not operate properly Water Filter Replacement PartsBase Grille Water Filter Replacement Filter Protection AgreementsModel TIKB1/TIRFKB1 Capacity 100 Gallons 379 Liters Performance Data SheetNSF/ANSI Ndice Registro DEL Producto Garanta Limitada DE UN AiioExclusion DE Garantas IMPLiCITAS Limitacion DE Recursos Antes de tirar su refrigerador o congelador viejo Seguridad DEL RefrigeradorPeligro de Explosi6n Cbmo limpiar su refrigerador antes de usarloImportante Presibn del aguaChador Agua Bisagra superior C6mo quitar Izquierda La puerta DerechaOpcional Conexi6n De laQuite las agarraderas opcional Estilo Conexibn al refrigerador Estilo Alinee las puertasCbmo terminar la instalacibn Bulbo Tuerca provistaUSO DE SU Refrigerador El despachador de agua Controles deslizablesCbmo ajustar los controles Controles rotativosPara despachar hielo Laluz deldespachadorPara despachar agua El despachador de hieloNotas Cbmo cambiar el flltro de aguaFiltros de agua sin indicadores en algunos modelos Para encender y apagar On/Off la fibrica de hielo Usodeldespachadorsinelcartuchodelflltro de aguaCbmo quitar y volver a colocar el depbsito Limpieza del depbsitoPara quitar y volver a colocar un estante/marco Estantes deslizables en algunos modelosEstantes y marcos de los estantes Para quitar y volver a colocar el cajbn para carries friasGuia para la conservacibn de carries Co wed b deCbmo ajustar el control Para quitar y volver a colocar los cajonesXSsito Cssbe de s t Po-tsv os o po6i£b as/atcssCa,as4a o ec p e@de c@ge salon Para quitar y volver a colocar el recipiente Control del depbsito enfriador de la puertaPara quitar y volver a colocar los recipientes Para limpiar su refrigerador RefrigeradorPeligro de E×plosion Use un limpiador no inflamable Luz del panel de control del refrigerador Acabado con apariencia inoxidable Ultra SatinTM LaveAcabado de acero inoxidable Lave con una esponja limpia Luz deldespachadorMudanza Si Ud. decide apagar el refrigerador antes de irseEs dificil abrir las puertas Parece que el motor funciona excesivamenteNo quite Is terminal de conexion a tierra El hielo tiene real sabor, real olor o un color gris&ceo LaslucesnofuncionanHay acumulacibn de humedad en el interior Los cubos de hielo son huecos o pequefiosEl agua del despachador no est& Io suficientemente fria El despachador de hielo no funciona debidamenteEl despachador de agua no funciona debidamente Hay fugas de agua del despachadorFiltro de agua de la rejilla de la base Filtro de reemplazo Contratos maestros de proteccibnRefacciones Limpiador de Acero InoxidableModelo TIKBlfT1RFKB1 Capacidad de 100 galones 379 litros Hoja DE Datos DEL RendimientoNorma Table DES Matii RES Enregistrement DU Produit Garantie DES Appareils MI Nagers KenmoreGarantie Limitie DE UN AN Avant de jeter votre vieux rfrigrateur ou conglateur SI Curiti DU RI Frigi RateurRisque dexplosion Instructions DinstallationDeplacement de votre refrigrateur Nettoyage avant I utilisationOutillage Preseion de IeauRaccord du conduit CharnireSuprieure gauche Des poignesEnlever les portes Enlever les poignes facultatifRaccordement au rfrigrateur AlignerlesportesRaccordement une canalisation deau Ne pae enlever la broche de liaison a la terre Risque de choc electriqueIM Portant Utilisation DU RI Frigi RateurDistribution deau Commandes rotativesAjustement des commandes Le distributeur deauFiltre eau sans indicateur lumineux Sur certains modules Distribution de glaonsLe verrouillage du distributeur sur certains modules Risque de coupureRemarques Remplacement du filtre & eauPurge du systme deau aprs le remplacement du flltre Utilisation du distributeur sans cartouche de filtre & eauAllumer et teindre la machine i glaons Enlvement et remplacement du bac dentreposageRI Frigi Rateur Nettoyage du bac dentreposagePour retirer et replacer une tablette dans le cadre en mtal Pour enlever et rinstaller les tiroirsTablettes coulissantes sur certains modules Tablettes et cadres de tablettesGuide dentreposage des viandes Ajustement du rglageCaracti Ristiques DE LA Porte CARACTI!RISTIQUESDUPour retirer et rinstaller les pices du bac Commande du compartiment fraicheurPour retirer et rinstaller les balconnets Nettoyage du rfrigrateur Entretien DU RI Frigi RateurLampe du bac Igumes Lampe du tableau de commande du rfrigrateurDmnagement E avant esUtiliser un produit de nettoyage ininflammable DepannageLes portes ne ferment pas compltement Un fusible est-ilgrille ou un disjoncteur sest-ilGoQt, odeur ou couleur grise des glaons LesampoulesnefonctionnentpasLes gla£ons sont creux ou petits II existe une accumulation dhumidit IintrieurLeaudu distributeur nestpas assez froide Le distributeur deaune fonctionne pas correctementNettoyant et poll pour acier inoxydable Contrats DE ProtectionModUle TIKBlfTIRFKB1 Capacit 100 gallons 379 litres Feuille DE Donni ES SUR LA PerformanceNorme W10151336A LE-FOYER McSU-HOGAR