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IBM 000-8697 - page 559

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Utilities 7-81
Use thefilename_source parameter with other option flags to derive the
requestedtbstat statistics from the shared-memory segment contained in
filename_source. This assumes you have already used thetbstat -o option to
create a file that contains a shared-memory segment.
Use theseconds parameter with the -r option flag to cause all other flags to
execute repeatedly after waiting the specified seconds between each
All output includes a header. The header takes the following form:
Version--Mode--(Checkpnt)--Up Uptime--Shd_memory_size Kbytes
filename_dest isthe destination file that will contain the copy of the shared-
memory segment.
filename_sourceis the file that tbstat will read as source for the requested
information. This file must include a previously stored
shared-memory segment.
seconds is the number of seconds between each execution of this
tbstat command.
Version isthe product version number.
Mode is the current operating mode. (Refer topage 3-6.)
(Checkpnt) is a checkpoint flag. If it is set, the header might display
twoother fields after the mode if the timing is appropriate:
(CKPT REQ) indicates that some OnLine user process
has requested a checkpoint.
(CKPT INP) indicatesthat acheckpoint isin progress.
Duringthe checkpoint, user access is lim-
ited to read only. Users cannot write or
update data until the checkpoint ends.
Uptime indicates how long the system has been running.
Shd_memory_size is the size of OnLine shared memory, expressed in kilo-

