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IBM 000-8697 manual-t Option

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7-98 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Option Descriptions
-t Option
Usethe -t option to display tblspace information for active tblspaces. You can
interpret output from this option as follows:
The number of active tblspaces, the number of available tblspaces, and the
number of available hash buckets are also listed. The maximum number of
open tblspaces is specified asTBLSPACES in the OnLine configuration file.
n is a counter of open tblspaces.
address is the address of the tblspace in the shared-memory tblspace
flgs describes the flag using the following flag bits:
0x02 Busy
ucnt is the usage count, which indicates the number of user
processes currently accessing the tblspace.
tblnum is the tblspace number expressed as a hexadecimal value. The
integer equivalent appears as the partnum value in the
systables system catalog table.
physaddr is the physical address (on disk) of thetblspace.
npages is the number of pages allocated to the tblspace.
nused is the number of used pages in the tblspace.
npdata is the number of data pages used.
nrows is the number of data rows used.
nextns is the number of (noncontiguous) extents allocated. This is not
the same as the number of times a next extent has been
allocated. (Refer topage 2-117.)

