Hydraulic Oils
The oil is as important as any other part of the hydraulic system. It has been shown that 70% of all problems with hydraulics are due either to the use of unsuitable oil grades or
Contamination from outside is responsible for by far the greater part of the impurities in the oil in hydraulic systems.
Correct Oil Leaks
Cavitation from injested air can cause internal hydraulic pump and wheel motor damage. Air can enter the system anywhere there is an oil leak. Therefore it is very important that oil leaks be repaired immedately.
Keep Hydraulic Oil Clean
Dirt and other forms of contamination are the greatest enemies of hydraulic systems. Long system life and high efficiency very much depend on hydraulic oil being kept in good condition. Use only the grade of oil stated in the lubrication chart. Make sure that hydraulic oil is inspected at regular intervals and that levels are kept
Work Methods
Cleanliness is also vital for any components being removed from or fitted to a hydraulic system. However, it must be borne in mind that used components sent to a workshop will often be specially inspected and/or tested. Such components should be dispatched in the condition they were prior to removal. Otherwise, the true reason for the fault may be difficult to ascertain and testing may give false results. Furthermore, returned components that have been cleaned may mistakenly be presumed to be free from defect and sent back without the appropriate action being taken.
The following are suggested as routine steps when working on hydraulic systems:
1.Perform general cleaning as necessary.
2.Protect the point/area where the repair is to be carried out from dust and other impurities in the air. Plastic covers and the suchlike can be used.
3.Clean thoroughly using white spirit or an equivalent. It is not sufficient to clean only those parts directly affected. Places from where dirt can fall onto the work point must also be cleaned. The same applies to any tools used at the site of the intervention. Clean with a suitable brush, wipe with a rag and repeat if necessary. Finally, spray the site, hose connections, etc. with clean white spirit.
4.Fit suitable protector plugs/caps immediately after removing a hose or pipe. Components (even those being replaced), hoses, pipes, etc. should all be suitably protected.
5.If they are not exchanged for new, all old pipe connector parts must be cleaned with fresh white spirit and then blown with compressed air before refitting.
6.Maintain strict hygiene when measuring pressures. Before joining them, spray both parts of quick couplings with white spirit. Ensure that any protective plugs/caps are clean before they are used again.