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IBM 000-8697 Drop a Blobspace or Dbspace

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Utilities 7-75

Drop a Blobspace or Dbspace

Drop a Blobspace or Dbspace
Theblobspace or dbspace youintend to drop must be unused. It is not suffi-
cientfor the blobspace or dbspace to be empty. Execute tbcheck -pe to verify
that no table is currently storing data in the blobspace or dbspace.
Refer topage 3-91 for more details to consider when you are dropping a
blobspace. Refer topage 3-99 for more details to consider when you are
dropping a dbspace.
blobspace names the blobspace to be dropped.
-d indicatesthat either a blobspace or a dbspace is to be dropped.
dbspace names the dbspace to be dropped.
Drop a Blobspace
or Dbspace

