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IBM 000-8697 Change Database Logging Status

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7-106 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

Change Database Logging Status

Change Database Logging Status
Thesetbtape command options are similar to those available from the
DB-Monitor Archive menu, Database option.
The -s option is required if you are adding logging to a database. The-s
option is not required if you are ending logging or changing the logging
status from buffered to unbuffered or vice versa.
Referto page 3-33for more details to consider when you execute any of these
-B directstbtape to change the status of the specified database to
buffered logging.
database isthe name of the database. The database name cannot include
a database server name.
-N directs tbtape to end logging for the specified database.
-s initiates an archive.
-U directstbtape to change the status of the specified database to
unbuffered logging.
Change Database
Logging Status
-B database

